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I got a picture of a UFO today!

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Postby Caleb the Cruel on Sat Aug 26, 2006 8:48 pm

is it just me, or do these last several posts belong in callouts?
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Postby strike wolf on Sat Aug 26, 2006 8:48 pm

Who cares where they belong.
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Postby PaperPlunger on Sat Aug 26, 2006 8:54 pm

this thread got really stupid once the flaming started. In this matter there is no reason to be arguing. No one is right... yet.

I believe there COULD be aliens, but I'll never know until I have proof, but I think it's possible. For all we know there could be a section of space that is the exact size, shape and have the same planets. We'll probably never know.
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Postby thephule77 on Sun Aug 27, 2006 12:48 am

Ok you guys I was just messin' around earlier, I just wanted to see if anyone would flip a bitch. But seriously now, this is a stupid topic. We have no means of checking if anyone is correct therefore discussing it now would be usless, if you were talking about life on Mars (or anything else that we could check) then this thread would make more sense. I personally am Cathiloc therefore I beleive we were put here by God and that is that, he may have put stuff elswhere I don't know. But from a sciemtific stand point, if was possible here, then there is no reasonable argument to say that it is not possible somewhere else. The universe is huge. Those of you who think that there is only a snowball's chance in hell that life could exist elswhere are idiots, you apparently can not fathem the vastness of the universe and decide that if you can't see it, it must not be real.
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Postby thephule77 on Sun Aug 27, 2006 12:50 am

By the way, slash is a girl (she goes to my school), so yes she probably does think guys in spedos are hot.
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Postby slash1890 on Sun Aug 27, 2006 12:58 am

thephule77 wrote:By the way, slash is a girl (she goes to my school), so yes she probably does think guys in spedos are hot.

I hate you so much.
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Postby thephule77 on Sun Aug 27, 2006 2:02 am

I'm sorry I shouldn't lie. Slash is lesbian and propbably doesn't find guys in spedos attractive.
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Postby slash1890 on Sun Aug 27, 2006 2:13 am

Much better. Now apologize.
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Postby thephule77 on Sun Aug 27, 2006 2:18 am


I just realized something that I don't know if it's already been posted, I haven't read the entire thread, but Rook contradicts himself a lot. The argument is wether life on other planets is possible right? And Rook's main reasoning for why it's not possible is probability right? Even if the probability is 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 to 1, then that means it is still possible. Therefore by Rook's reasoning, life somewhere besides earth IS possible, maybe not very likely by his reasoning but still possible.

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Postby Event_Horizon on Sun Aug 27, 2006 5:06 pm

Slash is a girl? How cool is THAT?!?!!?

But seriously Rook, you completely ruined this topic with your total stupidity and complete disregard for everyone else's thoughts. We were trying to have a civil conversation and you came in with your 4 grade spelling and acted like you were a 2-year-old. Obviously your mother never gave you a tit when you were young and so you grew up to resent all people and their opinions.

Well I've got another opinion for you: Shut the f*ck up.


Now, I'm going to make a new topic with a slightly more specific subject matter, and everybody that comes in please just ignore anything Rook says. He has proved himself to not be capable of a conversation and so he should be treated as such.
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Postby foutballfreek15 on Sun Aug 27, 2006 5:09 pm

I agree look what he said about democrats and green day, but he is right about ufo's.
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Postby Cheesemore on Sun Aug 27, 2006 5:16 pm

this thread is getting way too long for it's own good, we should destroy it before it gets too powerful
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Postby strike wolf on Sun Aug 27, 2006 5:20 pm

I've tried destroying a thread that includied jay a2j before. It didn't work.
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Postby jay_a2j on Sun Aug 27, 2006 6:43 pm

strike wolf wrote:I've tried destroying a thread that includied jay a2j before. It didn't work.

LOL.... Hmmmm interesting. By the way, I stay clear of any and all threads that would limit FREEDOM OF SPEECH.

So you won't be seeing me in: Extraterrestrial life in the Milky Way Galaxy?
You nuts can drive each other crazy. :wink:
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