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(Thread of CC Records) 1st 5's & TOP 5's

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Postby RiskTycoon on Mon Aug 20, 2007 9:25 am

i like seeing the records....although i rarely look at them because i'm never on the list lol but i still think it's fun to keep track and it gives me something to shoot CC life will be complete when i make one of these damned lists :lol:
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Postby Blitzaholic on Mon Aug 20, 2007 11:13 am

Gilligan wrote:Top 5 Most negatives.

not sure we want to reward negativity, this is to congratz all with there positive accomplishments and dedication to excellence as well as commitment and hopefully spark more to be competitive :!:
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Postby Blitzaholic on Mon Aug 20, 2007 12:37 pm

i think those 5 players are still somewhat active and i think those were the 1st 5 maps created on the site, not sure of the order, but i bet i am close, so one will let me know i am sure :wink:
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Postby happy2seeyou on Mon Aug 20, 2007 3:02 pm

Not sure if Max is still active on cc. Lists look good so far Blitz. what about a list for the gals?? :lol: :lol:
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Postby Blitzaholic on Mon Aug 20, 2007 3:03 pm

happy2seeyou wrote:Not sure if Max is still active on cc. Lists look good so far Blitz. what about a list for the gals?? :lol: :lol:

ok, great idea court

added for your viewing pleasure :wink:
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Postby Blitzaholic on Mon Aug 20, 2007 3:04 pm

1st to play 500 singles

julia gulia
fireside poet

1st to 500 doubles

master chief

1st to 500 trips

big yuma ripper
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Postby hulmey on Mon Aug 20, 2007 3:08 pm

what about top 5 feedback givers, top 5 doubes and top5 triples. Good job blitz very interesting stuff!
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Postby happy2seeyou on Mon Aug 20, 2007 3:15 pm

Cool, thanks Blitz but I know that Absolute Master deserves to be higher on that list. I am checking on her top score right now.

And yes I am slapping Buttercup around in a game now :wink:
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Postby Blitzaholic on Mon Aug 20, 2007 3:34 pm

happy2seeyou wrote:Cool, thanks Blitz but I know that Absolute Master deserves to be higher on that list. I am checking on her top score right now.

And yes I am slapping Buttercup around in a game now :wink:

oh yeah AM had around 2500 or over if i remember?

i take it buttercup is dw? :roll: :lol:
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Postby happy2seeyou on Mon Aug 20, 2007 3:34 pm

Ok, absolute master was over 2500 I believe.
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Postby Blitzaholic on Mon Aug 20, 2007 3:36 pm

hulmey wrote:what about top 5 feedback givers, top 5 doubes and top5 triples. Good job blitz very interesting stuff!

good one hulmey, not sure how to find top 5 feedback givers, any help would be great, i could add this

the dubs and trips would be so hard and time consuming, eye84free has asked me about this too, just very very time consuming.

any info you can give me to help with top 5 feedback givers i will try, ok, ty
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Postby happy2seeyou on Mon Aug 20, 2007 3:38 pm

Blitzaholic wrote:
hulmey wrote:what about top 5 feedback givers, top 5 doubes and top5 triples. Good job blitz very interesting stuff!

good one hulmey, not sure how to find top 5 feedback givers, any help would be great, i could add this

the dubs and trips would be so hard and time consuming, eye84free has asked me about this too, just very very time consuming.

any info you can give me to help with top 5 feedback givers i will try, ok, ty

Robinette doesn't know?? I bet if you ask her nicely she will help you out.
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Postby Blitzaholic on Mon Aug 20, 2007 3:39 pm

happy2seeyou wrote:Not sure if Max is still active on cc. Lists look good so far Blitz. what about a list for the gals?? :lol: :lol:

is max or itrade still active?????
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Postby Blitzaholic on Mon Aug 20, 2007 3:40 pm

happy2seeyou wrote:Ok, absolute master was over 2500 I believe.

I got 2503, sound about right happy?
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Postby Blitzaholic on Mon Aug 20, 2007 3:50 pm

happy2seeyou wrote:
Blitzaholic wrote:
hulmey wrote:what about top 5 feedback givers, top 5 doubes and top5 triples. Good job blitz very interesting stuff!

good one hulmey, not sure how to find top 5 feedback givers, any help would be great, i could add this

the dubs and trips would be so hard and time consuming, eye84free has asked me about this too, just very very time consuming.

any info you can give me to help with top 5 feedback givers i will try, ok, ty

Robinette doesn't know?? I bet if you ask her nicely she will help you out.

:lol: :lol: :lol: she does seem to know a lot, thx for the tip :wink:
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Postby JOHNNYROCKET24 on Mon Aug 20, 2007 3:56 pm

top 5 1 vs 1 players. wins/percentage ?

and to be honest with you, I dont know why you have the first 5 to join a clan?
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Postby happy2seeyou on Mon Aug 20, 2007 3:59 pm

Blitzaholic wrote:
happy2seeyou wrote:Ok, absolute master was over 2500 I believe.

