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(Thread of CC Records) 1st 5's & TOP 5's

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Postby Blitzaholic on Tue Aug 28, 2007 1:52 pm

comic boy wrote:So much girlie talk :D
New Comic high 3598


wow, awesome comic blast

next stop 3600

then 3831 for # 1 currently :?:

\:D/ =D> :mrgreen:
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Postby Nephilim on Tue Aug 28, 2007 2:03 pm

khazalid wrote:alright ladies. ive been in communion with the ghost of freud regarding your inexplicable bravado. im reliably informed that subconsciously youre all looking for what all women truly desire - a good hard spanking. this is the basis for your posturing and misplaced triumph, namely to maximise your embarassment and shame (and therefore pleasure) when you are duly handed the aforementioned spanking. being the kind soul that i am, i have reluctantly agreed to allay my misgivings and proceed to meet out your badly, badly wanted punishments. your cries of 'nooo' will serve only to increase my arousal, determination and cruelty. *mwah*

best post ever
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Postby RiskTycoon on Tue Aug 28, 2007 2:12 pm

khazalid wrote:alright ladies. I've been in communion with the ghost of Freud regarding your inexplicable bravado. I'm reliably informed that subconsciously you're all looking for what all women truly desire - a good hard spanking. this is the basis for your posturing and misplaced triumph, namely to maximize your embarrassment and shame (and therefore pleasure) when you are duly handed the aforementioned spanking. being the kind soul that i am, i have reluctantly agreed to allay my misgivings and proceed to meet out your badly, badly wanted punishments. your cries of 'nooo' will serve only to increase my arousal, determination and cruelty. *mwah*

not only the best post ever! but also refreshing after reading all that insipid and ignorant flame wars crap lol

Top 5 people that have been quoted in a sig?.....try to figure that one out lol
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Postby Blitzaholic on Tue Aug 28, 2007 2:15 pm

I agree neph and RT that was an awesome quote by kamikaze khaz :D

I will have to look into the sig thing RT

just so you know lokisgal has been chatting your name, think she has a crush on you, must be a masshole thing :lol:
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Postby RiskTycoon on Tue Aug 28, 2007 2:25 pm

lol well she'll have to fight my hunny in an all out jello wrestling match to see who gets the trophy!

I'm selling tickets....get in line boys... :lol:
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Postby Blitzaholic on Tue Aug 28, 2007 2:32 pm

RiskTycoon wrote:lol well she'll have to fight my hunny in an all out jello wrestling match to see who gets the trophy!

I'm selling tickets....get in line boys... :lol:


how much they cost :?:
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Postby lokisgal on Tue Aug 28, 2007 3:33 pm

khazalid wrote:alright ladies. ive been in communion with the ghost of freud regarding your inexplicable bravado. im reliably informed that subconsciously youre all looking for what all women truly desire - a good hard spanking. this is the basis for your posturing and misplaced triumph, namely to maximise your embarassment and shame (and therefore pleasure) when you are duly handed the aforementioned spanking. being the kind soul that i am, i have reluctantly agreed to allay my misgivings and proceed to meet out your badly, badly wanted punishments. your cries of 'nooo' will serve only to increase my arousal, determination and cruelty. *mwah*

Frueds theories remain controversial and disputed by numerous critics, among them one who called him the "creator of a complex pseudo-science which should be recognized as one of the great follies of Western civilisation (quoted from wikapedea)
So me thinks that deep in your subconscience it is you not us who want and need the spanking - i hear Blitz is going to be first in line, Khazalid was I right in hearing you wanted to be second? And yes Blitz and Buttercup a cigar is ALWAYS a cigar
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Postby khazalid on Tue Aug 28, 2007 3:39 pm

im aware. i think the fact he hung himself speaks volumes on the subject though. no scientology, we're british. ; )
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Postby khazalid on Tue Aug 28, 2007 3:42 pm

oh, and ... y_uid=7109

thats way interesting. if you have any interest. xx
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Postby David_Wain on Tue Aug 28, 2007 3:43 pm

We still count Scots as Brits do we??
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Postby khazalid on Tue Aug 28, 2007 3:44 pm

at time of going to press, yes.
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Postby David_Wain on Tue Aug 28, 2007 3:45 pm

Anyway to get access to the other 3 parts mate??
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Postby lokisgal on Tue Aug 28, 2007 4:54 pm

David_Wain wrote:Anyway to get access to the other 3 parts mate??

