heavycola wrote:So you accept the story in Genesis but can disregard the main rulebook? How?
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heavycola wrote:So you accept the story in Genesis but can disregard the main rulebook? How?
And yes, i do. It's called humanism. I put myself in the place of god because the time when humans needed to believe in him has come to an end. The idea got us through some rough times but it was only ever a survival mechanism. The humanist age is dawning. Church attendances are falling - in wonderful, enlightened europe at least - people are embracing humanism and there hasn't been a single thunderbolt.
PLAYER57832 wrote:Too many of those who claim they don't believe global warming are really "end-timer" Christians.
The entire Bible is the "main rulebook". Jesus came and fulfilled the law. IE in the OT it was "eye for an eye" in the NT "if someone strikes you on the right cheek turn to him the left also". The "story in Genesis is not LAW. Its an account of what happened.
heavycola wrote:why accept Genesis but not leviticus? if the bible is all god's word, why disregard huge chunks of it?
I accept Genesis and Leviticus. In the NT Jesus said, "You have heard eye for an eye but I tell you the truth, if someone strikes you on the right cheek turn to him the left also." Thus fulfilling the law.And i am happy spending my life living it, not waiting to be raptured up or struck down. Even if heaven exists, it would be full of godbotherers and christians. Give me hell anyday.
PLAYER57832 wrote:Too many of those who claim they don't believe global warming are really "end-timer" Christians.
heavycola wrote:You have heard eye for an eye but I tell you the truth
So he was basically calling moses a liar?
And yeah, i'll take hell. All my heroes would be down there.
PLAYER57832 wrote:Too many of those who claim they don't believe global warming are really "end-timer" Christians.
jay_a2j wrote:
Highborn would a mother of a two month old have the "choice" to kill her child? If the baby is living when it comes out of the womb why is it NOT living months , weeks or days before its born? The child in the mothers woumb is NOT her body...the child has a body of its own. And people need to stop playing God in deciding who lives and who dies.
kbchilla wrote: While the child in the mothers womb may not be her body, it is certainly her responsibility, and for so many who are not able to assume this responsibility, bringing that child into the world can result in devestating consequences for that child, and/or the mother. The more children being raised without love and guidance= the more problems for them and the society that they affect.
PLAYER57832 wrote:Too many of those who claim they don't believe global warming are really "end-timer" Christians.
qeee1 wrote:Honestly I think the real problem in society today is that a lot of peoples' lives are based around a mindless hedonism.
But... as regards it being purely getting off, that's an odd way of looking at it. As long as the act is not committed in a purely selfish fashion, then surely it amounts to more. Kids are not the be all and end all of sex.
rocksolid wrote:For the record, I do consider abortion the ending of a human life, and the morning after pill likewise
kbchilla wrote:rocksolid wrote:For the record, I do consider abortion the ending of a human life, and the morning after pill likewise
I don't understand how you can consider the morning after pill the ending of a human life, when it prevents the joining of the sperm and the egg! Do you consider all of your sperm your children?
jay_a2j wrote:You toss a kid into the dumpster you go to jail. And GIVE ME A BREAK with the " bringing that child into the world can result in devestating consequences for that child". AT LEAST ITS ALIVE! If you are "unable to assume responsibility" of having a child , DON'T GET PREGNANT! You don't KILL a child because its inconvienent for the mother! This infuriates me. The total lack of respect for preserving a childs life out of MERE CONVIENCE of the mother is sick and twisted.
carl wrote:A contraceptive pill may be a more "humane" way of avoiding children, but the pill and abortion both achieve the same ends - robbing a child of having a life. If you can't face facts and realize that you now have a child to care for, you are not responsible enough to be having sex. Ending a child's life to make your own easier is a terrible act.
PLAYER57832 wrote:Too many of those who claim they don't believe global warming are really "end-timer" Christians.
heavycola wrote:And dude, hell is not some big 'ole party
No, it doesn't exist. It was invented as a way to keep people like you in line.
PLAYER57832 wrote:Too many of those who claim they don't believe global warming are really "end-timer" Christians.
Spuzzell wrote:Caleb the Cruel wrote:Spuzzell wrote: science has provided us with the means to avoid life destroying consequences ... and I am a believing Christian.
No. Science has provided us with an easy and direct path to life destroying consequences, the baby's. Since you say you are a Christian you would know that life begins at the very moment the sperm hits the egg.
OK.. here, have a look at this.
For most of the history of the Catholic Church, its thinkers viewed immediate animation/ensoulment as impossible, and under the traditional Catholic doctrine, a male fetus became animated—infused with a soul at forty days after conception, and the female fetus became animated at eighty days after conception.
n 1588, Pope Sixtus V mandated that the penalty for abortion (or contraception) was excommunication from the Church. However, his successor, Pope Gregory IX, returned the Church to the view that abortion of an unformed embryo was not homicide. This was largely the view until 1869, when Pope Pius IX again declared that the punishment for abortion was excommunication.
So there we go. Come back to me in 100 years and tell me what, as a Christian, I should know then. Because it'll be different. Fact is, as far as Catholicism is concerned, abortion has been the womans right for almost 2000 years, and a mortal sin for just 150.
Besides, I'm Anglican. We believe in common sense.
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