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Wicked abusing Mod authority [closed]

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Poll ended at Sun Dec 09, 2007 3:42 am

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Wicked abusing Mod authority [closed]

Postby Piestar on Sun Dec 02, 2007 3:42 am

I didn't see a format for reporting this kind of abuse, but I felt the need to post this anyway.

In general, Wicked seems to be pretty power hungry, but specifically she is shutting down threads for violating rules that do not exist. I am accusing her of abusing her power as a Moderator.

I have read the Forum Guidelines, and have always done my best to obey them, even requesting the removal of threads that accidentally end up in the wrong place.

The two guidelines that seem most relevant to my accusation of abuse however, are these...

These guidelines are just that – guidelines. The CC staff try to take a fairly hands off approach to moderation but will step in if you get abusive, trollish or really bloody annoying. These are simple requests, please heed them and play nice.

and this...

...please be sure to note any guideline stickies in that forum and always refer to the “Posting Basics” noted above.

In the first reference, it states that Mods will be 'fairly hands off', and step in if I get 'abusive, trollish or bloody annoying' My thread was not accused violating any of these when it was locked.

The second reference is very important, and I always try to abide by guideline stickies. In the case of the thread in question,

it was in Flame Wars, and there is no sticky there.

As such, I feel the locking was not the result of any violations, but more the result of a Mod abusing their power.

After all, Flame Wars is designed as a place for people to play around, goof off, and have fun. It is not a serious location, like the Foundry, and lots of topics have been opened there similar to mine. (NOTE: Wicked has systematically been locking most, but not all of these.)

If we are having fun, and (in my case) meeting other CC'ers to chat with, game with, and have fun flaming, in a forum designed to be open and off beat, how is a violation?

Face it, it's not.

Finally, I would like to point out to the Powers that Be, that the behavior of this Mod is upsetting quite a few members of the CC community.For evidence of that, simply search for the threads complaining about similar behavior to that listed above.

I have been a part of a few on-line communities in the past, and have even been a Mod in more then a few, but it has never, in my experience, been the responsibility of the Mods to reduce the level of enjoyment of productive, law-abiding members of the community.

I don't believe that it is supposed to be here, either.

Am I wrong?
Last edited by Piestar on Wed Dec 05, 2007 12:28 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Postby hecter on Sun Dec 02, 2007 3:49 am

It is (seemingly) common knowledge that Flame Wars is for Flaming CC related things only. Since it wasn't CC related, it should have been locked... within a day or two of it's posting. However, I don't think a well established thread should be locked unless it just gets trollish/bigoted/otherwise abusing the guidelines. Anyway, I haven't looked at that thread for a while, so I don't know if it was like that, so we'll just wait for somebody else to comment, k?
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Postby Piestar on Sun Dec 02, 2007 3:52 am

hecter wrote:It is (seemingly) common knowledge that Flame Wars is for Flaming CC related things only. Since it wasn't CC related, it should have been locked... within a day or two of it's posting. However, I don't think a well established thread should be locked unless it just gets trollish/bigoted/otherwise abusing the guidelines. Anyway, I haven't looked at that thread for a while, so I don't know if it was like that, so we'll just wait for somebody else to comment, k?

Hey Hecter... speaking of cool people I met through my thead, there is one now...

HOWEVER- Common knowledge is not a rule, or even a guideline.
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Postby Mr_Adams on Sun Dec 02, 2007 3:55 am

haven't looked at the thread, but I have had an unpleasant run in with Wicked before. she lives up to her name.
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Postby Beastly on Sun Dec 02, 2007 3:59 am

There was a sticky in flame Wars by Twill I think or Andy? but it is gone now?

you're right... a rule should be a sticky or in forum guidelines.

However some people already know the rules, and I told you that you Flame Wars is not a place to bring your problems from home. that goes in the forum, Inteeeligent stupid conveeersation. better know as club-house. and other names.

Somebody else who has been here for a while did make a thread, and knew better. Wicked is not a bad mod, she was doing her job. Her job is to go threw the threads and make sure they are within guidelines.

There is nothing in the forum guidelines or Forum Fax or Rules.

