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Is bush a good or bad president?

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Postby theosi on Fri Jul 28, 2006 1:39 pm

strike wolf wrote:Did not have to read the whole thing basing liberal to mean free is pushing it. It is not a factor in the argument, just a meaningless distraction that leads people to believe something that isn't always true.

Second I don't need to stick around to know that you are going to rebut this and instead of wasting my time arguing back and forth with no real truth I'm just leaving.
HMM... it is people that don't "have to read the whole thing" that spread mis information. That lead people away from the truth. By never bothering to read the whole thing you can never learn the whole thing or even DO the whole thing... You can only do JUST enough. Which just enough only gets you so far.
I did not say one mistruth in my post. you can pick up any dictionary and gain that same information.
Now to obviously spelll out my point of that post. Just because someone says they are a "Liberal" does not mean they are. If they do not apply to the above definition they are just HIJACKING the term and should be dismissed as the liars they are whom have an AGENDA! So ALL LIBERALS should not be labeled a "DIRTY WORD" or KILLERS because some extremists hijacked the name.
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Postby theosi on Fri Jul 28, 2006 1:47 pm

When the minority dictates what the majority do...yes something is wrong. So the little atheist guy drives by a Baptist chuch and notices a cross on the lawn. He immediately calls the ACLU to tell them how he was "offended" by this sight. The ACLU fights to get cross removed. You see how twisted this is???

Are you implying this is what I said? No where did I say that.
An Individuals rights (minority as in not a large group not as in RACE) outwighs the Groups because the group does not neccesarily agree with the individual the individual should not be forced into submission to what the group wants.

Take your religion for example... In some countries practicing your religion is against the law. You can only practice the Government approved version of law. The majority of the people voted for this religion and all others are a contradiction of theres therefore BANNED!

In this country 20million people can worship BUDDHA... 100 million can worship MOHAMMED... 500million can Worship Christ and a single individual can worship his mailwoman SUSIE if he wishes and no one will prosecute him unless he does something physicaly to Susie in this practiicng that Susie does not want done to her.

The guy who worships Susie has that right. And if any one of those GROUPS say otherwise.... Well anyone of those GROUPS could say otherwise about one of those other Groups and BAN thier religion...

This is how An individuals rights outweighs the Groups...
No where does any of this say that the individuals rights should be forced upon the Group.... I am sorry you did not get this from my lengthy post previously. :wink:
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Postby theosi on Fri Jul 28, 2006 1:49 pm

strike wolf wrote:well at first I thought you were going for a different approach but ok.

oops I already answered your other post....
No offense! :D (I guess you deleted the other one)
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Postby theosi on Fri Jul 28, 2006 8:09 pm

1. To give birth prematurely or before term; miscarry.
2. To cease growth before full development or maturation.
3. To terminate an operation or procedure, as with a project, missile, airplane, or space vehicle, before completion.
1. To cause to terminate (a pregnancy) prematurely, especially before the fetus is viable.
2. To cause the expulsion of (an embryo or fetus) before it is viable.
3. To give premature birth to (an embryo or fetus).

viĀ·aĀ·ble (v-bl)adj.

1. Capable of living, developing, or germinating under favorable conditions.
2. Capable of living outside the uterus. Used of a fetus or newborn.
3. Capable of success or continuing effectiveness; practicable: a viable plan; a viable national economy. See Synonyms at possible.

