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Duck & Cover [Quenched]

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Postby Backglass on Mon Nov 26, 2007 8:52 am

oaktown wrote:I think it would look better with some additional, smaller ice masses around the main one. It would come across as ice better.

I think you are right...more like a small ice field.
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Postby yeti_c on Mon Nov 26, 2007 9:07 am

Vote ballsack...

Ice looks good Oakey...

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Postby spinwizard on Mon Nov 26, 2007 12:50 pm

2 but improved :)
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Postby Coleman on Mon Nov 26, 2007 2:05 pm

If the latest version isn't going to be in the first post could we have a page count of the last update in the title?
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Postby I GOT SERVED on Mon Nov 26, 2007 2:37 pm

I liked it best without any ice cap. It detracts my attention from the rest of the map.

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Postby oaktown on Mon Nov 26, 2007 3:13 pm

Coleman wrote:If the latest version isn't going to be in the first post could we have a page count of the last update in the title?

Actually, the latest version is in the first post - I updated it about three minutes after I made the new post. And the first thing it says below the image is to see page 15 for the alternate versions that are under discussion.

I take offense to this because of all the mapmakers in the Foundry I am probably the most consistant and consciencious about including relevant information in the first post. From day one of every map I've worked on I have included territory counts, special features, map sizes, copyright/source info, etc. Meanwhile there are maps in the Foundry that don't have one piece of required information in the first post...

Caspian Sea: No info, yet moved out of map ideas without a request for info.
Crossword 2.0: A confusing map that still doesn't have territory count or bonus descriptions after weeks in the Foundry.
Waterloo: funny that even a former CA doesn't know what is required in the first post.
Alaska: map size? territory count? nope.
Puget Sounds: Final Forged without map sizes on first post.
Civil War: Final Forged without ANY info on first post.
Netherlands: has had months to put any info whatsoever on the first post, but there's nothing.

I always abide by the following guidelines - perhaps some effort should be made to make others do the same.
Developmental Map Thread——Start a personal thread where your map can be discussed and debated in length by the members of Conquer Club. To start a new map thread, please follow these formal guidelines:

+ Subject:

<Working Title> (describes map at a glance)
+ Body:

<map image>
<# of countries>
<Comments about specific areas or general points of interest>
<Links to any visual resources used>
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Postby Coleman on Mon Nov 26, 2007 3:19 pm

It is, you're just the person I had time for first, I found your map the most interesting of what had been posted in today but I was confused as to what you considered your latest version to be. I'm going to be annoying everyone else not doing it soon. Mostly by not moving their maps until it is done.
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Postby oaktown on Mon Nov 26, 2007 5:25 pm

sure, and it's all good coleman... I know you're usually on the ball with this kind of thing, I just did a major eye-roll :roll: when I saw the earlier request.

Of course, everybody else is giving me an eye-roll right now for hijacking my own thread. :D
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Postby Coleman on Mon Nov 26, 2007 5:26 pm

No worries, I'm for improved ice btw.
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Postby oaktown on Tue Nov 27, 2007 12:52 am

So I tried it with many icebergs but it just looked cluttered on an otherwise clean map, so I kept deleting them until I was happy. You all may have won me over to the ice cap idea. I've also dropped the stroke around it.

Other changes to this version:
• Air force is two words... how did nobody catch that?
• Moved the Scand. title a bit for improve readability.
• Green shape in the legend a bit bigger.
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Postby reverend_kyle on Tue Nov 27, 2007 1:01 am

Also oaktown I included that info in the first post of when I restarted on Caspian sea.
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Postby Unit_2 on Tue Nov 27, 2007 1:09 am

i see somethings, i circled and named what they are in this:

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Postby oaktown on Tue Nov 27, 2007 2:16 am

reverend_kyle wrote:Also oaktown I included that info in the first post of when I restarted on Caspian sea.

Sorry kyle - my intention wasn't to criticize anybody else - I would do that directly in those threads if i actually thought it was important - but to point out how silly it is to get on my case for not posting the page # of the latest map in the subject line when we don't enforce any of the rules that are actually formally written down. I honestly don't care what you include or don't include in your first post, but I would like to either see standards enforced universally or not at all.

:D :D

As for Unit's catches - my eyes hurt too much right now to confirm little green lines. Good night all!
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Postby reverend_kyle on Tue Nov 27, 2007 2:19 am

oaktown wrote:
reverend_kyle wrote:Also oaktown I included that info in the first post of when I restarted on Caspian sea.

Sorry kyle - my intention wasn't to criticize anybody else - I would do that directly in those threads if i actually thought it was important - but to point out how silly it is to get on my case for not posting the page # of the latest map in the subject line when we don't enforce any of the rules that are actually formally written down. I honestly don't care what you include or don't include in your first post, but I would like to either see standards enforced universally or not at all.

:D :D

As for Unit's catches - my eyes hurt too much right now to confirm little green lines. Good night all!

