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(Thread of CC Records) 1st 5's & TOP 5's

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Postby AAFitz on Wed Aug 29, 2007 8:44 am

Robinette wrote:
AAFitz wrote:....which would be nice for lack, because its the only way hes getting onto a top 5 list

1st 5 to join the site and are still active

1. Lackattack

2. Hazmaniac
3. Itrade
4. Moz976
5. Twill


Man, you didnt even let me get a day out of the joke :(
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Postby rebelman on Wed Aug 29, 2007 11:52 am

AAFitz wrote:
Robinette wrote:
AAFitz wrote:....which would be nice for lack, because its the only way hes getting onto a top 5 list

1st 5 to join the site and are still active

1. Lackattack
2. Hazmaniac
3. Itrade
4. Moz976
5. Twill


Man, you didnt even let me get a day out of the joke :(

Don't now why people on here don't like being cooks, remember under siege: A former SEAL, now cook, is the only person who can stop a gang of terrorists when they sieze control of a US Navy battleship.
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Postby RiskTycoon on Wed Aug 29, 2007 12:26 pm

that's pretty sweet Fitz, I wonder how you would actually get the #s for it though...I think it would be pretty cool to see who has been quoted the most in sigs...!
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Postby Blitzaholic on Wed Aug 29, 2007 7:24 pm

lokisgal wrote:
David_Wain wrote:Anyway to get access to the other 3 parts mate??

3 parts DW - now that sounds kinky

vicky we all know you are wains sweetheart, dont be shy about it :D
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Postby sully800 on Wed Aug 29, 2007 7:24 pm

I think AA wins the latest discussion.
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Postby Blitzaholic on Wed Aug 29, 2007 7:27 pm

AAFitz wrote:heres the ones I can remember, some paraphrased...all from memory

Player??? lackattack: my secret is to keep only 4 games going
...............aafitz: too cheap to buy the premium?

Robinette: this is so cute, Robinettes going to win a no cards game
................what the hell did you people do?

Wild Tiger: I love good dice
I hate bad dice

Mr Nate: there will always be cheaters, abusive players, bad players and worse. But we have every right to crush them

cleveridea: its not against the rules to say you will cheat

Happy: current: once I decide it will be long, I just let loose
sounds about right, lol

............former: this is so cute, its like the kids table at Thanksgiving, you kids have fun with your peekaboos

.........2 or 3 others maybe...i kind of forget help me out here H2CU
I think you may of scared her fitzy

Exile: everytime you post its like hitting the lottery of stupid statements
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Postby Blitzaholic on Wed Aug 29, 2007 7:31 pm

RiskTycoon wrote:that's pretty sweet Fitz, I wonder how you would actually get the #s for it though...I think it would be pretty cool to see who has been quoted the most in sigs...!

yep, good idea, well sully thinks aafitz would be 1, so we need the next 4 for a top 5 list, others?
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Postby Blitzaholic on Wed Aug 29, 2007 7:33 pm

Robinette wrote:
lokisgal wrote:
Blitzaholic wrote:not sure you vic or chrissy and court could handle the horsemen

so go stick to your boys :D

A stable full of geldings - there is nothing to handle.....

lol... :lol:

From wikipedia:

A male horse is often gelded to make him more well-behaved and easier to control. Gelding also removes lower quality animals from the gene pool. Horse breeders choose to leave only their best animals as stallions; lesser specimens are gelded, to improve the overall quality of the breed.

To allow only the finest animals to breed on, while preserving adequate genetic diversity, it is recommended that only a small percentage of all male horses should remain stallions. Some sources place the percentage of stallions considered unacceptable breeding stock at about 90%, while others would be more radical and state that only 0.5% should be bred. In wild herds, the 10% ratio is largely maintained, though via a different mechanism, as a single stallion usually protects and breeds a herd of up to 10 or 12 mares. There are more males than just herd stallions, but unattached male horses group together for protection in small all-male "bachelor herds", where, in the absence of mares, they tend to behave much like geldings.

your next robinette :lol:
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Postby Blitzaholic on Wed Aug 29, 2007 7:39 pm

Blitzaholic wrote:ok, these may take me a few days unless others can post some info.

these are some suggestions that a lot have mentioned and will take into account some of these, was wondering which ones you all felt were more important.

i will add what i can, trying to put in the ones that are a bit easier to research, ok

other ideas are:

top 5 most rounds-this one i am investigating and will add sometime

top 5 who created the most maps-will add if i can know more-dim, others?

