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Extraterrestrial life in the Milky Way Galaxy?

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Postby misscrystal on Sun Aug 27, 2006 11:36 pm

I've heard so many crazy thoeries from my dad I'm not sure which to post, but this is one of my favorites....

Imagine you're a scientist who lives on a planet where cloning native life forms is illegal.

Further imagine that some of your colleagues have discovered a planet that may be able to support some sort of lab created life form (whether or not it's got it's own life forms already). Don't you think you might be more than a little tempted to create something and turn it loose on this foreign planet just to see what would happen?

I would, but then again I'm a mad scientist....

It's fun to theorize and see where your imagination takes you.


And for the record....I do believe that there is a very real possibility that life does exsist outside of our little world.
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Postby vtmarik on Sun Aug 27, 2006 11:38 pm

Hm, well, I'd be cloning people already in a secret facility deep within some jungle like Dr. Vornoff in Bride of the Monster, but that's an interesting thought experiment. I'd definitely shoot VT 5 into space and let him flourish on another planet.
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Postby gavin_sidhu on Mon Aug 28, 2006 5:03 am

tough subject to come up with an answer.

I believe there is life on planets other than earth, but i dont think the life is as intelligent or more intelligent than humans.

I dont believe in alien UFO's because i think to travel the huge distances these aliens would have to travel in order to get to Earth, machines and such wont be able to do it, you would need something vaguely like teleporting.

Also i think that the life on other planets wont be based on an element we know. I personally discredit all we learn today about chemistry and the periodic table elements. I bet the ancient greeks thought like us, thinking all their theories were right, but as time went along, the human race found that the elements they had then (water, fire, earth, wind). The way we view the world is extremely likely to be completely incorrect, all our theories are probably wrong, but they are the best way we explain our circumstances.

Edit: rereading looks like ive went off track, anyway it was my chemistry teacher that put all these ideas into my head.
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Postby Pedronicus on Mon Aug 28, 2006 7:12 am

I'm very suprised that there aren't more UFO's captured on mobile phone cameras.

I've never been into video and stuff - But you can't get a mobile phone with a colour screen now, that doesn't have a video built in to it.

Why aren't there more UFO's being caught as we all walk around with a video in our pockets?
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Postby gavin_sidhu on Mon Aug 28, 2006 7:35 am

It seems that the majority of UFO occurences occured when the world was at a hightened alert, the cold war and WWII are prime examples. Since the 1970's its been rather quite UFO wise.
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Postby Sammy gags on Mon Aug 28, 2006 9:29 am

vtmarik wrote:
Sammy gags wrote:not likely, our galaxy is 2 small

Do you realize how big our galaxy is?

Let's put it into perspective. The distance between the Earth and the Sun is approximately 93 million miles. That distance is one Astronomical Unit (AU). A light year is 63 239.6717 AU [5,881,289,468,100 miles] Our galaxy is 100,000 light years wide and 150,000 light years long [Do the math yourself]. That's a pretty big distance.

Improbable yes, but not impossible.

that is still small compared 2 the odds of other life. & the farther u go out from pulto, the less likely there will be life, so if there is life, it is prolly in another galaxy
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Postby Event_Horizon on Mon Aug 28, 2006 11:59 am

Sammy gags wrote:& the farther u go out from pulto, the less likely there will be life, so if there is life, it is prolly in another galaxy

Thats not true. The farther you go from the sun in our solar system, the less likely there is life, but every star in the galaxy is just another sun like ours, and there is probably a bunch of planets orbiting each one, and there is at least 1 planet in every 1000 stars that is probably capable of life.

gavin_sidhu wrote:I believe there is life on planets other than earth, but i dont think the life is as intelligent or more intelligent than humans.

I dont believe in alien UFO's because i think to travel the huge distances these aliens would have to travel in order to get to Earth, machines and such wont be able to do it, you would need something vaguely like teleporting.