Jay wrote
The fetus cannot live on its own (the mother is sustaining its life). A newborn baby cannot "sustain its own life" yet if the mother smothers it with a pillow she is charged with murder, not abortion.
If you look at above defintion of ABORT you will see the common sense answer as to why she cannot be commiting an abortion but commiting Murder. The English language is a tricky thing and manipulating it to your whims only works on those that do not take the time to actually LEARN a thing or two about it! I LOVE TO READ THE DICTIONARY AND ACTUALLY KNOW WHAT I AM SAYING RATHER THAN ENDLESS SPIN AND TALK SHOW COMMENTATOR TYPE RETORHIC!:D
BUT anyway... An open an honest DISCUSSION is always interesting. If discussing is something you are interested in here is my response:
As I said in the above post.
. But being that fetus does not have a life without that mothers life it really does not have a life....yet.... So the mothers rights trump the fetuses....? I don't know...
See Smarty pants it was a question... That I do not know the answer to. I know what the answer is for me and my Wife is. this is a discussion we have had on several occasions and as INDIVIDUALS we feel very strongly about our BELIEVE on the subject. But we do not feel that our FEELINGS on the subject should be forced upon others. Every individual has there own choices to make and their own life to live... They know what they can handle or what they can't. they know wether they can give that child a life or not. they know what Genetic dispositions they may have that could make that childs life a living nightmare and could choose not to subject an innocent child to it... there are many, many, many reasons I have known people to have for aborting. Some had validity and some were extremly shallow and heartless! When you see CRACK babies born with inhuman deeformites you wonder why... when yous see babies become children to die of some horrific diesease that the parents knew they had a predipostion for. You wonder why... When you see babies born to people that NEVER WANTED THEM and beat and MOLEST and RAPE their souls.... YOU WONDER FUCKING WHY!!!
TO blindly say abortion is IMMORAL AND WRONG is a BROAD STROKE of ignorance. Every situation is handled in a different way. Laws cannot be written to cover the very wide valley of reasons some people choose to end the PROBABILITY of a life. Who the hell am I to DICTATE that SUSIE with a Drug problem should bring a BRAIN DAMAGED, deformed, precious and innocent child into a life of MISERY and suffering for the, possibly, short span they may be here.
I completely understand your desire to end the irresponsible persons means of birth control. I to consider Abortion as ameans of birth control IMMORAL and wrong. But to PUNISH EVERYONE for the IMMORALITY of others is shallow, cruel and unjust.
I am not looking to be argumentative or some whacko... Just trying to show the other side of the coin. To open up that NARROW field some people (not speaking of you Jay) would like to keep the game on!
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Postby Capt Killroy on Sun Jul 30, 2006 11:37 am

are you kidding me this guy is the worst one ever had we lost more jobs and gas prices have gone through the roof now if your rich you dont care but if your a working stiff like most of us this guy is the pits i wish they could bring back billy boy he couldnt keep his dick in his pants but at least he paid down the debut more jobs low interest rates oh yeah gas was cheap
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Postby theosi on Sun Jul 30, 2006 1:37 pm

Here! Here! Kilroy. Image
Good post and you've brought us back on topic.
Someone with some common sense easily sees how Mr. Bush and his administration are, well, they might be keeping their dick in their pants but they sure are SCREWING us!
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Postby theosi on Sun Jul 30, 2006 1:57 pm

I know i'm going off topic again but I just had to share this quote to all the "LIBERAL" haters
As mankind becomes more liberal, they will be more apt to allow that all those who conduct themselves as worthy members of the community are equally entitled to the protections of civil government. I hope ever to see America among the foremost nations of justice and liberality. George Washington
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Postby Knight of Orient on Tue Aug 01, 2006 7:01 pm

sry theosi, i meant to get back with the whole, "we dont know whats goin on in the world" bit, but havent had time to recently. what i mean is, we could be hearin things on the news, seein things on the computer, and all that good stuff. but just how much is true? all these things on politics are goin on, and we truly cant even grasp the full reality of what is happenin with it. unless you were there, u dont have the exact knowledge of the situation. and as the tale is passed on, it changes. im not tryin to say everything is wrong, but u gotta admit that we dont have the info we need to make a correct asumption on whats goin on. i didnt like clinton, but i couldnt go sayin truthful things about him cause i didnt know THE truth. u know what i mean?
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Postby theosi on Tue Aug 01, 2006 8:05 pm

Yeah as i said before I get where you are coming from :D
And i still think looking through some alternate channels for news gains you a little more insight into what the "truth" could be.

