by Jesse710 on Fri Oct 12, 2007 5:21 pm
May the best Soldier Win!!!!
Round1: (Omaha Beach)
Game 1
1. Jesse710
2. Gozar
3. Carnifex
4. whitetrash67
Game 2
1. Atlas916 4th
2. militant 2nd
3. dragon dor 1st
4. Gnome 3rd
Game 3
1. Gilligan 4th
2. William18 3rd
3. ke666 2nd
4. trk1994 1st
-RESTART- Game 4
1. lord voldemort 2nd
2. Herakilla 4th
3. Hitmanblood 3rd
4. cecko_mk 1st
Game 5
1. AleksandarMaced. 1st
2. V.I. 4th
3. elmerfudd 2nd
4. SalvatoreLuciano 3rd
Game 6
1. PhatJoey 3rd
2. johhny-turbo 4th
3. Shino Tenshi 1st
4. Caleb the Cruel 2nd
Game 7
1. General Murdock 2nd
2. Stoney229 4th
3. Chaimpie 3rd
4. spoofer 1st
Game 8
1. St Augustine 3rd
2. Imagika 4th
3. JeF 2nd
4. pirateman 1st
Round 2: (Pearl Harbor) (Will start when round 1 is over)
1. AleksandarMaced.
2. spoofer
3. Shino Tenshi
4. pirateman
1. trk1994
2. cecko_mk
3. dragon dor
Final Round: (World War II Eastern Front)
Last edited by
Jesse710 on Thu Jan 03, 2008 10:46 am, edited 57 times in total.