Killer619 wrote:yo i said Cali-California for people who dont know wat im talking about- Not Washington.
soundout9 wrote:Sir. Ricco wrote:3seven1 wrote:This is going to take for ever. How are we going to find 5 people from each state? Maybe we should go 2 or 3 per state.
I was bennging to think i need to down size.
Ya i think three per state. I mean 5x50 thats 250 people we need to sign up! My tourny im directing now has 54 i think and its almost full but it has taken a week. I dont think we can get 250 people to join... 3x50 150 thats still a lot but its more reasonable. if we cant get that then i suggest getting rid of some states.
Just a idea though
Maybe we could make it "Conquer half of the USA".

Either that or we could do an east coast vs west coast tourney.