No probs, wasn't offended I was just wondering. After all, I filled out the silly form in the first place just for you ;)(that part is true though). Although after re reading what i wrote it wasn't expansive and the territory count was off so I guess it is a good thing you mentioned that.

oh and also,

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Postby Lanceyboyuk on Tue Nov 27, 2007 3:34 am

at least stick it in final forge. All aside its starting to look good now well done oak
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Postby oaktown on Tue Nov 27, 2007 7:24 pm


Thanks for catching those lines Unit... the Canada border problem was all me, but the Russian border thing was weird - the same path was giving me a fill set just within the stroke, so the background color (blue or green) was showing through. Whatever. If there are more places like that let me know, as it's a relatively simple fix.
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Postby soundout9 on Tue Nov 27, 2007 10:32 pm

Looks great quench this!
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Postby yamahafazer on Thu Nov 29, 2007 6:01 am

I've been gone for a bit so sorry some of my things are a little late...

I personaly prefered the one without the ice but now its there and everyone seems agread it looks ok now....

Green lines.... I didn't achualy bother to look.... :lol:

I thought Airforce could be one word... :( aaa well.

anyway.... after this compleatly irelevent post all that's left to say is... this looks ready to me.. :)
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Postby AndyDufresne on Thu Nov 29, 2007 5:10 pm

              Final Forge

---The Duck and Cover Map has reached the ‘Final Forge’ Stage. I've revived this thread from the pits of the Foundry furnace and have exmined the contents. Nearly every major concern has been addressed. If there are any other current concerns, please make your voice heard. If after a reasonable amount of time there has not been any objection or protest, the map will be deemed finished with the 'Foundry Brand' of approval and will be submitted for live play. As long as there is still discussion or posts that have yet to be commented on, the map will remain in Final Forge until said discussion has reached the conclusion that the map has reached its final and polished version.

Post questions and concerns if any.

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Postby oaktown on Thu Nov 29, 2007 5:59 pm

:) Nice. I'm bracing myself for the flood of activity that Forge status may bring, if Puget and Civil War are any indication of how busy the Forge is these days.

By the way, the Final Forge announcement could stand some updating... "revived" suggests the map thread was dead, "discussion" can't make a conclusion but the participants in the discussion can, and I'm not sure what the hell "exmined" means but I bet it hurts. :wink:
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Postby AndyDufresne on Thu Nov 29, 2007 7:02 pm

You deal with the map, I'll deal with the wording later. ;)

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Postby oaktown on Thu Nov 29, 2007 9:15 pm

damn, for once your job sounds easier Andy! :wink:

here is the small map three times; #2 has two digit counts, #3 has three digit counts

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Postby oaktown on Thu Nov 29, 2007 9:17 pm

And here is the large map three times; #2 has 2-digit counts, #3 has 3-digit counts.
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Postby oaktown on Thu Nov 29, 2007 9:18 pm

and for you code junkies, here's the XML, updated to reflect the UK-Scandinavia attack route.
Code: Select all
<?xml version="1.0"?>
   <title>Duck and Cover</title>
      <name>North America</name>
         <component>Eastern USA</component>
         <component>Central USA</component>
         <component>Western USA</component>
         <component>Eastern USA</component>
         <component>Central USA</component>
         <component>Western USA</component>
         <component>Western Europe</component>
      <name>USSR/E. Bloc</name>
         <component>Eastern Bloc</component>
         <component>Central Russia</component>
         <component>S.E. Asia</component>
      <name>Midle East</name>
         <component>Arab States</component>
         <border>Western USA</border>
         <border>Central USA</border>

      <name>Western USA</name>
         <border>Central USA</border>

      <name>Central USA</name>
         <border>Western USA</border>
         <border>Eastern USA</border>
         <bombardment>Central Russia</bombardment>

      <name>Eastern USA</name>
         <border>Central USA</border>

         <border>Eastern USA</border>

         <border>Western USA</border>
         <border>Central USA</border>



         <border>Western Europe</border>

      <name>Western Europe</name>
         <border>Eastern Bloc</border>

         <border>Eastern USA</border>
         <border>Western Europe</border>

      <name>Eastern Bloc</name>
         <border>Western Europe</border>

         <border>Eastern Bloc</border>
         <border>Central Russia</border>

      <name>Central Russia</name>
         <bombardment>Western USA</bombardment>
         <bombardment>Central USA</bombardment>
         <bombardment>Eastern USA</bombardment>

         <border>Central Russia</border>

         <border>Central Russia</border>

         <border>S.E. Asia</border>

      <name>S.E. Asia</name>



         <border>S.E. Asia</border>

         <border>Arab States</border>

         <border>Arab States</border>
         <border>Eastern Bloc</border>

      <name>Arab States</name>

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Postby Unit_2 on Thu Nov 29, 2007 10:17 pm

Congraz on geting in final forge =D>

now why is there no army circles?
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