Another thing is to listen to the people around you who are a part of the different aspects of this country...
If you know any police officers ask them what the patriot act has given them as far as leniancy in violating what used to be your rights. I Know a few and they have a lot of access into your personal life... And even they ,as enforcers of the law, do not actually agree with it. Yet they do state how much easier there job is now.

Ask you personal physician about the HIPPA ACT. Let him tell you how much they are violating his and your rights I asked mine and a few others. There stories were quite interesting.

Take a look at any of the PRIVACY policies any companies give you in compliance with recent laws... there a joke! You have no privacy is what they basicaly say.

What I am trying to say is that not all news is in the news. It can be seen right in your own life. In the peoples lifes around you. So many people watch the problems on the news and think it's someone elses problem. They hear the story about what happpened to the guy down the street and think too bad. yet they don't find out what really happend... Rather than viewing the world around you through some commentators words get out there yourself and actually live the world around you.
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Postby Knight of Orient on Tue Aug 01, 2006 8:13 pm

i'll be honest, your probably right about this stuff. i c uve put a lotta time into it. i just wish people wouldnt nail bush for every problem that goes on in the USA, such as gas and taxes. he has no way of controllin the prices, and what he decides has to go with whats the best option as far as other decisions go.
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Postby haha on Tue Aug 01, 2006 9:46 pm

good things about bush

patriot act - sees who you called and if you call people in the midle east or supected terorists they tap your phone and i dont see why any one cares if you broke up with your girl friend

no child left bhind

mexican borders

bad things

the press who want him impeached and found guilty
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Postby theosi on Tue Aug 01, 2006 11:14 pm

haha wrote:good things about bush

patriot act - sees who you called and if you call people in the midle east or supected terorists they tap your phone and i dont see why any one cares if you broke up with your girl friend

no child left bhind

mexican borders

bad things

the press who want him impeached and found guilty

haha you are kidding right?
If they see who you are calling your phone is already tapped or your records are being accesed for no reason. The problem with that is I am a suspect whether I did anything or not.
Now I hear this argument about "If you are not doing anything wrong you have nothing to worry about". But to me how is it correct that my right to privacy should be invaded and violated? Why is every CITIZEN a suspect? you see it as protecting us. I see it as a constitutional crime.

And waht about Mexico's borders? You see the millions of illegals that have crossed our borders a good thing? The fact that ordinary citizens felt the need to go vigilante and protect our borders when the Government could not?

And No child left behind? You really should find out some information on what an education used to be considered as to what it is now. This is another place taling to some teachers could let you in on what this act has done. Funding has been lost and students are taught to pass a test rather than get the education they need to compete in this world market.

This can all be argued for endless hours and no resolve will be reached if the citizens of this country are not outraged by these actions.
If they don't bother you than kewl.. But it bothers me. I find it difficult to believe this "Land of the free" has become the land of "persons of interest". and if you do not know this term call your local police station and ask what it means. you might be surprised to know the answer. or you will think it fine and when you find yourself in a jail cell with no charges against you and no lawyer present for 6 months you might just wonder how this happened.... It's that law that they tried to pass on 5 different occasions before 9/11 gave them the opportunity. It's had several different names but the latest one is the PATRIOT ACT!
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Postby haha on Wed Aug 02, 2006 10:54 am

theosi wrote:
haha wrote:good things about bush

patriot act - sees who you called and if you call people in the midle east or supected terorists they tap your phone and i dont see why any one cares if you broke up with your girl friend

no child left bhind

mexican borders

bad things

the press who want him impeached and found guilty

haha you are kidding right?
If they see who you are calling your phone is already tapped or your records are being accesed for no reason. The problem with that is I am a suspect whether I did anything or not.
Now I hear this argument about "If you are not doing anything wrong you have nothing to worry about". But to me how is it correct that my right to privacy should be invaded and violated? Why is every CITIZEN a suspect? you see it as protecting us. I see it as a constitutional crime.

