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theosi wrote:aĀ·bort
1. To give birth prematurely or before term; miscarry.
2. To cease growth before full development or maturation.
3. To terminate an operation or procedure, as with a project, missile, airplane, or space vehicle, before completion.
1. To cause to terminate (a pregnancy) prematurely, especially before the fetus is viable.
2. To cause the expulsion of (an embryo or fetus) before it is viable.
3. To give premature birth to (an embryo or fetus).
viĀ·aĀ·ble (v-bl)adj.
1. Capable of living, developing, or germinating under favorable conditions.
2. Capable of living outside the uterus. Used of a fetus or newborn.
3. Capable of success or continuing effectiveness; practicable: a viable plan; a viable national economy. See Synonyms at possible.
Jay wroteIf you look at above defintion of ABORT you will see the common sense answer as to why she cannot be commiting an abortion but commiting Murder. The English language is a tricky thing and manipulating it to your whims only works on those that do not take the time to actually LEARN a thing or two about it! I LOVE TO READ THE DICTIONARY AND ACTUALLY KNOW WHAT I AM SAYING RATHER THAN ENDLESS SPIN AND TALK SHOW COMMENTATOR TYPE RETORHIC!:DThe fetus cannot live on its own (the mother is sustaining its life). A newborn baby cannot "sustain its own life" yet if the mother smothers it with a pillow she is charged with murder, not abortion.
BUT anyway... An open an honest DISCUSSION is always interesting. If discussing is something you are interested in here is my response:
As I said in the above post.See Smarty pants it was a question... That I do not know the answer to. I know what the answer is for me and my Wife is. this is a discussion we have had on several occasions and as INDIVIDUALS we feel very strongly about our BELIEVE on the subject. But we do not feel that our FEELINGS on the subject should be forced upon others. Every individual has there own choices to make and their own life to live... They know what they can handle or what they can't. they know wether they can give that child a life or not. they know what Genetic dispositions they may have that could make that childs life a living nightmare and could choose not to subject an innocent child to it... there are many, many, many reasons I have known people to have for aborting. Some had validity and some were extremly shallow and heartless! When you see CRACK babies born with inhuman deeformites you wonder why... when yous see babies become children to die of some horrific diesease that the parents knew they had a predipostion for. You wonder why... When you see babies born to people that NEVER WANTED THEM and beat and MOLEST and RAPE their souls.... YOU WONDER FUCKING WHY!!!. But being that fetus does not have a life without that mothers life it really does not have a life....yet.... So the mothers rights trump the fetuses....? I don't know...
TO blindly say abortion is IMMORAL AND WRONG is a BROAD STROKE of ignorance. Every situation is handled in a different way. Laws cannot be written to cover the very wide valley of reasons some people choose to end the PROBABILITY of a life. Who the hell am I to DICTATE that SUSIE with a Drug problem should bring a BRAIN DAMAGED, deformed, precious and innocent child into a life of MISERY and suffering for the, possibly, short span they may be here.
I completely understand your desire to end the irresponsible persons means of birth control. I to consider Abortion as ameans of birth control IMMORAL and wrong. But to PUNISH EVERYONE for the IMMORALITY of others is shallow, cruel and unjust.
I am not looking to be argumentative or some whacko... Just trying to show the other side of the coin. To open up that NARROW field some people (not speaking of you Jay) would like to keep the game on!
But we do not feel that our FEELINGS on the subject should be forced upon others.
PLAYER57832 wrote:Too many of those who claim they don't believe global warming are really "end-timer" Christians.
You feel the same about child molestation? Rape? Believe it or not there IS right and wrong.
heavycola wrote:You feel the same about child molestation? Rape? Believe it or not there IS right and wrong.
Jay you know full well this is rhetorical hot air. Abortion is not a black and white issue. But equating the expression of that belief with allowing paedophiles to act on theirs is disingenuous and beneath you, i would have thought.
PLAYER57832 wrote:Too many of those who claim they don't believe global warming are really "end-timer" Christians.
heavycola wrote:" I have no right to tell others what to do"
how about
"I believe that a woman has the right to make choices about her own body"
Then we get back into arguments about the viability of foetuses. Fair enough. But even that is not black and white.
i can't believe i just posted in an abortion thread. I am as bored as i have ever been.
PLAYER57832 wrote:Too many of those who claim they don't believe global warming are really "end-timer" Christians.
jay_a2j wrote:Are you saying a newborn is FULLY DEVELOPED? Why don't you look up the word murder it might say something along the lines of "ending the lifecycle of a living organisim" which could/should include abortion. Oh, and a newborn is not "viable" left on its own it would die. So this is an attempt at justification of killing.
griff wrote:I've been around the world once already, gonna go around again here soon, bush had the right idea about afganistan, the other was not. One of the main reasons there are bombs going off is because instead of gaurding munitions bunkers, we gaurded oil fields, and in dealing with the arabic culture generally the cowboy mentallity does more to offend than help, its time for a change...and yes I do vote and it wasnt for him.
PLAYER57832 wrote:Too many of those who claim they don't believe global warming are really "end-timer" Christians.
jay_a2j wrote:Then please tell e you wrote a name in. Cause if Kerry would have been president Iraq or Afghanistan probably wouldn't have happened, other US targets may have been hit and a tree would have been planted in France as a "declaration of peace" in memory of the victims of 911.
kingwaffles wrote:And what the hell is with everyone bashing France?
b-b5 wrote:kingwaffles wrote:And what the hell is with everyone bashing France?
Because they deserve it. Always have, always will. Dont ask me why, they just do
kingwaffles wrote:what's wrong with Iraq and Afghanistan not happening?
PLAYER57832 wrote:Too many of those who claim they don't believe global warming are really "end-timer" Christians.
kingwaffles wrote:Iraq was not in retalation to 9/11, don't try to spin it like that.
I guess I can understand the justification for Afghanistan, but not Iraq. Nevertheless I still stand by this quote:
"An eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind"
PLAYER57832 wrote:Too many of those who claim they don't believe global warming are really "end-timer" Christians.
cowshrptrn wrote:Bush can't think for himself either, having not vetoed a single piece of legislation except for the one that coudl save thousands, if not millions, of lives jsut so he doens't offend his misguided consituency. And by saying any dissent would be supporting enemies of democracy undermines the very core values of democracy itself
Caleb the Cruel wrote:From 2000-2005 I was 100% anti-Bush, yes back when his approval ratings were higher
I thought he stole the elections, both from Gore and Kerry
I was against him for 'letting' 9/11 happen
I was anti-Iraq from the beginning, back when everybody else was all for it
But sometime in 2005, i changed to a pro-Bush, when everybody else went from pro-Bush to anti-bush
My pendulum seems to sway, just like everybody else's, except mine swings the opposite way of the majority
Now I see Bush handling everything very well considering the tough circumstances he has been put up against
Plus I believe if we all would stop complaining and tearing Bush to pieces and making up conspiracy theories, we would be far better off
another thing is that the voters of america signed a contract with him through their votes in 2004
the voters made him their leader for another 4 years, so they should be complaining to themselves for voting for him, if they don't like him
another thing i like about him is he is against stem cell research, gay marrige, and pushed for a moderate solution to the immigration problem
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