by GabonX on Sat Aug 26, 2006 10:08 pm
Just because you talk to each other doesn't mean you aren't the same person. It only makes sense that if a person had multiple accounts they would make a point to talk between them in games. I talk with my multi all the time. I mean...
I still suspect that you may be the same person. If you aren't thats fine, but there's nothing wrong with me trying to bust a potential cheater.
With that said, it will be a cold day in hell before I apologize to you. When you get involved in someone elses argument and accuse me of hacking you forfiet any right to an apology, and it makes it look like you are that person under the circumstances. Why would you want one anyhow? If you're seriously offended by what somebody you know through the enternet did you're an even bigger loser than I thought when I thought you were yony, which I still do.
How about we compromise on this... Instead of me apologizing to you, I'll add you to my ignore list so you don't mess up any of my games. Its like an apology, accept I feel like I win.
Man I rock.