by cairnswk on Sun Sep 23, 2007 11:24 am
Gimil...nice going on this one....
Spelling - a little indulgence here if i may -
"Castle can bombard territories within their kingdom"
There are several things that I noticed CC posters never get correct, and i have several typos frequently also....but
1. "to many noobs" should be "too many noobs"
2. "it is there map" should be "it is their map"
3. "your going to do that" should be "you're going to do that"
4. "there going to town" should be "they're going to town"
Is this the large or small version, I think large correct?
Whichever way, size restrictions still apply at this time unless you have special dispensation or are going to wait until the size restrictions maybe change, for this map to be FFed. As i am not going to read all 24 pages of postings, please advise me your intentions on this for this map.
Are you planning something like:
Feudal Empire 2
Feudal Empire 3
Feudal Empire 4
Feudal Empire 5
The map appears very flat at present....are u planning some updates to give the land some undulation i.e. rise and fall topography.
I can see you're not quite finished so that's all i'll comment on for now.
Good work!
Last edited by
cairnswk on Sun Sep 23, 2007 2:22 pm, edited 2 times in total.
* Pearl Harbour * Waterloo * Forbidden City * Jamaica * Pot Mosbi