And waht about Mexico's borders? You see the millions of illegals that have crossed our borders a good thing? The fact that ordinary citizens felt the need to go vigilante and protect our borders when the Government could not?

And No child left behind? You really should find out some information on what an education used to be considered as to what it is now. This is another place taling to some teachers could let you in on what this act has done. Funding has been lost and students are taught to pass a test rather than get the education they need to compete in this world market.

This can all be argued for endless hours and no resolve will be reached if the citizens of this country are not outraged by these actions.
If they don't bother you than kewl.. But it bothers me. I find it difficult to believe this "Land of the free" has become the land of "persons of interest". and if you do not know this term call your local police station and ask what it means. you might be surprised to know the answer. or you will think it fine and when you find yourself in a jail cell with no charges against you and no lawyer present for 6 months you might just wonder how this happened.... It's that law that they tried to pass on 5 different occasions before 9/11 gave them the opportunity. It's had several different names but the latest one is the PATRIOT ACT!

you shount have any thing to hid and they for the patriot act and

and gw has set up a plan of securing the borders we would put more soldiers there put hiteck equitment
the new green card makis it harder to forge a green card a fence acros the border cameras ex

the no child left bhind is geting rid of the bad teachers and geting better ones basicly
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Postby HisServant4ever on Wed Aug 02, 2006 1:51 pm

I vote for President Bush, because he is not flip-floppy like the other canadates. When we went in to war, the Democrats were all for us going in. But now, a few years later, everyone is making fun of our president. Just because he is not purfect. If you think you can do so much better, than why not run? It makes me sick to hear people bashing him left and right.
Some smerk at his speeches, but hey! You would be nervous as well speaking to thousands and thousands of people! And little time to prepare for the speech!
I am happy with my vote. I wouldn't change it for anything.
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Postby Jolly Roger on Wed Aug 02, 2006 2:05 pm

Truman wrote:Bush has a bigger sense of morality than Kerry. I think Bush is a good president, but not the best president. I really think he's making a huge mistake with the border problem; I mean, 6,000 men on the entire border? We've got over 150,000 men guarding the North Korean border alone, and that, my friends, is a much smaller area to guard.

He's probably going for the one world government idea like his father.

But, there are still many positive things about him. He is fighting islamic terrorism, he is against partial-birth abortion, his first veto was on stem cell research using live unborn babies, which is extremely unnecessary with the other ways the same research can be accomplished without destroying a human life. He's done so many things that have helped the American public.

And I saw a comment on how Canada is practically the U.S., when this is certainly not true. Homosexual marriage is legal there, and on O'Reilly(sp?) there was an announced marriage of one man marrying three women on Prince Edward Island. Look it up. Canada is much more corrupted than America...but as long as the ACLU lives on, we might become exactly like them. :cry:

I hail from PEI and frequently travel there. I haven't heard anything about this story and, while instances of polygamy could certainly happen anywhere, I have been unable to find any info via Google or on the Fox and O'Reilly websites. In any case, I suspect that Utah easily outperforms PEI on the polygamy front.
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Postby reverend_kyle on Wed Aug 02, 2006 3:38 pm

haha wrote:
the no child left bhind is geting rid of the bad teachers and geting better ones basicly

thats working TERRIBLY well at your school isnt it..

spell basically. or behind. or even getting.

great you just got all your spelling teachers fired.
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Postby haha on Wed Aug 02, 2006 7:08 pm

lol i wish
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Postby reverend_kyle on Wed Aug 02, 2006 11:54 pm

oh and by the way its not working like that its getting rid of all originality in teaching which is what makes the biggest impression with me.
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Postby theosi on Thu Aug 03, 2006 12:31 am

you shount have any thing to hid and they for the patriot act and


And i'm sure when SAddam was spying on his people they appreciated that... And when people turned their own neighbors in they LOVED it!

