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(Thread of CC Records) 1st 5's & TOP 5's

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Postby The1exile on Mon Aug 20, 2007 4:57 pm

JOHNNYROCKET24 wrote:i disagree

the SE is a click voted by members within the click. they first 5 members to "join" were self nominated and serves no record to moniter or maintain.

I could set up " JR's super elite clan" today and nominate the first 5 players to join my own clan and than state they hold a record for being the first 5 to join.

I pick myself, Bilbo, Wild Tiger, Big Yuma and Jork. All quality team players and are not part of SE. So you can add that to your top 5 list.

your post also doesnt make sense. you have your self listed as 1 of the 5 players to join but yet your win percentage is over 70%. so how can you be a singles player if your win percentage is not under 40%?

also, Pedronicus has played mostly team games too

as for 1 vs 1 games being "too much luck", it doesnt matter. Persoanlly I think ever game played is luck. you never know what you opponent is going to do. you can only hope to out play him and beg for the dice to go your own way.

Firefox has a really neat spell checker. And I think you want "clique".
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Postby Blitzaholic on Mon Aug 20, 2007 5:44 pm

Blitzaholic wrote:
hulmey wrote:Why not JR ? This could be the Guiness Book of CC where every record is important!!

great idea hulmey, the only difference is i add the top 5 instead of just #1's so more get the credit they deserve, also SE was and is not a clan, but a special collection of talent in a group, to make it is very very hard to do, and the 1st 5 was and is quite an accomplishment, and all that made it afterwards are solid too, they are not only skilled in teams, they super in singles play, but this is a thread of 5's, so i agree with hulmey here.

the 1 on 1's games are too much luck, this is what most say, and it would be hard to keep track of, i like the top 5's and many of them, just dont want them so difficult to figure out, i dont have the time for all the time consuming ones, hope you understand, like your suggestions though and how you are thinking, keep it up :!:

i disagree

the SE is a click voted by members within the click. they first 5 members to "join" were self nominated and serves no record to moniter or maintain.

I could set up " JR's super elite clan" today and nominate the first 5 players to join my own clan and than state they hold a record for being the first 5 to join.

I pick myself, Bilbo, Wild Tiger, Big Yuma and Jork. All quality team players and are not part of SE. So you can add that to your top 5 list.

your post also doesnt make sense. you have your self listed as 1 of the 5 players to join but yet your win percentage is over 70%. so how can you be a singles player if your win percentage is not under 40%?

also, Pedronicus has played mostly team games and only has a 52% win percentage. that is just simply horrible. If those are the players that are permitted to join SE than I would be embarrassed to be a part of it.

as for 1 vs 1 games being "too much luck", it doesnt matter. Persoanlly I think evey game played is luck. you never know what you opponent is going to do. you can only hope to out play him and beg for the dice to go your own way.

jr SE does not require they be singles players, the SE is great players all around but must be good at singles as well, well rounded, great at both, there is not a winning percentage for SE, just have to be great at singles and teams, i am not listed 1 thru 5 in singles bro, you may have misread.

the top 5 all time in singles is mm17, comic, rl orange, nuke, cyberdaniel with 40% and lower, the SE 1st 5 is pedro, robinette, blitz, scorba, eye, 2 different catergories, think you got confused, and when SE was introduced it was the players who were completely dominating the site at the time,

and it grew and many were involved with votes, etc, it was a big thing for awhile and back then many were posting with curiosity and anticipation including yourself, the 5 names you mentioned are great team players, no doubt, not at singles though, so any list you compile and anyone could do this now, really is too late, it is the original concept, one of its kind at the time and had much buzz, it was a collection of the best of the best way back when,

it is like 5 more could hit 3000 rank now and super, but it wouldnt matter for this list, cause this list has the 1st 5 to 3000, then top 5 scores, you see? anyways, we will just need to agree to disagree, you are on a few lists jr, so you should be happy :D
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Postby Blitzaholic on Mon Aug 20, 2007 5:51 pm

Blitzaholic wrote:the top 5 singles all time 40% or under

1. mm17 3514
2. comic boy 3372
3. rl_ornage 3168
4. nuke 3160
5. cyberdaniel 3145

note: if any of these players winning percentages go up past 40%, they will always be in the top 5 all time because they were 40 percent or under at the time they got this score.

the only way any of them could lose their spot is if one surpassed them with a win rate of 40% and under.

here it is jr, this is the one for singles 40 % and under
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Postby Blitzaholic on Mon Aug 20, 2007 5:52 pm

maniacmath17 wrote:you really shouldnt have jr twice for longest win streak. just take his longest one and keep it on there. and im only suggesting this due to another site that kept the most thorough records ive ever seen:

on the left side click either standings or hall of fame.

you'll notice how names don't repeat for the longest win streak record, and also this is the type of stat keeping system i hope we can some day have for conquerclub.

