xml: http://h1.ripway.com/rparodi/duck.xml
large map: http://i141.photobucket.com/albums/r76/ ... over24.jpg
small map: http://i141.photobucket.com/albums/r76/ ... ver24S.jpg

Issues currently being discussed
This is something I came up with while working on Berlin - 1950s Atomic Age meets Doodle Earth. Yes, this is intended to be a small map, so please take that into consideration before you flame me.

The basics:
24 territories, and I intend to keep it that way
Six bonus regions; bonus amounts make sense to me, but I'm open to discussion.
Bombardments: russian planes can bombard but not occupy red clouds/targets, american planes can bombard yellow clouds.
Large map (shown): 675 x 675.
Small map: 575x575.
The map borrows from the Duck And Cover movie from the 1950s, which is now in the public domain; it was copyrighted prior to 1964 and the copyright was never renewed, so I'm cool on the turtle artwork. The song lyrics have been rewritten to avoid copyright entanglements, and to make them CC specific.
For posterity, here's the original draft: