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Should people be allowed to have guns?

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Should people be allowed to have guns?

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Should people be allowed to have guns?

Postby Caleb the Cruel on Sun Aug 27, 2006 8:32 pm

Should people be allowed to have guns?
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Postby Spuzzell on Sun Aug 27, 2006 8:35 pm

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Postby strike wolf on Sun Aug 27, 2006 8:43 pm

Some people are gonna get them ilegaly if we ban em its best that the good pple of this world can have something 2 protect themselves with.
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Postby P Gizzle on Sun Aug 27, 2006 8:44 pm

i have to agree with strike wolf
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Postby UCAbears on Sun Aug 27, 2006 8:44 pm

strike wolf wrote:Some people are gonna get them ilegaly if we ban em its best that the good pple of this world can have something 2 protect themselves with.

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Postby slash1890 on Sun Aug 27, 2006 8:45 pm

We could let them be legal, but then just tax the hell out of them.
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Postby Caleb the Cruel on Sun Aug 27, 2006 8:46 pm

Blaming guns for people being killed/injured by people with guns is just like me blaming mis-spelled words on my pencil.
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Postby strike wolf on Sun Aug 27, 2006 8:48 pm

gud point besides if there were no guns they would just use an alternative weapon for killing.
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Postby Spuzzell on Sun Aug 27, 2006 9:31 pm

You're all dangerously insane.

I'm not kidding.

30,000 people a year die in the US from guns. Thats INSANE.

Hundreds of thousands more are injured. Thats INSANE.

I'm 24, so in my brief lifespan 720,000 people have died in your country from a gun. That's mind boggling. And INSANE.

Law enforcement should be armed, the armed forces should be armed, farmers and hunters should be allowed certain weapons to do their job after a strict background and psychological check.

No-one else needs to have a gun. No-one.

And don't give me the redneck survivalist shit about "Criminals will just get guns illegally! I wanna have one too. Hyuck hyuck." Every country has criminals! We have crime in England, our criminals sometimes get hold of guns, and our gunshot death statistics are tiny.

Criminals will just use other weapons? Are you serious? You think 30,000 more people will get beaten to death with a bat a year? You think the number of people smothered by pillows will rise 30,000?

Or do you think maybe once people dont happen to have a lethal weapon right there on their bedside table when Mr. Stanislowski next door plays his music too loud once too often... think they might have a chance to calm the hell down and call the police rather than running over there pissed off waving a Glock? Because he'll have one too, and then it gets ugly really fast.

You have the highest murder rate in the first world because you have the most guns, its that simple. Get rid of the guns, you idiots, the west is won.
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Postby strike wolf on Sun Aug 27, 2006 9:33 pm

strike wolf wrote:gud point besides if there were no guns they would just use an alternative weapon for killing.

Knives, swords, arrows, clubs,'d be surprised at the lengths some people will go to.
Last edited by strike wolf on Sun Aug 27, 2006 9:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby strike wolf on Sun Aug 27, 2006 9:35 pm

strike wolf wrote:Some people are gonna get them ilegaly if we ban em its best that the good pple of this world can have something 2 protect themselves with.

caleb the cruel wrote:Blaming guns for people being killed/injured by people with guns is just like me blaming mis-spelled words on my pencil.
Last edited by strike wolf on Sun Aug 27, 2006 9:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby cowshrptrn on Sun Aug 27, 2006 9:36 pm

I feel that people shoudl be allowed to ahve guns for hunting, recreation etc. but i feel if they are not liscenced to hunt, or are members of rifle ranges etc. they have no need for one. The most dangerous people are the ones who buy guns just in case they need it. Chances are they don't know proper safety, then their kid finds it and shoots himself in the face
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Postby Spuzzell on Sun Aug 27, 2006 9:43 pm

strike wolf wrote:
strike wolf wrote:gud point besides if there were no guns they would just use an alternative weapon for killing.

Knives, swords, arrows, clubs,'d be surprised at the lengths some people will go to.

Oh my god that's so retarded


Sweden doesn't have 30,000 deaths a year from knives! England doesn't lose 80 people a day to fucking swords!

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Postby jay_a2j on Sun Aug 27, 2006 9:53 pm

slash1890 wrote:We could let them be legal, but then just tax the hell out of them.

Yes, we don't wanna end up like the UK.

My question is why does a pack of cigarrettes cost $5 (do to TAXES) and it keeps going up and up. And yet I can go buy a case of beer for $10 and alcohol kills probably as many people a year as tobacco? Tax the smokers but not the drinkers?
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Postby slash1890 on Sun Aug 27, 2006 10:12 pm

My question is why does a pack of cigarrettes cost $5 (do to TAXES) and it keeps going up and up. And yet I can go buy a case of beer for $10 and alcohol kills probably as many people a year as tobacco? Tax the smokers but not the drinkers?