MM17, I am not sure what this is, but is says on my computer dangerous site, what are you trying to do here? :lol: geez bro :!:
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Postby Blitzaholic on Mon Aug 20, 2007 5:56 pm

wow jr :lol:

you play a ton of games, i just updated this yesterday and had to add 30 more games to your total games played, wowzers :lol:
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Postby rebelman on Mon Aug 20, 2007 6:06 pm

Blitzaholic wrote:
maniacmath17 wrote:you really shouldnt have jr twice for longest win streak. just take his longest one and keep it on there. and im only suggesting this due to another site that kept the most thorough records ive ever seen:

on the left side click either standings or hall of fame.

you'll notice how names don't repeat for the longest win streak record, and also this is the type of stat keeping system i hope we can some day have for conquerclub.

MM17, I am not sure what this is, but is says on my computer dangerous site, what are you trying to do here? :lol: geez bro :!:

I caught a glimpse before it crashed my firefox aswell. It did look very impressive and would be a great addition to this site.
Don't now why people on here don't like being cooks, remember under siege: A former SEAL, now cook, is the only person who can stop a gang of terrorists when they sieze control of a US Navy battleship.
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Postby Blitzaholic on Mon Aug 20, 2007 6:08 pm

firth4eva wrote:1 reverend_kyle 11824
2 wicked 11382
3 Fircoal 9376
4 hecter 8223
5 Skittles! 7238


ty for the help firth
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Postby comic boy on Mon Aug 20, 2007 6:12 pm

The1exile wrote:
Blitzaholic wrote:
happy2seeyou wrote:Ok, absolute master was over 2500 I believe.

I got 2503, sound about right happy?

I think she was higher actually. She was 10th on the scoreboard at ojne point - that would indicate the 2900 point mark.

I think you will find that around 500 points were gained in a fashion deemed improper by the mods and so her score was reset accordingly.
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Postby rebelman on Mon Aug 20, 2007 6:14 pm

As tournament play is a big part of the activity on this site and assuming there have been multiple tournament winners (individuals who won more than 1), top 5 tournament winners would be a positive addition. I'm assuming the tournament directors would have these details, if you are unable to get them elsewhere.
Don't now why people on here don't like being cooks, remember under siege: A former SEAL, now cook, is the only person who can stop a gang of terrorists when they sieze control of a US Navy battleship.
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Postby JOHNNYROCKET24 on Mon Aug 20, 2007 6:40 pm

Blitzaholic wrote:
hulmey wrote:Why not JR ? This could be the Guiness Book of CC where every record is important!!

they are not only skilled in teams, they super in singles play

this was the phrase I was refering to although I see it was edited now.

Robinette doesnt play teams
Blitz doesnt play singles
and Pedro plays mostly teams and is horrible at it

so we are not talking all around players here. I repeat my response. The SE group is nothing but a click. How many players above 2,500 points in the clan? I dont know all the members but im sure you can count them on 1 hand.

its your thread Mike. if you want to list the first 5 members of clans that were formed than you are permitted too. I persoanlly dont think of it as a record.
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Postby The1exile on Mon Aug 20, 2007 7:09 pm

comic boy wrote:
The1exile wrote:
Blitzaholic wrote:
happy2seeyou wrote:Ok, absolute master was over 2500 I believe.

I got 2503, sound about right happy?

I think she was higher actually. She was 10th on the scoreboard at ojne point - that would indicate the 2900 point mark.

I think you will find that around 500 points were gained in a fashion deemed improper by the mods and so her score was reset accordingly.

