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Moderators: Multi Hunters, Cheating/Abuse Team

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Postby Big Yuma Ripper on Thu Nov 29, 2007 1:27 pm

Subject line: Would you believe 10 accounts ?

These are suspected Multis :

Mystique is the Multi king ( or queen i been told )

Here are the accounts
1. captian
2. IrishFrenzy
3. Markbrochill
4. Pintsize
5. YourMomishot
6. Solider1290
7. TheWizard
8. Mahacton
9. DangerZone

Game number: Search for finished 2 player games with Mystique, she also has has several started now but not joined her new account yet so these will probably be dropped after this.

Comments: These games are all private so no problem logging in and out placing the other accounts in the games. All 9 of the other accounts have played no other 1 vs 1 games other than with Mystique. Now to team games..... this is where i caught up with her, she was a third in a game i was in...before the other 3 players (public game) joined she dropped out and put in "dangerzone" then proceded to join back on the other team. (Game 1251060) After a giving away oceania which we had i got courious since dangerzone would not respond to either of us. Then he promptly blocked me from taking South america for 2 rounds? That tipped me for sure so didnt take but a few min. to see Mystique was the culprit here. Guys and girls i urge you to look back at past games you have played aginst any of these players, you may have been had also. There are also some team games going on now that this is being used in.. I am currently sending PM's to the players on the losing team or team that will lose.

Now to the Moderators or what ever you call yourself...I suggest to you that these games all be deleted that are in progress as of now. Strip Mystique from the site or what ever but stop the bleeding that is still going on. Dont punish the remaining players in the games that are ongoing.It is obvious as has ever been, no wondering or guessing ....
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Postby cena-rules on Thu Nov 29, 2007 2:24 pm

seems like a multi. Oh and byr youre sig is too big
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Postby AK_iceman on Thu Nov 29, 2007 2:37 pm

Big Yuma Ripper wrote:Now to the Moderators or what ever you call yourself...I suggest to you that these games all be deleted that are in progress as of now.

That never happens. You'll probably lose some of your precious points, but at least you reported your suspicions. :wink:
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Postby Big Yuma Ripper on Thu Nov 29, 2007 2:50 pm

AK_iceman wrote:
Big Yuma Ripper wrote:Now to the Moderators or what ever you call yourself...I suggest to you that these games all be deleted that are in progress as of now.

That never happens. You'll probably lose some of your precious points, but at least you reported your suspicions. :wink:

Why not? Why let 14 or 15 more people suffer because of it? NO NEED for to to happen? Allowing the games to continue is allowing the players on the team with Mystique to gain points by a cheater. (ALTHOUGH THE OTHER PLAYER ARE NOT INCLUDED WITH HER) not there fault she is the one that is doing. Allowing the game to continue is allowing cheating to continue on! make it right and stop the games.... Any reason not to?
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Postby RiskTycoon on Thu Nov 29, 2007 2:52 pm

.....even if you are sabotaged the way he was? ....seems odd
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Postby Anarkistsdream on Thu Nov 29, 2007 2:53 pm

Because those are the rules, mate.

and your sig is still too big.
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Postby AK_iceman on Thu Nov 29, 2007 3:03 pm

Because the games can only be deleted manually. If they cheated to gain points, then a score reset might be part of their punishment, but the games are never deleted in the case of multis.
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Postby Big Yuma Ripper on Thu Nov 29, 2007 3:08 pm

Anarkistsdream wrote:
and your sig is still too big.

Forget the sig. i will have my computer manager RiskTycoon correct it tomorrow!

More important things at hand here!
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Postby AK_iceman on Thu Nov 29, 2007 3:10 pm

Just remove it then, before you get a warning.
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Postby krusher on Thu Nov 29, 2007 3:18 pm

Mystique you're an inspiration to all of us. :lol:
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Postby delboy01 on Thu Nov 29, 2007 5:01 pm

Big Yuma Ripper wrote:
AK_iceman wrote:
Big Yuma Ripper wrote:Now to the Moderators or what ever you call yourself...I suggest to you that these games all be deleted that are in progress as of now.

