cairnswk wrote:DiM...the bonuses are not being worked on at this I stated in previous posts, until everyone is happy with the map and the impassables.
Then they will be adjusted.
ah ok sorry, i've been busy lately so i didn't have the time to check maps.
if they will be worked out later then it's ok.
a couple of other problems though.
1. continents. you already have 10 continents which is more than most maps have but i still think you should do something about them. you have too many huge ones.
let's see
burma - 6 terits 6 borders
the bridge - 2 terits 2 borders
west - 13 terits 8 borders
east - 8 terits 6 borders
central - 5 terits 5 borders
highlands - 9 terits 9 borders
rail 4 - 12 terits 5 borders
rail 3 - 12 terits 5 borders
rail 2 - 13 terits 6 borders
rail 1 - 4 terits 2 borders
in any map the first thing you look for is a small continent to take and try to build from there.
on this map except for rail 1 and the bridge all the continents are impossible to hold. they all have 5-6 borders and lots of terits.
and furthermore the only 2 viable continents for a start are in the same corner bordering eachother. so if somebody starts there he has a much better chance at winning than somebody starting in the rail 3-highlands area.
the main problem is that you have long thin line-like continents. you don't have grouped blocks of terits. i don't know wheather the continents are made by you or you have them from somewhere. if they are made by you then i'd suggest a major regrouping like the image below or something like that.
2. pow camps. they act like bottlenecks that will hinder mass take outs. let me explain like this. we're in an escalating game and i want to take you out. in a normal map i attack - advance attack advance and so on until i kill you but on this map let's say you have 2 camps. i have to take out the train station then split my big army and send some guys in the camp to take out your troops. i can't send them all because there's no return once i enter the camp. and it's a bitch to split your army and then hit some crazy dice and realize you lost.
here is the image.

“In the beginning God said, the four-dimensional divergence of an antisymmetric, second rank tensor equals zero, and there was light, and it was good. And on the seventh day he rested.”- Michio Kaku