Actually the reset itself was also undone. As happy said though it's irrelevant, so lets drop it.
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Postby Blitzaholic on Mon Aug 20, 2007 7:15 pm

Blitzaholic wrote:
hulmey wrote:Why not JR ? This could be the Guiness Book of CC where every record is important!!

they are not only skilled in teams, they super in singles play

this was the phrase I was refering to although I see it was edited now.

Robinette doesnt play teams
Blitz doesnt play singles
and Pedro plays mostly teams and is horrible at it

so we are not talking all around players here. I repeat my response. The SE group is nothing but a click. How many players above 2,500 points in the clan? I dont know all the members but im sure you can count them on 1 hand.

its your thread Mike. if you want to list the first 5 members of clans that were formed than you are permitted too. I persoanlly dont think of it as a record.

jr i never edited nothing, the SE and singles 5 are 2 different brackets, you are perplexed.

2nd off i do play singles, about 400 of them but not many, as 1600 are teams, and pedronicus played a lot of singles jr and he was pretty good at them, and he does not sux at teams, just because he and others at the time didnt think you were good enough to be in SE and you wanted to be in badly, i saw the pm's they sent me bro of you wanting in and they never thought you were good enough back then, doesnt give you the right to trash his name when he is not here to defend himself. now your skills have risen a lot since that time, but the SE like the Horsemen felt your conduct was unbecoming to be nice about it, so it was more of an attitude check now, back then the skill wasnt there.

finally it is not a record, this is about the 1st 5's and top 5's. In SE it says 1st 5 which you are correct is not a record, but the first 5 into the SE which is not a clan. most of the SE is on your ignore list and there is a reason for that, you really do not want to play against them, most of them have not been mean to you, but you got a lot of them on there that would love to play some enjoyable doubles games, but that is up to you i reckon, peace. most in SE are bw's and horsemen along with solid singles players and a mix of others, they are solid players bro, and it's not fair you say they are not good cause they dont think you were good enough to get in, and its not fair when you dont know who is all in there.

i understand your bitterness about SE cause they never voted you in, and you have a right to your opinion jr, lets just move on.

i liked some of your ideas to add in here, please continue as well as others to put other 1st 5's and top 5's as long as it is not real time consuming for me to look up, ty.
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Postby Robinette on Mon Aug 20, 2007 7:32 pm

JOHNNYROCKET24 wrote:Robinette doesnt play teams
Blitz doesnt play singles
and Pedro plays mostly teams and is horrible at it

so we are not talking all around players here. I repeat my response. The SE group is nothing but a click.

like omigod, i can respond to this, furshur I like know all about popularity and like clics, omigod... furshur it's like all about popularity, i mean, who I like, omigod, what's wrong with like the most popular people having a clic, and like you are totally like not invited to, furshur... like, get over it.. like gag me with a spoon.. like just go shopping or something, I mean, totally bitchin people just like hanging out with other totally bitchen people, furshur furshur.... so like omigod, just go buy a new outfit at the galleria and maybe you'll be like good enough to walk with us at like the mall, furshur, and if you like could stop being like so shallow about your little points, furshur we just might decide we like you, cause we are like bitchen nice when we want to be, furshur furshur... :wink:

I figure this is easier for you to believe than the truth... you've heard the truth about the SE before and either choose to forget it, or really did forget it... either way, it's futile to have this conversation with you... "Peace out"
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Postby Blitzaholic on Mon Aug 20, 2007 7:40 pm

Robinette wrote:
JOHNNYROCKET24 wrote:Robinette doesnt play teams
Blitz doesnt play singles
and Pedro plays mostly teams and is horrible at it

so we are not talking all around players here. I repeat my response. The SE group is nothing but a click.

like omigod, i can respond to this, furshur I like know all about popularity and like clics, omigod... furshur it's like all about popularity, i mean, who I like, omigod, what's wrong with like the most popular people having a clic, and like you are totally like not invited to, furshur... like, get over it.. like gag me with a spoon.. like just go shopping or something, I mean, totally bitchin people just like hanging out with other totally bitchen people, furshur furshur.... so like omigod, just go buy a new outfit at the galleria and maybe you'll be like good enough to walk with us at like the mall, furshur, and if you like could stop being like so shallow about your little points, furshur we just might decide we like you, cause we are like bitchen nice when we want to be, furshur furshur... :wink:

