by DiM on Tue Dec 04, 2007 8:53 am
so i'll set-up a poll with the following 3 choices + the choice to leave it as it is.
- Code: Select all
castle +5
castle + village +2
village + resource pair + 5
castle + resource pair + 5
sanctuary +5
same fast paced action but with more incentive to expand and get resources and stuff. 1v1 will remain the same but more strategy should come in 6p games. plus by making the village + resource, castle + resource and sanctuary worth +5 it will give a chance to come back in the game to those that lost a castle and furthermore in fog games the confusion will be even higher because of the many +5 bonuses.
- Code: Select all
castle +5 (autodeploy)
castle + village +2
village + resource pair + 5
castle + resource pair + 5
sanctuary +5
same as previous version except the autodeploy should make the 1v1 less fast paced.
- Code: Select all
castle +3 (autodeploy)
castle + village +1
village + resource pair + 3
castle + resource pair + 3
sanctuary +3
same idea but lower bonuses. slow paced expansion games.
i have made another thread in general discussion to get a more ample batch of votes.
“In the beginning God said, the four-dimensional divergence of an antisymmetric, second rank tensor equals zero, and there was light, and it was good. And on the seventh day he rested.”- Michio Kaku