And this issue shouldn't be in Flame Wars, it should be in the General forum.
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Postby Mr_Adams on Sun Dec 02, 2007 4:00 am

your spelling sucks.
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Postby wrestler1ump on Sun Dec 02, 2007 4:08 am

If you don't like the way things are done here, find another hobby. I'm sure that won't be easy for a lot of you.
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Postby Piestar on Sun Dec 02, 2007 4:22 am

wrestler1ump wrote:If you don't like the way things are done here, find another hobby. I'm sure that won't be easy for a lot of you.

If I didn't like the way things were done here, I would, I am just questioning that this is the way things are supposed to be done here.

We are not expected to leave if we don't like multi's, and secret alliances, I feel this falls into a similar category, someone abusing the system for their own pleasure.

That being said, safe to assume you think it's correct for a Mod to lock a thread that hasn't violated any rule?
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Postby MOBAJOBG on Sun Dec 02, 2007 4:47 am

Piestar, read this.

Flame Wars
Trash your opponents here. Not for the easily offended!

Your thread in the Flame War forum was locked due to non-CC related content. It would have gone to Intelleegent Konversation forum but due to excessive flames and derogatory words being used in there hence, was locked outright.

wicked was just doing her job. Take it Ez, bro ...lightened up. Cheers! :wink: :)
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Postby wicked on Sun Dec 02, 2007 5:04 am

Thank you Moba, you got it exactly right. All forums are for CC-related topics, except for the off-topics area. Apologies if that wasn't clear. There was a big thread/sticky about it somewhere once upon a time. If you ever don't understand a mod's reason for locking something, send us a PM and we'll explain further. Believe me, it gives me no "pleasure" having to lock or move things. It would give me extreme pleasure if I never had to do any of that because everyone posted correctly. I'd way prefer to be lazy, err I mean hands off. :wink: Feel free to take it up with Twill though.
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Postby Anarkistsdream on Sun Dec 02, 2007 1:57 pm

Well what about changing the name of thread titles for her own personal amusement?

The fact is, you DO abuse your powers, Wicked...
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Postby dacush on Sun Dec 02, 2007 2:33 pm

Last edited by dacush on Sun Dec 02, 2007 2:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Anarkistsdream on Sun Dec 02, 2007 2:36 pm


virus90 wrote: I think Anarkist is a valuable asset to any game.
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Postby khellendros on Sun Dec 02, 2007 6:12 pm


now you see...that is the sort of thing that does need to be stopped...
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Postby soundout9 on Sun Dec 02, 2007 6:16 pm

khellendros wrote:
dacush wrote:mod edit

now you see...that is the sort of thing that does need to be stopped...

Let me just do this so wicked wont have too.
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Postby edwinissweet on Sun Dec 02, 2007 6:20 pm


i was going to ask how you did that since you arent a mod but then i saw wat you did
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Postby soundout9 on Sun Dec 02, 2007 6:21 pm

edwinissweet wrote::lol:

i was going to ask how you did that since you arent a mod but then i saw wat you did

Yup :wink:
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Postby MacheteJack on Mon Dec 03, 2007 10:00 pm


Yeah. It's not hard to lose a few right when THIS is what you keep out.
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Postby Twill on Mon Dec 03, 2007 10:31 pm

First off - Nice to see you again dredoggy/dacush. When are you going to give up? :roll:

Wrestler1ump et al. - if ya don't have something to add to the thread - don't try...that would be posting basic number 1 ;)

Now, to the issue at hand - Ms. Wicked, her powers and the guidelines.

First thing, and you are right - perhaps this should go in the guidelines: CC's boards (all of them) with the exception of the off-topics board are for CC related content.

Second, we aren't here to cut down on your fun but rather to keep things relevant so that everyone else can have their fun as well.

Third, if you have an issue with Wicked or any other mod or guideline, please do feel free to PM me any time with specific examples of what you think are abuses of power so I can look into is and take it up with the mod involved and you properly.

I am sorry you feel like a mod has abused their powers, I'll chat with her about it, but I do stand behind her actions. While the thread you linked was a few days old, that doesn't make it CC related. If you had just made it in the off-topics, it would have stayed. While you might not have been able to vent as colourfully in there, CC isn't necessarily about venting, even if we do have a place you can be colourful.

Do PM me if you want to continue this discussion.

Have a good one
Please don't PM me about forum stuff any more.

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Postby Mr_Adams on Mon Dec 03, 2007 10:49 pm

Twill to the rescue, should have voted for you in CC favorite, you would definatly be my 2nd vote to lack, the optimusprime.
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