How can you believe they aren't as advanced as us? Human civilization as we know it began only 10,000 years ago. Alien life could have began hundreds of thousands of years ago. They could have technology that we could never imagine. Teleporting is the only method we can think of that they could use, but for all we know, they might be using some crazy dimensional warp drive that we aren't going to even think of for another hundred thousand years...

In the grand scheme of things, 10,000 years isn't a very long time at all. Alien life could be literally billions on years ahead of us! Imagine what they could be capable of....
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Postby Bozo on Mon Aug 28, 2006 12:48 pm

Yes, what could they be capable of, well blowing up a planet for one thing, even in our 'primitive society' we already have the power to destroy our planet and we have already flexed our 'atomic' mucels more than 60 years ago, so if there are aliens who are so much more advanced than us isnt it only right to preseme that the could in theary blow us all to hell without even knowing that we are here?

But i know that someone will argue that maybe these aliens are peacefull and our weapons may be greater than theres, it wouldnt matter they could eaily devolep soome kind of doomsday weapon that would kill people leave the enviroment intake and simply wait a 100 years untill our bodyies are all gone and the ecosystem recovers from mankind,I ask you if Aliens saw our tiny little rock of a planet, saw us scury around on only a third of the Earth, saw us wage war on each other, saw us maiming and killing each other pointlessly, would they or should they intervien? I believe they wouldnt because it is a lot easier to let someone beat themselves up then it is to beat someone up.

As for these people being abducted, i think 99% of them are a load of bull-shit, just as the first post in this thread said that even if a handfull of u.f.o's are aliens that is still a lot of proff of aliens, but if these aleins are so much better than us, why would they 'probe' us? couldnt they do it discritly and efficently enough that we wouldnt notice?

I will believe aliens are probing people when i get abducted and they tell me to bend over
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Postby Event_Horizon on Mon Aug 28, 2006 3:23 pm

Perhaps these aliens developed differently in different areas of technology. They could have completely mastered space travel, but might still be entirely in the dark when it comes to understanding biology.

The story I see alot of is that they survive only by cloning themselves, as they do not have reproductive organs. They have been trying for many years to produce their own but can't do it, and so they are abducting humans to try to discover the key to sexual reproduction. Weather or not this is true is a different story, but that seems to be the common explanation.
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Postby maniacmath17 on Mon Aug 28, 2006 3:28 pm

Ofcourse it's possible that aliens could be more advanced than humans. Try to picture the earth in the year 3000. You'd probaby imagine something much more advanced than our current world. By the same token, you could try to picture the earth in the year 1000 and realize how little we had in terms of technology.

Aliens could appear on either end of the spectrum depending on how soon their existance began and the rate of advancement.
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Postby Pedronicus on Mon Aug 28, 2006 6:28 pm

there are lifeforms that survive clinging to the edges of black smokers in the pacific where there's no light and the temperature is the same as boiling water.

This helps explain how the Athletes foot fungui survives living in my trainers
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Postby Event_Horizon on Mon Aug 28, 2006 6:28 pm

Exactly, its just that gavin implied that they couldn't possibly be more advanced then us.
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Postby Capt Killroy on Mon Aug 28, 2006 6:52 pm

I ALSO BELIVE that life must exist , if stars are all made up with the same elements then life should not deviate to much to where we would not recognize it. is carbon base life the only life out there ? more we ask the less we know but the the drive to find out is what makes us human . capt out
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Postby Phobia on Mon Aug 28, 2006 7:23 pm

the chances of life is very very rare, i mean if there was one slight difference to the world like being a few 1000 miles further away from the sun, it would of been a whole lot different.

but since the universe is unbelievely big, there has got to be other life, but i do not believe that any life will contact us and we will never contact them.
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Postby vtmarik on Tue Aug 29, 2006 1:02 am

If we are ever contacted by aliens, i can imagine a few reasons why they would come here:

1) They want to help advance their technology, a galactic form of 'Paying it Forward.'
2) They want our planet and what little resources it has left. This would be the type of alien invasion seen in TV shows like V.
3) They want to seal us off from spreading our primitive selves through the galaxy until we develop into more responsible lifeforms, a galactic blockade as it were.
4) They want to enslave mankind and use them as a slave race or as some kind of galactic manifest destiny, like the Farfnians in the book Cheese Runners

The likelihood of our world ever being visited by another race is incredibly remote, but it's still an intriguing possibility to ponder.
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Postby gavin_sidhu on Tue Aug 29, 2006 2:50 am

Event_Horizon wrote:Exactly, its just that gavin implied that they couldn't possibly be more advanced then us.