I figure this is easier for you to believe than the truth... you've heard the truth about the SE before and either choose to forget it, or really did forget it... either way, it's futile to have this conversation with you... "Peace out"

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Exactly robin, lol, I mean to be honest I never even knew Robinette way back then when this was formed, we click now, cause she is bitchen nice, furshur, the SE brought us together more. and I never knew pedro back then either for that matter. The only one I was super high on or was super close to was osujacket and you can see he is not in the 1st 5, so there goes your clicks, clickity click clacker dont run your yapper :lol:

flame wars is that way :arrow: if you are mad at me, or robin, or pedro who is not here to defend himself or other SE members. so please dont spam this thread on SE or criticizing them, this is for 1st 5's and top 5's please, with all due respect, ty jr :wink:
Last edited by Blitzaholic on Mon Aug 20, 2007 7:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby JOHNNYROCKET24 on Mon Aug 20, 2007 7:41 pm

Robinette wrote:
JOHNNYROCKET24 wrote:Robinette doesnt play teams
Blitz doesnt play singles
and Pedro plays mostly teams and is horrible at it

so we are not talking all around players here. I repeat my response. The SE group is nothing but a click.

like omigod, i can respond to this, furshur I like know all about popularity and like clics, omigod... furshur it's like all about popularity, i mean, who I like, omigod, what's wrong with like the most popular people having a clic, and like you are totally like not invited to, furshur... like, get over it.. like gag me with a spoon.. like just go shopping or something, I mean, totally bitchin people just like hanging out with other totally bitchen people, furshur furshur.... so like omigod, just go buy a new outfit at the galleria and maybe you'll be like good enough to walk with us at like the mall, furshur, and if you like could stop being like so shallow about your little points, furshur we just might decide we like you, cause we are like bitchen nice when we want to be, furshur furshur... :wink:

I figure this is easier for you to believe than the truth... you've heard the truth about the SE before and either choose to forget it, or really did forget it... either way, it's futile to have this conversation with you... "Peace out"

you are ruining my bad boy image :roll:
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Postby misterman10 on Mon Aug 20, 2007 7:41 pm

havent really read through the thread,

sorry comic boy for insulting you, got you confused with some other horsemen
Pleasant Chaps still suck cock.

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Postby Blitzaholic on Mon Aug 20, 2007 7:48 pm

maps middle east, canada and brazil i think were are made in march 2006 i believe.

does any one know which was the last made out of the 3?

i have heard conflicting reports :!:
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Postby JOHNNYROCKET24 on Mon Aug 20, 2007 7:49 pm

Top 5 longest winning streaks

1. Templeton Peck 50
2. JR 41
3. Blitzaholic 34
4. Osujacket 29
5. Wild Tiger 28

templeton should have an "*" behind his name. he is being investigated as a multi.

but your call
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Postby Blitzaholic on Mon Aug 20, 2007 7:51 pm

rebelman wrote:As tournament play is a big part of the activity on this site and assuming there have been multiple tournament winners (individuals who won more than 1), top 5 tournament winners would be a positive addition. I'm assuming the tournament directors would have these details, if you are unable to get them elsewhere.

maybe ak iceman could help us here rebelman, good idea!

i think mm17 has won 2 of them?
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Postby Blitzaholic on Mon Aug 20, 2007 7:52 pm

JOHNNYROCKET24 wrote:Top 5 longest winning streaks

1. Templeton Peck 50
2. JR 41
3. Blitzaholic 34
4. Osujacket 29
5. Wild Tiger 28

templeton should have an "*" behind his name. he is being investigated as a multi.

but your call

is he really jr???

well, ty for the heads up, lets hear what the verdict is, if found as a multi, then will not count and jr you would be 1st with 41, i think this is fair, but lets wait, you sure? where you hear this?
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Postby JOHNNYROCKET24 on Mon Aug 20, 2007 7:56 pm

Blitzaholic wrote:
JOHNNYROCKET24 wrote:Top 5 longest winning streaks

1. Templeton Peck 50
2. JR 41
3. Blitzaholic 34
4. Osujacket 29
5. Wild Tiger 28

templeton should have an "*" behind his name. he is being investigated as a multi.

but your call

is he really jr???

