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Can people purchase special powers?

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Can people purchase special powers?

Postby Nardbuster on Mon Nov 12, 2007 2:27 am

I have been playing for a while. I have experienced numbers appearing that are not possible. Absoultely impossible. Can I purchase those powers or are there CHEATS that allow MAGIC numbers.

I just got to know!!!

I can provide examples!!!
I think I will ..
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Maybe you can explain the magic numbers
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Postby jm_jazzman on Mon Nov 12, 2007 2:44 am

Firstly, use a proper form or nobody of any importance will help you out.

Secondly... "magic numbers"?

As far as I can see, SkeletonsofDeath (who I assume is the magician in question here) deploys the exact same amount of armies as he receives in the beginning of each turn as the result of his bonuses.

The only magic I see at work here is addition...
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Postby lord voldemort on Mon Nov 12, 2007 3:13 am

yer to get these special powers go into the forum titled flame wars and ask them for some magic powers :wink:
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Postby Genghis Khan CA on Mon Nov 12, 2007 5:43 am


PM me your bank account number and credit card details and I will send the special powers to you :roll:
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Postby hulmey on Mon Nov 12, 2007 6:19 am


Watch out the special powers are everywhere!!!!
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Postby Nardbuster on Tue Nov 13, 2007 1:43 am

Ok, so it is kept under wraps..
Sorry for asking
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Postby KoE_Sirius on Tue Nov 13, 2007 3:26 am

Genghis Khan CA wrote:Yes.

PM me your bank account number and credit card details and I will send the special powers to you :roll:

Its like a cult...just hand over all your worldly goods for special powers lol
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Postby Dodo C. Snotts on Tue Nov 13, 2007 11:21 am

I find that envelopes stuffed with large amounts of cash and mailed to the home address of the Mod team members aways helps gain those "special powers" you are so convinced exist around here. :P
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Postby moo_lol on Tue Nov 13, 2007 11:37 am

It's not a special power. It's a just hack, a program created for the purpose of cheating at the game. It's against the rules to use them, but it's almost impossible to prove that someone it using one, so people get away with it.

You don't have to "purchase" these programs, you can download them for free on several websites. I got mine at If you get yours elsewhere, just make sure you aren't getting getting any spyware or adware at the same time.. gl
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Postby lord voldemort on Tue Nov 13, 2007 11:40 am

Dodo C. Snotts wrote:I find that envelopes stuffed with large amounts of cash and mailed to the home address of the Mod team members aways helps gain those "special powers" you are so convinced exist around here. :P

or to me :wink:
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Postby mac46 on Tue Nov 13, 2007 12:38 pm

moo_lol wrote:It's not a special power. It's a just hack, a program created for the purpose of cheating at the game. It's against the rules to use them, but it's almost impossible to prove that someone it using one, so people get away with it.

You don't have to "purchase" these programs, you can download them for free on several websites. I got mine at If you get yours elsewhere, just make sure you aren't getting getting any spyware or adware at the same time.. gl

rick rolled again...
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Postby ignotus on Tue Nov 13, 2007 5:39 pm

pres Enter, then write: norseisgay, press Enter again and see your next roll (works all the time)

heavycola wrote:
Snorri1234 wrote:Man, this thread was great. A whopping 230 pages with noone changing their viewpoint.

I actually converted around page 198. Unfortunately, I converted to satanism.
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Postby SkeletonsofDeath on Tue Nov 13, 2007 6:47 pm

lol all of you lie

i am just that awsome srry so be warned everyone i have magic up my sleve and i will use it to win
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Postby wcaclimbing on Wed Nov 14, 2007 6:25 pm

I dont know about any of you guys, but I cheat the dice by hooking up a homemade flux-pulse generator (you can buy the parts for less than 10$ at the store). Its really inexpensive, but hard to prove that i was using it and gives triple 6's nearly every time.

After i built it, i plug my computer into one end, the internet into the other end of the machine, and my flux-pulse generator reverses the optical polarity of the signal, breaks it into many parts so it cant be tracked, runs each part through a seperate encryption code in my computer, and sends it off to this site. The technique used in it fools the server into thinking it just recieved triple 6 attacking dice.

