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Map stealing?? ( grand stratergy )

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Postby reverend_kyle on Mon Aug 28, 2006 3:17 am

bryanbr wrote:
reverend_kyle wrote:Navigating around GS is slow as hell... i get frusterated..

f*ck grand strategy.. is that enough of a flame?

Come now you can do better that. Be more creative. But then from your maps I have seen you touch you don't have a creative bone in your body.

Really, not in the least bit useful.

Which navigation is slow? B/c as I listed above the most important navigation appears to be instantaneous.

BTW, The king of all slow risk sites is landgrab. The guy is loading 200 K of javascript on his login screen. Most people won't even wait for that stuff to download.

personally, I have nothing against GS... I was just trying to find this thread a home..

Second off... I have just noticed GS being slow.. from my experience landgrab is the fastest(and I will probably now get flamed), but its true.. yours is the slowest.. i quit your site because it was so slow... I managed to stay and landgrab and cc because they are fast.

I dont know where you think yours is faster but obviously its not where it matters because I've noticed nothing but sluggishness from yours.
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Postby Molacole on Mon Aug 28, 2006 5:54 am

I've also checked out grand strategy...


The main problem for me is how long it takes to load after you sign in...

Load times when you log on are awfully long and it takes a while before you can actually select which game you wish to enter after the visuals have loaded.

Another problem with speed I noticed is attacking, advancing troops, ending attacks and fortifying commands all seem to be delayed a little bit compared to CC.

If you play a 15 minute turn game and you experience a little lag it could make you miss or incomplete a turn upon getting distracted or handling a quick real life incident. Or if you create one you have to worry about refreshign the page which also happens to be very laggy.

Every time I log off the website it lags out just like it does when I log in and that gets annoying after a while...

All in all the website is just too laggy to make for relaxing play...


The good thing about it is how the "do or die" option keeps rolling for you.

The RISK II map you've added to the site looks outstanding!!! Very good work with that one.

The optional rules of stack limitations, 15 minute turns, different card rules and 8 person games create a whole new type of strategy.

Only thing holding me back from frequenting that site more is the huge aggrivation from lag...
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Postby gavin_sidhu on Mon Aug 28, 2006 6:11 am

Grand Stratergy is laggy and so is Landgrab, half the time Landgrab doesnt even load.
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Postby Molacole on Mon Aug 28, 2006 12:50 pm

I'd also like to add that this site automatically deploys your armies while lagging out the ass which makes it a complete waste of time...
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Postby Econ2000 on Mon Aug 28, 2006 1:54 pm

some of the maps r the same but the other maps they have r pretty good
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Postby bryanbr on Mon Aug 28, 2006 5:50 pm

Molacole wrote:I've also checked out grand strategy...


The main problem for me is how long it takes to load after you sign in...

Another problem with speed I noticed is attacking, advancing troops, ending attacks and fortifying commands all seem to be delayed a little bit compared to CC.

This issues will be addressed very soon.

I'm going to be implementing a server side caching filter that will take care of most of the lag after you log in.

The lag that you see when deploying, fortifying etc will be addresed by reducing the amount of data that is sent and received to the server. Right now it sends and receives the entire map.

Soon it will send and receive only the data for the countries that you deploy to, attack, etc. This will significantly reduce the lag you are seeing.
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Postby bryanbr on Mon Aug 28, 2006 5:59 pm

gavin_sidhu wrote:Grand Stratergy is laggy and so is Landgrab, half the time Landgrab doesnt even load.

Also, Grand Strategy allow you to simply click on the armies on the map to select them for deployment, attack and fortify.

That feature right there makes up for:

(1) aggravation from searching through giant lists of territoritories that you don't remember the location of (Montreal map).

(2) Tremendous waste of time spent looking through the dropdowns. In some games in CC I will just stop fortifying because I am tired of searching through the drop downs even though I know there is more useful forts that I could do.
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Postby AndyDufresne on Mon Aug 28, 2006 6:57 pm

Weren't you going to get your own forums some time? ;)

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Postby bryanbr on Tue Aug 29, 2006 10:43 am

AndyDufresne wrote:Weren't you going to get your own forums some time? ;)


Certainly, just last week we opened a GS Yahoo Group. I welcome you to post all of your GS questions there:

Or, as a moderator I recommend that you ask people to post their GS related queries there.
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