top 5 + feedbacks with 0 negatives-maybe

top 5 people that been quoted in a sig-maybe

1st to 500 1 on 1 games-can be added once there is 5

1st to win 500 1 on 1 heads up?-maybe added when there is 5

some may still be up for grabs

any help would be nice, ty

or any others ideas to expand, please post, ty for your time

i like how some of you matey's are thinking :lol:

filtered some out
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Postby AAFitz on Wed Aug 29, 2007 7:42 pm

Blitzaholic wrote:Happy: current: once I decide it will be long, I just let loose
sounds about right, lol

............former: this is so cute, its like the kids table at Thanksgiving, you kids have fun with your peekaboos

.........2 or 3 others maybe...i kind of forget help me out here H2CU
I think you may of scared her fitzy

nah, she knows I strive to make sound bytes, shes just nice enough to quote them occasionally...

if im not mistaken the first two were much better though...
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Postby Blitzaholic on Wed Aug 29, 2007 7:47 pm

AAFitz wrote:
Blitzaholic wrote:Happy: current: once I decide it will be long, I just let loose
sounds about right, lol

............former: this is so cute, its like the kids table at Thanksgiving, you kids have fun with your peekaboos

.........2 or 3 others maybe...i kind of forget help me out here H2CU
I think you may of scared her fitzy

nah, she knows I strive to make sound bytes, shes just nice enough to quote them occasionally...

if im not mistaken the first two were much better though...

so top 5 people that have quoted sigs:

are you saying h2su would be in the top 5 with you fitzo?

i think nephilim may be too, he has quoted a fair amount

if so, this would make 3 and need 2 more??
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Postby lokisgal on Wed Aug 29, 2007 8:11 pm

Blitzaholic wrote:
lokisgal wrote:
David_Wain wrote:Anyway to get access to the other 3 parts mate??

3 parts DW - now that sounds kinky

vicky we all know you are wains sweetheart, dont be shy about it :D

Well you are the one he calls "Blitzy".....

Top 5 most rediculous quotes
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Postby Blitzaholic on Wed Aug 29, 2007 8:21 pm

lokisgal wrote:

Top 5 most ridiculous quotes

hmmmm this is interesting

how do we judge fairly???
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Postby Blitzaholic on Wed Aug 29, 2007 8:24 pm

lok, you, clap and h2su add robin on for more girl power?

perhaps you could be called the 4 horsewomen, lol :lol:

now dont smear your lipstick, or break a fingernail in your anger :-$
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Postby sully800 on Wed Aug 29, 2007 8:32 pm

Blitzaholic wrote:
AAFitz wrote:
Blitzaholic wrote:Happy: current: once I decide it will be long, I just let loose
sounds about right, lol

............former: this is so cute, its like the kids table at Thanksgiving, you kids have fun with your peekaboos

.........2 or 3 others maybe...i kind of forget help me out here H2CU
I think you may of scared her fitzy

nah, she knows I strive to make sound bytes, shes just nice enough to quote them occasionally...

if im not mistaken the first two were much better though...

so top 5 people that have quoted sigs:

are you saying h2su would be in the top 5 with you fitzo?

i think nephilim may be too, he has quoted a fair amount

if so, this would make 3 and need 2 more??

Blitz, I like some of the lists you have made and I think its a good idea overall. But something like "top 5 most quoted in sigs" is worthless IMO. It is unverifiable, you're simply guessing at who may be in the top 5. I know that's how you got the names in some of the other categories as well, but since this is one that really can't be checked, there doesn't seem to be a point in trying to figure it out and purport it to be fact.
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Postby Blitzaholic on Wed Aug 29, 2007 8:51 pm

sully800 wrote:
Blitzaholic wrote:
AAFitz wrote:
Blitzaholic wrote:Happy: current: once I decide it will be long, I just let loose
sounds about right, lol

............former: this is so cute, its like the kids table at Thanksgiving, you kids have fun with your peekaboos

.........2 or 3 others maybe...i kind of forget help me out here H2CU
I think you may of scared her fitzy

nah, she knows I strive to make sound bytes, shes just nice enough to quote them occasionally...

if im not mistaken the first two were much better though...

so top 5 people that have quoted sigs:

are you saying h2su would be in the top 5 with you fitzo?

i think nephilim may be too, he has quoted a fair amount

if so, this would make 3 and need 2 more??