Its really simple, but if they ever checked the strength of the signal coming from my computer, they would know i was up to something, because the signal coming out of the flux-pulse generator is nearly triple the power that a single computer could output. Or they might notice that it was also sending positranium ions along with the signal, but you can't detect that unless you have a diamond-sphere difractor ring to seperate it from the signal.

Other than that, there is really no way to prove what i am doing, because they dont know where i live, and even if they did, i could just hide my flux-pulse generator so they wouldnt find it.

anyway, Nardbuster, if you want some detailed online instructions on how to make this device, just PM me. I have written a good description of how to make it out on the web, but i dont want to share it with everyone, because then I wouldnt have any advantage.
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Postby graeme89 on Wed Nov 14, 2007 8:26 pm

I have a flux Capicitor which allows you to travel in time and see what other players are planning to do, then travel back and change strategy. It's attached to Delorian.
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Postby Herakilla on Wed Nov 14, 2007 8:30 pm

ugh how many times must i say this? the dice are randomly chosen by 5 monkeys in lacks basement (3 for attacking and 2 for defense) and they push one of 6 different buttons to get the die normally the attacking monkeys have a banana instead of a 1 and the defense have one instead of a 6 but if you sneak into lacks basement and swap the numbers around with the bananas and take your turn you get perfect rolls, just remember to put things back the way they were!
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Postby AAFitz on Wed Nov 14, 2007 10:27 pm

in here you cant.....hell lack wont even rig a game for himself to win.... I know this for sure

but in real life, if you spend enough money, you can have lasers fix your eyes so they see better.... thats kind of a special power...

you can buy a handglider and fly

and you can buy some cocaine, and youll be superman for 15 minutes...and then possibly die :D
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Postby Twill on Wed Nov 14, 2007 11:37 pm

Maaaaan, I TRIED to get lack to rig the dice for me when I came on as CM...sort of an incentive package ya know.

Since then my score just keeps frickin dropping. Either he screwed something up with the rigging or he's trying to teach me a lesson....couldn't have anything to do with the fact that I suck at this game....

But, that being said, if you want, give us lots of money and we will give you the magic power to, er, make your money disappear?
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Postby king achilles on Thu Nov 15, 2007 12:52 am

Herakilla wrote:ugh how many times must i say this? the dice are randomly chosen by 5 monkeys in lacks basement (3 for attacking and 2 for defense) and they push one of 6 different buttons to get the die normally the attacking monkeys have a banana instead of a 1 and the defense have one instead of a 6 but if you sneak into lacks basement and swap the numbers around with the bananas and take your turn you get perfect rolls, just remember to put things back the way they were!

I think this one says it all.
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Postby The Weird One on Thu Nov 15, 2007 12:53 am

king achilles wrote:
Herakilla wrote:ugh how many times must i say this? the dice are randomly chosen by 5 monkeys in lacks basement (3 for attacking and 2 for defense) and they push one of 6 different buttons to get the die normally the attacking monkeys have a banana instead of a 1 and the defense have one instead of a 6 but if you sneak into lacks basement and swap the numbers around with the bananas and take your turn you get perfect rolls, just remember to put things back the way they were!

I think this one says it all.
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Postby Dodo C. Snotts on Thu Nov 15, 2007 10:56 am

Since noone's said it , yet, in this thread...

Suck it up, Cupcake!!!
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Postby khellendros on Thu Nov 15, 2007 3:21 pm

Now you see...whenever you think somebody is cheating in your game all you have to do is to go to wherever they live, and KILL THEM...that'll teach them to try and cheat when playing with me...dirty little buggers...I just wanted to play a fair little game but nooooo...they had to go and cheat and now look at them...who wants to end up six feet under just to cheat on a stupid game? I'll tell you who. NOBODY...but they went and did it anyways...
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Postby cena-rules on Thu Nov 15, 2007 3:26 pm

can I get a

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Postby GreecePwns on Thu Nov 15, 2007 4:09 pm

Actually you can purchase special powers. When you eat a certain type of mushroom, you learn how to fly and talk to the Sasquash.
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Postby comic boy on Thu Nov 15, 2007 11:25 pm

I find slaughtering a goat every third Saturday works well - makes a tasty curry as well :lol:
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