That never happens. You'll probably lose some of your precious points, but at least you reported your suspicions. :wink:

Why not? Why let 14 or 15 more people suffer because of it? NO NEED for to to happen? Allowing the games to continue is allowing the players on the team with Mystique to gain points by a cheater. (ALTHOUGH THE OTHER PLAYER ARE NOT INCLUDED WITH HER) not there fault she is the one that is doing. Allowing the game to continue is allowing cheating to continue on! make it right and stop the games.... Any reason not to?

I'm with you on this one. Why should multis be allowed to continue and thus carry on cheating?

The minimum that should happen is that all bar one of the multi accounts should have logon rights suspended immeadiately. That way they deadbeat. The excuse that they can appeal is very lame.

I had to play a 3 player against the same user (a multi).

Start a vote on it mate or do you want me to.
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Postby AK_iceman on Thu Nov 29, 2007 5:12 pm

But how do you know they're multis? Investigations take time, the Hunters can only do so much. And banning someone because of a hunch before a proper investigation took place is just ridiculous, I can't believe anyone would think that is a good idea.

Once their found guilty, they're banned. But they can buy premium for one of their accounts and get another chance to come back and play clean. If they cheat to gain points, they risk getting a score reset also.
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Postby delboy01 on Thu Nov 29, 2007 5:34 pm

AK_iceman wrote:But how do you know they're multis? Investigations take time, the Hunters can only do so much. And banning someone because of a hunch before a proper investigation took place is just ridiculous, I can't believe anyone would think that is a good idea.

Once their found guilty, they're banned. But they can buy premium for one of their accounts and get another chance to come back and play clean. If they cheat to gain points, they risk getting a score reset also.

Surely 'busted' means guilty. Therefore why should they be allowed to carry on in games when they have been found guilty.

It's like saying to a car thief 'your nicked, but you can carry on stealing that car because you have started already'!!!!!!

The way cheats are given license to carry on is the one thing that would stop me re-newing my membership. Some of those recently busted openly state in the forums that they will continue to cheat!!! One even boasts his no.1 position as cheatwith a banner on his signiture.

I have no objection to cheats being given a second chance I just fail to see why they do not have logon rights to multi logons removed immeadiately.
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Postby AK_iceman on Thu Nov 29, 2007 5:38 pm

Because sometimes the Hunters make mistakes? That's also why they have an appeal process.

Anyway, this has already been discussed and commented on. Do a forum search and find an official response.
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Postby Big Yuma Ripper on Thu Nov 29, 2007 5:49 pm

PostPosted: 29 Nov 2007 16:01 Post subject: Re: MYSTIQUE AND HER 9 ACCOUNT

I'm with you on this one. Why should multis be allowed to continue and thus carry on cheating?

The minimum that should happen is that all bar one of the multi accounts should have logon rights suspended immeadiately. That way they deadbeat. The excuse that they can appeal is very lame.

I had to play a 3 player against the same user (a multi).

Start a vote on it mate or do you want me to.[/quote]

Well delboy the only problem with making them dead beat is that it would'nt be fair to the people that are on the (always winner Mystique's) team. They are unaware of the problem and are not part of the cheating. Thus why the games should be deleted, no one gains and no one loses...simple fix.

PostPosted: 29 Nov 2007 16:38 Post subject:
Because sometimes the Hunters make mistakes? That's also why they have an appeal process.

Ak this one is a no brainer......take about 5 min to be sure of the multi's and be 100% sure. But if you need an appeal process fine...., pause the games... stop the clock on them so it dont continue? Not a big deal to do?
Dont think anybody honestly on this site would disagree with this, if so i would like to see the reason.
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Postby delboy01 on Thu Nov 29, 2007 5:55 pm

Again, I totally agree with you. I asked for the games I was involved in to deleted.
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Postby crzyblue on Thu Nov 29, 2007 6:09 pm

ok i understand you point that this is a no brainer but lets look at this hey i'm in a game where i'm losing... wait let me report you as a multi so you can get suspended and deadbeat out so i win.... yeah not fair, so the only logical fair thing is to let them keep playing
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Postby Big Yuma Ripper on Thu Nov 29, 2007 6:16 pm

crzyblue wrote:ok i understand you point that this is a no brainer but lets look at this hey i'm in a game where i'm losing... wait let me report you as a multi so you can get suspended and deadbeat out so i win.... yeah not fair, so the only logical fair thing is to let them keep playing

Like i said earlier...suspend the game, investigate then act accordingly. Believe me if you look at this one it is easy, no doubt... and like i stated in the orig. post, there are 4 new games started now, they will probably be deleted....guess what they are!

