wicked wrote:How about we spread the news to the CC world about this map by quenching it?
damn true
Moderator: Cartographers
wicked wrote:How about we spread the news to the CC world about this map by quenching it?
Coleman wrote:I'm still checking the xml, recent bug quenches have made me a bit anal about it, so it takes me some time.wicked wrote:How about we spread the news to the CC world about this map by quenching it?
If the xml checks out I'll recommend this to Andy.
AndyDufresne wrote:Sorry, was unexpectedly out of town this weekend. Could you post the images with the coordinates centralized (just to check), and also the text links to the small and large maps, along with the XML?
edbeard wrote:Next time have a smaller large map
Umm. Well I did it on yours by disabling all toolbars and status bars on my firefox browser to get more space (I also hid my taskbar)
But, imageshack won't let me host an image that large, so it reduces the size of it.
Also, many of your coordinates are off anyway (unless I have the wrong XML (though I got it from Coleman's post so I doubt that)) Or, your circles aren't the right size.
So, you should fix that problem first then you can worry about hosting the image.
Coleman wrote:One thing I'd recommend is making a layer in photoshop for army numbers and centering them that way, than using that image to make sure the xml is right (it'll be obvious when it isn't because the numbers won't perfectly overlap).
Tisha wrote:the armies won't center on 22...i have to go through and change them to 23..
i have read that...i guess i can sit here moving them back and forth then...DiM wrote:Tisha wrote:the armies won't center on 22...i have to go through and change them to 23..
tisha read here:
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