I got 2503, sound about right happy?

Sure. I just remember her having the newer swords.
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Postby hulmey on Mon Aug 20, 2007 4:04 pm

Why not JR ? This could be the Guiness Book of CC where every record is important!!
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Postby hulmey on Mon Aug 20, 2007 4:06 pm

another one could be most time on gabbly chat!!! I know its hard but just go with the familiar faces :D

clapper, wicked, fp (havent seen him recently), Bored Girl (used to be on every min of the day) and so on. Its abit like when you wake in the morning and see that beautiful face lying next to (no family dog doesnt count)!!
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Postby maniacmath17 on Mon Aug 20, 2007 4:28 pm

you really shouldnt have jr twice for longest win streak. just take his longest one and keep it on there. and im only suggesting this due to another site that kept the most thorough records ive ever seen:

on the left side click either standings or hall of fame.

you'll notice how names don't repeat for the longest win streak record, and also this is the type of stat keeping system i hope we can some day have for conquerclub.
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Postby Blitzaholic on Mon Aug 20, 2007 4:28 pm

hulmey wrote:Why not JR ? This could be the Guiness Book of CC where every record is important!!

great idea hulmey, the only difference is i add the top 5 instead of just #1's so more get the credit they deserve, also SE was and is not a clan jr, but a special collection of talent in a group, to make it is very very hard to do, and the 1st 5 was and is quite an accomplishment, and all that made it afterwards are just as solid too, they are not only skilled in teams, they super in singles play, but this is a thread of 5's, so i agree with hulmey here.

the 1 on 1's games are too much luck, this is what most say, and it would be hard to keep track of, i like the top 5's and many of them, just dont want them so difficult to figure out, i dont have the time for all the time consuming ones, hope you understand, like your suggestions though and how you are thinking, keep it up :!:
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Postby Blitzaholic on Mon Aug 20, 2007 4:30 pm

1st to win 250 singles standard 3,4,5,6 player games

julia gulia
rl orange
fireside poet

1st to win 100 singles standard 6 player games

rl orange
julia gulia
steve monkey
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Postby JOHNNYROCKET24 on Mon Aug 20, 2007 4:50 pm

Blitzaholic wrote:
hulmey wrote:Why not JR ? This could be the Guiness Book of CC where every record is important!!

great idea hulmey, the only difference is i add the top 5 instead of just #1's so more get the credit they deserve, also SE was and is not a clan, but a special collection of talent in a group, to make it is very very hard to do, and the 1st 5 was and is quite an accomplishment, and all that made it afterwards are solid too, they are not only skilled in teams, they super in singles play, but this is a thread of 5's, so i agree with hulmey here.

the 1 on 1's games are too much luck, this is what most say, and it would be hard to keep track of, i like the top 5's and many of them, just dont want them so difficult to figure out, i dont have the time for all the time consuming ones, hope you understand, like your suggestions though and how you are thinking, keep it up :!:

i disagree

the SE is a click voted by members within the click. they first 5 members to "join" were self nominated and serves no record to moniter or maintain.

I could set up " JR's super elite clan" today and nominate the first 5 players to join my own clan and than state they hold a record for being the first 5 to join.

I pick myself, Bilbo, Wild Tiger, Big Yuma and Jork. All quality team players and are not part of SE. So you can add that to your top 5 list.

your post also doesnt make sense. you have your self listed as 1 of the 5 players to join but yet your win percentage is over 70%. so how can you be a singles player if your win percentage is not under 40%?

also, Pedronicus has played mostly team games and only has a 52% win percentage. that is just simply horrible. If those are the players that are permitted to join SE than I would be embarrassed to be a part of it.

as for 1 vs 1 games being "too much luck", it doesnt matter. Persoanlly I think evey game played is luck. you never know what you opponent is going to do. you can only hope to out play him and beg for the dice to go your own way.
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Postby The1exile on Mon Aug 20, 2007 4:50 pm

Blitzaholic wrote:
happy2seeyou wrote:Ok, absolute master was over 2500 I believe.

I got 2503, sound about right happy?

I think she was higher actually. She was 10th on the scoreboard at ojne point - that would indicate the 2900 point mark.
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Postby happy2seeyou on Mon Aug 20, 2007 4:53 pm

The1exile wrote:
Blitzaholic wrote:
happy2seeyou wrote:Ok, absolute master was over 2500 I believe.

I got 2503, sound about right happy?

I think she was higher actually. She was 10th on the scoreboard at ojne point - that would indicate the 2900 point mark.

Yeah I know that, but we are not including that.
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