Check it out for your self, dont take my word for it. I bet if you were in one of the remaining games and you were going to lose because of this you would see it differant?
Last edited by Big Yuma Ripper on Thu Nov 29, 2007 6:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby pimphawks70 on Thu Nov 29, 2007 6:18 pm

looks suspicious to me man!
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Postby delboy01 on Thu Nov 29, 2007 6:40 pm

crzyblue wrote:ok i understand you point that this is a no brainer but lets look at this hey i'm in a game where i'm losing... wait let me report you as a multi so you can get suspended and deadbeat out so i win.... yeah not fair, so the only logical fair thing is to let them keep playing

Thats not my point at all.

I had to continue playing a multi AFTER he was busted. That is just crazy. I agree that you cannot stop a game until an investigation has been concluded and a discission made. But once busted then they should have logon rights to all except for one account suspended. It's not rocket science!!!!
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Postby khazalid on Thu Nov 29, 2007 6:54 pm

shower o bastards. ahll do yawl inichuff.

had i been wise, i would have seen that her simplicity cost her a fortune
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Postby JOHNNYROCKET24 on Thu Nov 29, 2007 9:35 pm

only takes 2 seconds to check an IP. if its the same...ban them. Of course we got the usual " we are family members" using the same IP or "account babysitting" bullshit.
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Postby wcaclimbing on Thu Nov 29, 2007 10:03 pm

Big Yuma Ripper wrote: But if you need an appeal process fine...., pause the games... stop the clock on them so it dont continue? Not a big deal to do?
Dont think anybody honestly on this site would disagree with this, if so i would like to see the reason.

I definately disagree with this.
Don't make "everyone thinks this" claims, because probably, some, if not most of the people will disagree.
I would HATE getting games paused just to check for multis.
Yes, i have around 30 active games going right now, and i see that you do also, but i still wouldnt like to be slowed down by a multi "investigation".

Multi investigations take days, if not a week or more, sometimes, on the more difficult cases.

how about an example:
ill tell a short story explaining my point:
lets say that a user named BigBadBob (i just made that name up, no offense to anyone that actually uses that name). BigBadBob is just a normal member of ConquerClub. He doesn't have a membership, so he is limited to only 4 games at a time. Now, BigBadBob doesnt know it, but a recent member that has made 8 multis has joined some of those multis in 3 of BigBadBob's games. Games being "paused" due to multi investigations would cripple BigBadBob, because those 3 games that the multis were in would get "paused" and would only leave him with one active game that is not paused. BigBadBob is angry, because the multis are messing up his games even though he had nothing to do with it.
would it really be fair to pause the games, keeping innocent members from playing?

how about a bit of math, if you are into that kind of thing.
Lets say another user named JohnDoe made 8 multis. lets assume that he made these to be able to play more than the minimum 4 games, and not for points.

JohnDoe+8 others = 9 members

lets assume also that, since he is in it for games, not more points, none of his people are in the same games.

9 members x 4 games each = 36 games

now, he likes games with a lot of people, so only joins 6 player games

36 games x 6 players = 216 players affected.

So you are saying, just to keep multis from playing, to just pause those 36 games until the multis are busted (which, as i said before, can take days to bust)? Pausing those 36 games would effect 216 people's games, and would seriously affect many of the players in there that arent premium.

You asked for a reason, and ^that^ is it.
Pausing the games is the worst idea that I have ever heard.
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Postby AK_iceman on Fri Nov 30, 2007 2:03 am

JOHNNYROCKET24 wrote:only takes 2 seconds to check an IP. if its the same...ban them. Of course we got the usual " we are family members" using the same IP or "account babysitting" bullshit.

You really have no clue how the system works, stfu and go away please.

Suspending games would be a HUGE pain in the ass. You'd have to do it manually, for every game, for every accusation. Non-premium members wouldn't be able to take turns in their games because someone in it got accused of cheating. It's just too much...
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Postby hulmey on Fri Nov 30, 2007 3:26 am

its only a game JR and rumpa. So what u lose a few points, big deal. You 2 are so good that you would get them back in a few mins anyways :wink:
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