Blitz, I like some of the lists you have made and I think its a good idea overall. But something like "top 5 most quoted in sigs" is worthless IMO. It is unverifiable, you're simply guessing at who may be in the top 5. I know that's how you got the names in some of the other categories as well, but since this is one that really can't be checked, there doesn't seem to be a point in trying to figure it out and purport it to be fact.

ty sully

well i did above say maybe to it, lol and i used a ? mark and the words i think and if so, lol, so wasn't counting the top 5 sigs as facts, just thoughts until i get more info :D so may not happen, and i would agree with you.

now help a brother out with some other ideas :lol:
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Postby Blitzaholic on Wed Aug 29, 2007 8:53 pm

Blitzaholic wrote:ok, these may take me a few days unless others can post some info.

these are some suggestions that a lot have mentioned and will take into account some of these, was wondering which ones you all felt were more important.

i will add what i can, trying to put in the ones that are a bit easier to research, ok

other ideas are:

top 5 most rounds-this one i am investigating and will add sometime

top 5 who created the most maps-will add if i can know more-dim, others?

top 5 + feedbacks with 0 negatives-maybe

top 5 people that been quoted in a sig-maybe

1st to 500 1 on 1 games-can be added once there is 5

1st to win 500 1 on 1 heads up?-maybe added when there is 5

some may still be up for grabs

any help would be nice, ty

or any others ideas to expand, please post, ty for your time

i like how some of you matey's are thinking :lol:

sully my friend

here is where i said maybe, and doubt i will, also found on previous page
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Postby gibbom on Thu Aug 30, 2007 3:40 am

sully800 wrote:Blitz, I like some of the lists you have made and I think its a good idea overall. But something like "top 5 most quoted in sigs" is worthless IMO. It is unverifiable, you're simply guessing at who may be in the top 5. I know that's how you got the names in some of the other categories as well, but since this is one that really can't be checked, there doesn't seem to be a point in trying to figure it out and purport it to be fact.

Plus, people might set up multis to quote them in their sigs and get to the top of the list :wink:
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Postby Robinette on Thu Aug 30, 2007 9:07 am

How about:

1st 5 Battle Royale winners


Top 5 most points from a single game
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Postby maniacmath17 on Thu Aug 30, 2007 12:21 pm

Top 5 Ranks achieved by a singles player? I've gotten 1st and I know both Comic and Nuke were 2nd at one point. Not sure how high up the others got, but im sure Robin can at least tell you her highest rank :wink:
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Postby RiskTycoon on Thu Aug 30, 2007 12:32 pm

I knew there was no way to really find it out exactly...... :lol: too bad! That was my big challenge and I knew no one could do it! :wink:
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Postby sully800 on Thu Aug 30, 2007 2:17 pm

Blitzaholic wrote:ty sully

well i did above say maybe to it, lol and i used a ? mark and the words i think and if so, lol, so wasn't counting the top 5 sigs as facts, just thoughts until i get more info :D so may not happen, and i would agree with you.

now help a brother out with some other ideas :lol:

Right, I know you weren't set on the idea, I just didn't think it was a good one either.

I'd like to think of more ideas, and I've tried but so far I have nothing for you :(
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Postby clapper011 on Thu Aug 30, 2007 2:18 pm

lokisgal wrote:
khazalid wrote:alright ladies. ive been in communion with the ghost of freud regarding your inexplicable bravado. im reliably informed that subconsciously youre all looking for what all women truly desire - a good hard spanking. this is the basis for your posturing and misplaced triumph, namely to maximise your embarassment and shame (and therefore pleasure) when you are duly handed the aforementioned spanking. being the kind soul that i am, i have reluctantly agreed to allay my misgivings and proceed to meet out your badly, badly wanted punishments. your cries of 'nooo' will serve only to increase my arousal, determination and cruelty. *mwah*

Frueds theories remain controversial and disputed by numerous critics, among them one who called him the "creator of a complex pseudo-science which should be recognized as one of the great follies of Western civilisation (quoted from wikapedea)
So me thinks that deep in your subconscience it is you not us who want and need the spanking - i hear Blitz is going to be first in line, Khazalid was I right in hearing you wanted to be second? And yes Blitz and Buttercup a cigar is ALWAYS a cigar

no actually DW was the first in line remember?..lmao
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Postby clapper011 on Thu Aug 30, 2007 2:29 pm

Blitzaholic wrote:lok, you, clap and h2su add robin on for more girl power?

perhaps you could be called the 4 horsewomen, lol :lol:

now dont smear your lipstick, or break a fingernail in your anger :-$

oh michael can I have my lipstick back? ;)
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Postby gibbom on Thu Aug 30, 2007 4:29 pm

Robinette wrote:How about:

1st 5 Battle Royale winners


Top 5 most points from a single game

This sounds like a great idea :lol:

Maybe I'll start my own thread on it :wink:

But they've only been 4 BR's so far haven't they?
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