well, ty for the heads up, lets hear what the verdict is, if found as a multi, then will not count and jr you would be 1st with 41, i think this is fair, but lets wait, you sure? where you hear this?

i bump the thread every now and than...but still no response

also, the map Brazil has March 2006 printed on it. I dont know if that helps
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Postby rebelman on Mon Aug 20, 2007 7:56 pm

Blitzaholic wrote:
JOHNNYROCKET24 wrote:Top 5 longest winning streaks

1. Templeton Peck 50
2. JR 41
3. Blitzaholic 34
4. Osujacket 29
5. Wild Tiger 28

templeton should have an "*" behind his name. he is being investigated as a multi.

but your call

is he really jr???

well, ty for the heads up, lets hear what the verdict is, if found as a multi, then will not count and jr you would be 1st with 41, i think this is fair, but lets wait, you sure? where you hear this?

See this thread, although from the thread it seems to be clear he is not a multi and his record is genuine:
Don't now why people on here don't like being cooks, remember under siege: A former SEAL, now cook, is the only person who can stop a gang of terrorists when they sieze control of a US Navy battleship.
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Postby JOHNNYROCKET24 on Mon Aug 20, 2007 8:11 pm

rebelman wrote:
Blitzaholic wrote:
JOHNNYROCKET24 wrote:Top 5 longest winning streaks

1. Templeton Peck 50
2. JR 41
3. Blitzaholic 34
4. Osujacket 29
5. Wild Tiger 28

templeton should have an "*" behind his name. he is being investigated as a multi.

but your call

is he really jr???

well, ty for the heads up, lets hear what the verdict is, if found as a multi, then will not count and jr you would be 1st with 41, i think this is fair, but lets wait, you sure? where you hear this?

See this thread, although from the thread it seems to be clear he is not a multi and his record is genuine:

the thread itself proves nothing. in fact, i found it amazing that all 3 type long responses with the 3rd typing in all caps which I believe was a stunt to try and throw everyone off. the mods will do their work. if all 3 players come from the same IP than they are busted. if not, than great. I get to work harder to take back the record. that would be an amazing accomplishment though. to join this site and go 50-0 from the start.
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Postby maniacmath17 on Mon Aug 20, 2007 8:23 pm

rebelman wrote:
Blitzaholic wrote:
maniacmath17 wrote:you really shouldnt have jr twice for longest win streak. just take his longest one and keep it on there. and im only suggesting this due to another site that kept the most thorough records ive ever seen:

on the left side click either standings or hall of fame.

you'll notice how names don't repeat for the longest win streak record, and also this is the type of stat keeping system i hope we can some day have for conquerclub.

MM17, I am not sure what this is, but is says on my computer dangerous site, what are you trying to do here? :lol: geez bro :!:

I caught a glimpse before it crashed my firefox aswell. It did look very impressive and would be a great addition to this site.

really? I've never had a problem with the site. It's just an online dominoes league that I played at for a few years. I just love the standings page, as it automatically keeps track of numerous statistics. And if you're browsing the hall of fame, my name was mathguy12_ on there :wink:
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Postby rebelman on Mon Aug 20, 2007 8:25 pm

maniacmath17 wrote:
rebelman wrote:
Blitzaholic wrote:
maniacmath17 wrote:you really shouldnt have jr twice for longest win streak. just take his longest one and keep it on there. and im only suggesting this due to another site that kept the most thorough records ive ever seen:

on the left side click either standings or hall of fame.

you'll notice how names don't repeat for the longest win streak record, and also this is the type of stat keeping system i hope we can some day have for conquerclub.

MM17, I am not sure what this is, but is says on my computer dangerous site, what are you trying to do here? :lol: geez bro :!:

I caught a glimpse before it crashed my firefox aswell. It did look very impressive and would be a great addition to this site.

really? I've never had a problem with the site. It's just an online dominoes league that I played at for a few years. I just love the standings page, as it automatically keeps track of numerous statistics. And if you're browsing the hall of fame, my name was mathguy12_ on there :wink:

for some reason firefox did not like it, maybe Bill Gates had a booby trap set up there for all non IE users.
Don't now why people on here don't like being cooks, remember under siege: A former SEAL, now cook, is the only person who can stop a gang of terrorists when they sieze control of a US Navy battleship.
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