by Marvaddin on Sun Apr 16, 2006 11:56 am
I mean, your mountains and rivers are ugly... They could be more beautiful... another texture for the mountains, and a background for the rivers. Although many players know what the rivers are, they seem extensions of the main background, not rivers. The river between Yukon and NWT is a terrible idea. I believe a continent cant be splitted this way... If a player want conquer it, but has no countries in one part, he needs to conquer at least 3 useless countries. The continent simply becomes useless.
The number of routes is very very important, sometimes more than the border countries. Its because 2 borders countries can be connected to only one country of the neighbour continent... so those border countries count as one. Examples? Goiás and Brasília in Brazil map (if you take Tocantins, one border only), Sardinia and Sicily in Europe map (you need only take Tunisia), Hungary and Austria in the same map (you only need take Croatia), etc... So, its essential in an analysis.
I will comment the bonuses, putting the route numbers too.
Arctic Circle: 7, 2, 2... 2 armies is a ridiculous bonus after conquer 7 countries (or 10, because that river)... 3 at least. Would be better with one more border country.
Canada: 9, 7, 8... Impossible to hold. you should consider ways that can reduce the border countries to 5. How about extend a bit Ottawa and Saskat, so Ontario and Alberta could be no more borders? After these changes, bonus of 7
French Canada: 5, 3, 3... fine, bonus of 3.
Western United States: 7, 4, 5... I counted 4 border countries and you counted 6... maybe its something wrong... Fine, except for the lack of a connection to Eastern US. You should put a route between Oklahoma and Louisiana. Bonus of 4
Central United States: 10, 6, 5... again, different number of borders between us. One less border country should be good, maybe Dakota. Bonus of 6 or 7
Eastern United States: 9, 3, 6... only 3 border countries. The single problem is hold Ohio. Add that route between Louisiana and Oklahoma... Bonus of 5
Mexico: 6, 4, 4... bonus of 4 is good, I think.
The Tropics: 7, 2, 2... very easy to hold, but not that easy to conquer... 7 countries... bonus of 3. Maybe with the greater bonus you should add a route between Florida and Bahamas.
Hey, avoid perfect frontiers like California / Baja California and Arizona / Sierra Madre. It will always bring the question... "Can I attack from California to Sierra Madre? And from Baja California to Arizona? That frontier is 1 pixel to the right, so I think its possible..." Another one: Ontario / Nunavik and Ottawa / Quebec.
Dont forget about another legend, and refine some borders, like in Ohio, Nova Scotia, etc.