3 parts DW - now that sounds kinky
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Postby khazalid on Tue Aug 28, 2007 5:53 pm

hmm. try tv links maybe?

the first was engrossing enough for me, did you like it?
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Postby khazalid on Tue Aug 28, 2007 5:54 pm

oh, if that fails maybe bbc archive will have it.
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Postby David_Wain on Tue Aug 28, 2007 6:23 pm

Excellent ty... I shall give my mate a call at bbc see if I can get. shall I whack it on a disc for u if so send it over?
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Postby David_Wain on Tue Aug 28, 2007 6:23 pm

lol and u say I have a dirty mind.
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Postby sully800 on Tue Aug 28, 2007 6:47 pm

Hey, I made a top 5! In 5th place too!
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Postby David_Wain on Tue Aug 28, 2007 7:01 pm

Congrats :) Now the real question is have u discovered that Nephilim is my multi yet? :wink:

EDIT: Scrap that he sucks... how about... hmmm *thinks* Bilbo.
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Postby Blitzaholic on Tue Aug 28, 2007 7:34 pm

sully800 wrote:Hey, I made a top 5! In 5th place too!

yes nice job sully, with your creative mind I was hoping you and or robinette or both had some ideas for others I could post. 1st 5's and top 5's
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Postby lokisgal on Tue Aug 28, 2007 9:43 pm

Blitzaholic wrote:I agree neph and RT that was an awesome quote by kamikaze khaz :D

I will have to look into the sig thing RT

just so you know lokisgal has been chatting your name, think she has a crush on you, must be a masshole thing :lol:

Now "Blitzy" you know its you who has that crush on Tycoon, careful or Khaz and DW will be ever so jealous that you are cheating on them. Now tell the truth and declare your love oh gelded one

seriously boys you cant possibly think you can out do the girls
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Postby AAFitz on Tue Aug 28, 2007 9:53 pm

RiskTycoon wrote:
khazalid wrote:alright ladies. I've been in communion with the ghost of Freud regarding your inexplicable bravado. I'm reliably informed that subconsciously you're all looking for what all women truly desire - a good hard spanking. this is the basis for your posturing and misplaced triumph, namely to maximize your embarrassment and shame (and therefore pleasure) when you are duly handed the aforementioned spanking. being the kind soul that i am, i have reluctantly agreed to allay my misgivings and proceed to meet out your badly, badly wanted punishments. your cries of 'nooo' will serve only to increase my arousal, determination and cruelty. *mwah*

not only the best post ever! but also refreshing after reading all that insipid and ignorant flame wars crap lol

Top 5 people that have been quoted in a sig?.....try to figure that one out lol

im up there, 8-10 easy, though happy makes up 4 or 5 of the quotes

in one thread, there were 3 people with a different quote of mine...

my guess is the mods and lack would win though, which would be nice for lack, because its the only way hes getting onto a top 5 list
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Postby happy2seeyou on Tue Aug 28, 2007 9:55 pm

AAFitz wrote:
RiskTycoon wrote:
khazalid wrote:alright ladies. I've been in communion with the ghost of Freud regarding your inexplicable bravado. I'm reliably informed that subconsciously you're all looking for what all women truly desire - a good hard spanking. this is the basis for your posturing and misplaced triumph, namely to maximize your embarrassment and shame (and therefore pleasure) when you are duly handed the aforementioned spanking. being the kind soul that i am, i have reluctantly agreed to allay my misgivings and proceed to meet out your badly, badly wanted punishments. your cries of 'nooo' will serve only to increase my arousal, determination and cruelty. *mwah*

not only the best post ever! but also refreshing after reading all that insipid and ignorant flame wars crap lol

Top 5 people that have been quoted in a sig?.....try to figure that one out lol

im up there, 8-10 easy, though happy makes up 4 or 5 of the quotes

in one thread, there were 3 people with a different quote of mine...

my guess is the mods and lack would win though, which would be nice for lack, because its the only way hes getting onto a top 5 list

I have quoted Fitz MANY times. Also AK Iceman.
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Postby AAFitz on Tue Aug 28, 2007 10:09 pm

heres the ones I can remember, some paraphrased...all from memory

Hawkeye: lackattack: my secret is to keep only 4 games going
...............aafitz: too cheap to buy the premium?

Robinette: this is so cute, Robinettes going to win a no cards game
................what the hell did you people do?

Wild Tiger: I love good dice
I hate bad dice

Mr Nate: there will always be cheaters, abusive players, bad players and worse. But we have every right to crush them

cleveridea: its not against the rules to say you will cheat

Happy: current: once I decide it will be long, I just let loose

............former: this is so cute, its like the kids table at Thanksgiving, you kids have fun with your peekaboos

.........2 or 3 others maybe...i kind of forget help me out here H2CU

Exile: everytime you post its like hitting the lottery of stupid statements
.......note: this was not about exile..he quoted it
Last edited by AAFitz on Wed Aug 29, 2007 7:38 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Postby Robinette on Tue Aug 28, 2007 11:04 pm

AAFitz wrote:....which would be nice for lack, because its the only way hes getting onto a top 5 list

1st 5 to join the site and are still active

1. Lackattack

2. Hazmaniac
3. Itrade
4. Moz976
5. Twill

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