I said i dont think they would be more advance than us, not that it could not be possible for them to be more advanced than us.

The problem with all of this is that we are using the theories we have currently to predict future life, i dont think thats right. I think the first thing that we need to know to determine whether there is other intelligent life is how long the universe has been around and how long it took for life on Earth to occur and evolve to its current state.

And i think that if an alien race did find us, they would watch us from afar and make sure nothing disturbed us, just like the world did when they found that underground cavern which had life in it under Israeli territory.
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Postby Bozo on Tue Aug 29, 2006 9:21 am

Event_Horizon wrote:Perhaps these aliens developed differently in different areas of technology. They could have completely mastered space travel, but might still be entirely in the dark when it comes to understanding biology.

The story I see alot of is that they survive only by cloning themselves, as they do not have reproductive organs. They have been trying for many years to produce their own but can't do it, and so they are abducting humans to try to discover the key to sexual reproduction. Weather or not this is true is a different story, but that seems to be the common explanation.

By clone are you talking of in a lab cloning? or natural cloning that would be born from the 'Mother' and would require no tecnology to clone herself, (I mean like a unfertilized enbryo being born) Because if you meant that these aliens had to wait for however long it took them to develop the tecnology in all right the species would have died out long before it was able to clone.

But you may be right about how the devolped there tecnology, we as humans are fairly well rounded but that dosnt mean that another species has to be.

As a side note, if Aliens have come to our world the better have some fancy way of contaminating themselvees because if even if one person came into contact with a alien then perphapes the alien race or our race could or even both could be dommoned for extinction
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Postby hawkeye on Tue Aug 29, 2006 2:40 pm

I do believe other life exists... if in our galaxy probably micro-organisims. Though who's to say they have the form of any kind of creature we know of. They could just be big blobs.
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Postby Boxcutta on Tue Aug 29, 2006 2:52 pm

I summon jay to this thread to explain why the Bible proves there are no aliens.
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Postby vtmarik on Tue Aug 29, 2006 4:18 pm

Boxcutta wrote:I summon jay to this thread to explain why the Bible proves there are no aliens.

Have mercy Boxcutta! This is not a religions discussion, we don't need God Talk from some textbook.

Truman already came in here and acted a fool, why do we need another one?
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Postby Kenny_Smooth on Tue Aug 29, 2006 8:07 pm

if you think about it there is bound to be more life out their. The only question is where.
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Postby vtmarik on Tue Aug 29, 2006 8:11 pm

Well, the answer is simple. *points to the sky* Out there.

It's probably next to The Truth and The Answers.
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Postby Event_Horizon on Tue Aug 29, 2006 11:45 pm

I guess I didn't elaborate enough. It story I've heard is that the aliens that abduct us were a race of slaves, but they revolted against their leaders and escaped into space, and the only way they can survive is continually clone themselves over and over.

And Jay, if you read this, I am interested in your opinion, lets just try to keep God out of it as much as we possibly can.
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Postby heavycola on Wed Aug 30, 2006 6:00 am

Our corner of the universe is relatively young, which means that if civilisations have evolved elsewhere they might be millions of years further advanced than ours, that is assuming they haven't blown themselves up yet. Hopefully they got past all the religious bollocks early on.
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Postby heavycola on Wed Aug 30, 2006 6:01 am

and vtmarik i just remembered where your avatar came from. Nice work.
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