Get your facts straight before you post.
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Postby vtmarik on Sun Aug 27, 2006 10:17 pm

30,000 Americans die each year because Americans like to kill other Americans. Whether it be for money, power, revenge, or psychosis, Americans will kill each other with knives, guns, poison, and their cars if need be. Ban guns and the death toll won't fall too far.

As far as my opinions on guns I don't like them, i don't personally want to own one. If I ever do own a gun, my child won't find it and shoot his friend with it because unlike some idiot parents i'll actually be responsible and teach the kid about gun safety. How are your kids supposed to know what to do with a gun if you don't teach them. Pointing at them and saying "No" won't work any more than pointing at a dog and saying "Poo on the paper."

Take the guns away from the Americans and the deaths will slow down for a bit, but soon we'll be turning to swords and the toll will go back to normal. Americans are savage and brutal people, and when an American wants to kill someone, they'll do it come hell or high water. They'll do it with a bat, a knife, or a piece of construction equipment. The sheer number of ways that someone can be murdered is a good example why banning guns is hardly a solution to violence.

Sure, a gun makes killing easier, but it's no more a cause of murder than owning a car.
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Postby strike wolf on Sun Aug 27, 2006 10:26 pm

vtmarik wrote:30,000 Americans die each year because Americans like to kill other Americans. Whether it be for money, power, revenge, or psychosis, Americans will kill each other with knives, guns, poison, and their cars if need be. Ban guns and the death toll won't fall too far.

As far as my opinions on guns I don't like them, i don't personally want to own one. If I ever do own a gun, my child won't find it and shoot his friend with it because unlike some idiot parents i'll actually be responsible and teach the kid about gun safety. How are your kids supposed to know what to do with a gun if you don't teach them. Pointing at them and saying "No" won't work any more than pointing at a dog and saying "Poo on the paper."

Take the guns away from the Americans and the deaths will slow down for a bit, but soon we'll be turning to swords and the toll will go back to normal. Americans are savage and brutal people, and when an American wants to kill someone, they'll do it come hell or high water. They'll do it with a bat, a knife, or a piece of construction equipment. The sheer number of ways that someone can be murdered is a good example why banning guns is hardly a solution to violence.

Sure, a gun makes killing easier, but it's no more a cause of murder than owning a car.

see vtmarik agrees and he even put the long explanation that I didn't want to have to put down in. :wink:
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Postby Sammy gags on Sun Aug 27, 2006 10:27 pm

our country was founded on every man's right 2 own a firearm
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Postby strike wolf on Sun Aug 27, 2006 10:30 pm

Yes I think it was the 4th amendment?
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Postby vtmarik on Sun Aug 27, 2006 10:47 pm

*laughs* :lol:
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Postby misscrystal on Sun Aug 27, 2006 11:58 pm

I think it's totally acceptable to have a gun....depending on where you live.

I live in the city now, and I haven't got much use for one, but when I lived in the country it was almost a necessity.

Once you've seen a few rabid coyotes stumbling foamy mouthed across the road to your home or a mountain lion crawling into the attic space on the top of your house you might feel like you need one too.

However, I feel that a yearly firearms safety course should be a requirement for anyone who owns a gun.

....just my 2 cents
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Postby gordon1975 on Mon Aug 28, 2006 12:33 am

erm! giving evry 1 a weapon desinged 2 kill just dosnt make any sense,America wil never be able 2 get rid of there gun problem,must be some kind of cowboy complex,but if they made guns legal in my country i would move somwhere else,even though im sure the likes of Canada have guns and seem 2 be more grown up and responsible with them,
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Postby vtmarik on Mon Aug 28, 2006 1:01 am

gordon1975 wrote:erm! giving evry 1 a weapon desinged 2 kill just dosnt make any sense,America wil never be able 2 get rid of there gun problem,must be some kind of cowboy complex,but if they made guns legal in my country i would move somwhere else,even though im sure the likes of Canada have guns and seem 2 be more grown up and responsible with them,

America doesn't have a gun problem, it has a violence problem. Banning guns is no more a cure for it than required sensitivity training.

Misscrystal, I agree with you completely. I've never seen a rabid coyote, but I have seen a 4-foot long rattlesnake that crossed my path. Luckily, I was in my car.
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Postby strike wolf on Mon Aug 28, 2006 1:09 am

as far as snakes go we've got it easy the only poisonous snake that actually lives in our area is the copperhead and I don't see any of them. Plus we have plenty of king snakes (one in my back yard is about 10') around to kill them.
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Postby strike wolf on Mon Aug 28, 2006 1:10 am

and really you can get rid of guns but you can't get rid of the people who kill with them.
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