Yeah... If they would not have been doing anything wrong He would not have KILLED THEM!!! They deserved it you know.... they had something negative to say about their LEADER.... Just like here.... You do not have the right to say anything negative about your leader or people like you will complain and call us AMERICA HATERS!!! Drop a little exagerated message off to the FBI and....
my door is gettng knocked on hold on a sec....

Oh that was the FBI... Had some questions for me... Wanted to know what I meant in a couple of my posts....

Yeah I feel so secure now in this LAND OF THE FREE! Thanks for setting me straight haha.
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Postby reverend_kyle on Thu Aug 03, 2006 12:33 am

theosi wrote:
you shount have any thing to hid and they for the patriot act and


And i'm sure when SAddam was spying on his people they appreciated that... And when people turned their own neighbors in they LOVED it!

Yeah... If they would not have been doing anything wrong He would not have KILLED THEM!!! They deserved it you know.... they had something negative to say about their LEADER.... Just like here.... You do not have the right to say anything negative about your leader or people like you will complain and call us AMERICA HATERS!!! Drop a little exagerated message off to the FBI and....
my door is gettng knocked on hold on a sec....

Oh that was the FBI... Had some questions for me... Wanted to know what I meant in a couple of my posts....

Yeah I feel so secure now in this LAND OF THE FREE! Thanks for setting me straight haha.

yeah they came to my house.. they were curious as to why I had purchased the communist manifesto.. when I asked why they were reading my book purchases they cigarette burned me...
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Postby theosi on Thu Aug 03, 2006 12:38 am

Same goes for HItler and his GESTAPO....

Hmmm... yeah two of the most EVIL people in this Century and our country is being spyed on by our Government just like they did in theirs...

Patriot Act

Give us your Liberties
Give us your freedoms
We need them for your safety....
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Postby theosi on Thu Aug 03, 2006 12:45 am

Knight of Orient wrote:i'll be honest, your probably right about this stuff. i c uve put a lotta time into it. i just wish people wouldnt nail bush for every problem that goes on in the USA, such as gas and taxes. he has no way of controllin the prices, and what he decides has to go with whats the best option as far as other decisions go.

you seem like a nice guy Knight... I hope you know when I say things you may disagree with... I am not attacking YOU.

When you say things I don't agree with i don't take it personaly.

A discussion is how we learn. I share my expiereiences. You share yours... We find our answers somewhere in the middle... Hopefully...

When people take these forums personally and make it an Argument and make personal attacks this is when nothing is being learned. No purpose in it... I don't get it... I don't get why people come in here with this "Your an Idiot" mentality.

Everyone deserves their right to voice their opinion. Whether it is the popular one or not... I will always voice mine.
But I say very little that I cannot back up with some facts.

But thanks for the FRIENDLY chat... Hopefully this trend can pick up around here and we all can get somewhere better.
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Postby Caleb the Cruel on Thu Aug 03, 2006 2:46 pm

theosi wrote: the FRIENDLY chat... Hopefully this trend can pick up around here and we all can get somewhere better.

no, it will not get picked up, at least not by myself anyways
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Postby reverend_kyle on Thu Aug 03, 2006 5:16 pm

Caleb the Cruel wrote:
theosi wrote: the FRIENDLY chat... Hopefully this trend can pick up around here and we all can get somewhere better.

no, it will not get picked up, at least not by myself anyways

hes the most tolerant person on here he doesnt NEED it.
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Postby theosi on Thu Aug 03, 2006 11:35 pm

Caleb the Cruel wrote:
theosi wrote: the FRIENDLY chat... Hopefully this trend can pick up around here and we all can get somewhere better.

no, it will not get picked up, at least not by myself anyways


OMG Holding my guts laughing so hard!!!
How can you... Nevermind...
Oh man that is just classic.:lol: :lol: :lol:

And Kyle, Thanks for getting my back bra!
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