Conquer Club

FODagler and Dancing Dude [busted]

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FODagler and Dancing Dude [busted]

Postby JesusReigns on Sun Dec 02, 2007 8:02 pm

I might be wrong but they take turns one after the other in a freestyle game. One goes then the other goes. They also both live in Canada but that's not really what triggers my suspicion. In the game posted below they're both still in out of a 5 player game, not to include one of them will win.
Few Points:
1. Freestyle
2. One makes moves then soon after the other one makes theirs
3. They have rarely attacked each other. Only Dancing Dude has attacked FODagler 3 times. FODagler has not attacked Dancing Dude once at least when I looked (I may be blind)
4. They may be related. Which would clear them.
5. This is just for a check.
6. Here's the game
Please give me your input on what you guys think.
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Postby Frop on Sun Dec 02, 2007 8:41 pm

They didn't attack each other much, but it's kinda hard to tell whether or not they leave their borders open with only 1s covering the board.

Apart from that you've quite the balls reporting secret alliances...
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Postby JesusReigns on Sun Dec 02, 2007 8:46 pm

Yes I know. I feel bad about it. I don't get why people don't understand.
1. I apologized to everyone in the game.
2. I got my negative removed before I decided to tell the truth.
3. After I said yes I remembered it was wrong, but did what I said I would do as I can't go back on my word. But then felt convicted and told the truth.
4. I'm not the one that told the mods. I'm glad someone else did though.
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Postby king achilles on Mon Dec 03, 2007 4:48 am

FODagler and Dancing Dude are busted.
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