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[Forum] Usergroup Leader Powers

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[Forum] Usergroup Leader Powers

Postby GreecePwns on Sun Oct 21, 2007 7:00 am

Concise description:
  • The leaders of User Groups and Clans should have all the moderation powers of normal Mods, but only within their hidden forum.

  • They should be able to sticky threads, unsticky threads, merge threads, delete polls, edit posts, delete posts...ect.

This will improve the following aspects of the site:
  • It will help User Group and Clan Forums be able to have more freedom and become more organized.
Chariot of Fire wrote:As for GreecePwns.....yeah, what? A massive debt. Get a job you slacker.

Viceroy wrote:[The Biblical creation story] was written in a time when there was no way to confirm this fact and is in fact a statement of the facts.
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Postby hecter on Sun Oct 21, 2007 8:34 am

I think this is a php thing that lack can't really implement...
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Postby AndyDufresne on Sun Oct 21, 2007 11:29 am

Hecter is correct. With the current version of phpBB, only "Administrators" can do certain things.

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Postby soundout9 on Sun Oct 21, 2007 11:45 am

Its still needed
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Postby gimil on Sun Oct 21, 2007 12:41 pm

AndyDufresne wrote:Hecter is correct. With the current version of phpBB, only "Administrators" can do certain things.


Isnt lack able to maniplulate the pbp code for conquerclub to suit his own needs?
What do you know about map making, bitch?

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Postby GreecePwns on Sun Oct 21, 2007 1:22 pm

Well can't the To-do list include an "After phpbb update" section?
Chariot of Fire wrote:As for GreecePwns.....yeah, what? A massive debt. Get a job you slacker.

Viceroy wrote:[The Biblical creation story] was written in a time when there was no way to confirm this fact and is in fact a statement of the facts.
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Postby hecter on Sun Oct 21, 2007 1:35 pm

I don't think he likes tampering with the forum code. He could risk bringing down that section of the site.
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Postby rebelman on Sun Oct 21, 2007 1:52 pm

One soulution to this is by having some stickies in each clan forum that includes links to all relevant thread.

Eg. in KOE I have a stickie called Training school

when you click on it it contains links to the following threads within the forum some of which are a few pages down and are difficult to find.

- mentoring programme

- doubles training sign up

- tips and techniques from high rankers

- plugins and addons for dummies

so in effect i have created a training sub forum via this stickie.
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Postby gimil on Sun Oct 21, 2007 8:09 pm

hecter wrote:I don't think he likes tampering with the forum code. He could risk bringing down that section of the site.

thats why he has the test sight
What do you know about map making, bitch?

natty_dread wrote:I was wrong

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Postby GreecePwns on Mon Oct 22, 2007 2:30 pm

GreecePwns wrote:Well can't the To-do list include an "After phpbb update" section?
Chariot of Fire wrote:As for GreecePwns.....yeah, what? A massive debt. Get a job you slacker.

Viceroy wrote:[The Biblical creation story] was written in a time when there was no way to confirm this fact and is in fact a statement of the facts.
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Postby Twill on Tue Oct 23, 2007 9:28 am

That is a MAJOR mod to the system - many have tried, many have failed.

You essentially have to re-do the entire subsystem of phpBB to allow what are, for all intents and purposes, multiple individual forums running on one database with limited admin powers for multiple users in certain spaces.

Believe me, I have wanted this hack for years, nobody can make it work for phpBB. It was done for vBulletin a few years back but was squashed because it was considered illegal due to the fact that you could run unlimited forums on one license...which holds true for phpBB as well (even though it's free)

Would love to do it. Can't.
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Postby rebelman on Tue Oct 23, 2007 9:59 am

Twill wrote:
Would love to do it. Can't.

Therefore I would strongly advise clans to follow my suggestion regarding "index stickies" that will in effect sort your forum into sub forums. For most clans these would do it:
    Challenges and tournaments


    Forum Games and Spam


    General Discussion

    Welcome messages

    Stats and records

    Training School

once any thread is formed in your forum the person managing these stickies adds a link. A similar idea to this already exists in the foundre and suggestions forum here.
Don't now why people on here don't like being cooks, remember under siege: A former SEAL, now cook, is the only person who can stop a gang of terrorists when they sieze control of a US Navy battleship.
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Sub-Forums for clan forums[Closed]

Postby Strife on Sat Nov 24, 2007 3:43 pm

<Sub-forums for Clan forums>:
Concise Idea< :?:


Suggestion Idea: Sub-forums for Clan forums.

Specifics: Clan forums have their own games and flame wars etc.

Why it is needed: For more orginized Clan Forums. ;)
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Postby spinwizard on Sat Nov 24, 2007 3:44 pm

i agree! :)
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Postby AndyDufresne on Sat Nov 24, 2007 3:52 pm

Impossible to do. Read this thread that discussed it already.

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Postby Strife on Sat Nov 24, 2007 4:25 pm

AndyDufresne wrote:Impossible to do. Read this thread that discussed it already.

ok. :(
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Postby hecter on Sat Nov 24, 2007 4:46 pm

I think it would be nice to give full mod powers to mods in their forum (delete and edit posts, basically...).
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Postby AndyDufresne on Sat Nov 24, 2007 5:11 pm

With phpBB 3.0 this may be possible, but not until then.

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Mod Powers in Sub-Forums

Postby Dancing Mustard on Thu Mar 27, 2008 10:12 am

Back in the dreamtime of phpbb2, Twill told me that the upgrade would permit usergroup leaders to have mod-powers in their clan sub-forums. Is that still the case? If so, how long till we get to weild them?
Wayne wrote:Wow, with a voice like that Dancing Mustard must get all the babes!

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Re: Mod Powers in Sub-Forums

Postby AndyDufresne on Thu Mar 27, 2008 11:46 am

Once we get most of the kinks worked out of everything, we'll start to look into more minor things, such as that. :) Hang tight, and have a banana.

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Re: Mod Powers in Sub-Forums

Postby Dancing Mustard on Mon May 12, 2008 5:32 pm

Well it's been a while, and the kinks appear to be gone. Any progress?

When do clan leaders get the ability to rule with iron fists? This is a nice easy change to make, click the buttons and make it so.
Wayne wrote:Wow, with a voice like that Dancing Mustard must get all the babes!

Garth wrote:Yeah, I bet he's totally studly and buff.
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Re: Mod Powers in Sub-Forums

Postby Optimus Prime on Mon May 12, 2008 6:07 pm

The visible kinks are gone, not so much the not so visible ones. :)
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Re: Mod Powers in Sub-Forums

Postby Dancing Mustard on Mon May 12, 2008 6:12 pm

Those kind of kinks are the least important kind.
Wayne wrote:Wow, with a voice like that Dancing Mustard must get all the babes!

Garth wrote:Yeah, I bet he's totally studly and buff.
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Re: Mod Powers in Sub-Forums

Postby hulmey on Mon May 12, 2008 6:30 pm

Arggh , andy is still eating his banana!
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Re: Mod Powers in Sub-Forums

Postby Dancing Mustard on Tue May 13, 2008 4:22 am

and I am still not eating the sweet tasting nectar of Nazi control over my sub-forum.

When will that happen?
Wayne wrote:Wow, with a voice like that Dancing Mustard must get all the babes!

Garth wrote:Yeah, I bet he's totally studly and buff.
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