... Ok.. The close proximity of these two peoples turns, LEMMIWINCKS and dylandm, is one reason to believe they are cheating. BUT, check the log, dylandm had a double turn he could have taken, but instead, 13 seconds later, LEMMIWINCKS goes, ends his turn, then dylandm goes. My RL friend asked him if they were the same person seen here:
2006-04-09 19:32:30 - dragonfly: so are you guys the same account?
2006-04-09 19:32:40 - dragonfly: as in, the same person on two accounts?
2006-04-09 19:32:47 - dylandm: yea good job LEMMIWINCKS
If anyone else finds this intriguing, I will feel not alone . Or am I just not understanding?
I also noticed something else, after i looked again, EVERY time one ended their turn, the others turn started in under 20 seconds from the last. I hope I worded that correctly... Anway, it seemed fishy that the average time in between their turns was 20 seconds.