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Postby gimil on Wed Aug 08, 2007 5:35 am

WidowMakers wrote:
gimil wrote:just under the ELP station there is a bit of the background which looks like part of the outer glow and there is a light spot under the sas station can htese be taken out as there making the area look a little untidy.
Those just happen to be in the background. I can remove them if it is found to be an issue.

i know they were part of the background :wink:

I just feel there a little untidy
What do you know about map making, bitch?

natty_dread wrote:I was wrong

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Postby WidowMakers on Wed Aug 08, 2007 5:55 am

cairnswk wrote:
edbeard wrote:question: How will the stations like PDX, SAC, SLC and OMA show up in the XML?

they are unique in that they share two service lines but only have 1 station

I think he means will SAC = SAC Sacramento COA/CAL because it is 1 station with 2 lines?
Last edited by WidowMakers on Wed Aug 08, 2007 6:09 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby cairnswk on Wed Aug 08, 2007 6:04 am

WidowMakers wrote:
cairnswk wrote:
edbeard wrote:question: How will the stations like PDX, SAC, SLC and OMA show up in the XML?

they are unique in that they share two service lines but only have 1 station

I think he means will SAC = SAC Sacramento COA/CAL because it is 1 station with 2 lines?

Oops...wrong reference i posted....nevermind....

SAC will be written SAC Sacremento

I don't see any need to add two line names when its not needed, there is only one station there.
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Postby MR. Nate on Wed Aug 08, 2007 1:15 pm

This might be irrelevant, or maybe I'm the only one that cares, but it seems to me that the yellow and brown on NOL should be switched. Yellow runs straight north, but brown runs east-west, so it could be anywhere.

Congrats on the geat work though, guys. This map is a bit intimidating at first glance, but once you look at it a little, it's very intuitive. Great concept, great artwork.
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Postby Keredrex on Wed Aug 08, 2007 2:22 pm

I actually agree with Mr. Nate... Swap the yellow and brown on NOL station It would match All your other stations
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Postby WidowMakers on Wed Aug 08, 2007 4:48 pm

Keredrex wrote:I actually agree with Mr. Nate... Swap the yellow and brown on NOL station It would match All your other stations
Already fixed. It will be in the next update along with the small little bits from the background that gimil pointed out.

Other than this, are there any other concerns. If not I can get the large map done to look just like the small (only bigger) :D

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Postby WidowMakers on Thu Aug 09, 2007 5:10 am

Version 17
OK here are the two little updates
1) Switched the colors in the NOL station
2)Fixed the background spots below SAS and ELP
3) Made Large image

NOTE: The armies are not based on XML. CairnsWK said he would start XML this weekend once the playable map movement settles down.

Any more suggestions?
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Postby MR. Nate on Thu Aug 09, 2007 8:05 am

It looks sharp, but those numbers are hard to look at. They aren't illegible, they just give me a headache. Maybe it's just the yellow, I don't know. I'm wondering if the white was faded down a bit, maybe changed to one of the lighter browns in the background, if it would help. That might be tough with CHI, though. What does everyone think?
AAFitz wrote:There will always be cheaters, abusive players, terrible players, and worse. But we have every right to crush them.
MeDeFe wrote:This is a forum on the internet, what do you expect?

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Postby KEYOGI on Thu Aug 09, 2007 8:06 am

Agree with MR. Nate.
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Yeah I Agree

Postby Keredrex on Thu Aug 09, 2007 12:14 pm

Try putting all the Army number colors in and Maybe a Grey Background for them this way we can see all the colors against it... Bu ti think GREY would be best
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Postby cairnswk on Thu Aug 09, 2007 1:56 pm

i agree with mr nate, keyogi and keredrex.
i think grey might help the situation for the army numbers to dull the white in those station boxes.
Also WM. can you tone down the pink in the Chicago station for the Cardinal is way too bright and overpowers the rest of the colours in that octagon....please :)

Keredrex....i'll try to get a posting up this weekend of both maps with the army shadows installed from the xml. I've written the station name parts but just have to put in the coordinates for centering. :)
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Postby WidowMakers on Fri Aug 10, 2007 4:51 am


1)Changed the army boxes to a light brown from the background. Thanks for the suggestion Mr. Nate
2)Added different colored NON XML armies. Much better!
===(CairnsWK will be doing the actual XML this weekend)====
3)Toned down the magenta in Chicago so a less blaring shade.


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Postby edbeard on Fri Aug 10, 2007 5:16 am

here's a post widow will hate

any reason the east coast clocks are set to 12 whilst the west coast are at 3? And, the ones in between follow the same incorrect pattern.
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Postby WidowMakers on Fri Aug 10, 2007 5:22 am

edbeard wrote:here's a post widow will hate

any reason the east coast clocks are set to 12 whilst the west coast are at 3? And, the ones in between follow the same incorrect pattern.

........I don't hate that post. I hate myself. Thanks for pointing that out. I had the right idea just the wrong execution. :oops:

I will fix it in V19.
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Postby MR. Nate on Fri Aug 10, 2007 7:52 am

Jetzt ist es Superfantastisch!
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AAFitz wrote:There will always be cheaters, abusive players, terrible players, and worse. But we have every right to crush them.
MeDeFe wrote:This is a forum on the internet, what do you expect?

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Postby cairnswk on Fri Aug 10, 2007 11:16 pm

Small map - armies generated from XML

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Postby WidowMakers on Sat Aug 11, 2007 6:50 am

Here is the updated Large map with clocks and fixed some of the army boxes to be even numbers for army centering

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Large and Small w Armies

Postby cairnswk on Sat Aug 11, 2007 10:30 am

Large and Small w Armies

Small V18 w Armies


Large V18 w Armies


:) :)
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Postby I GOT SERVED on Sat Aug 11, 2007 10:33 am

This map looks great, and I can't wait till it comes out. But I have a few questions, for personal clarification.

In order to get the bonus for Costal Starlight, would I need to hold all of the Seattle station? Or just the orange part?

And say if I'm holding the Cardinal line, and somebody went to break my bonus, would they need to go through the pink part of the Washington Station? Or can they attack straight to Cincinnati?

Thanks in advance.

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Postby cairnswk on Sat Aug 11, 2007 10:41 am

I GOT SERVED wrote:This map looks great, and I can't wait till it comes out. But I have a few questions, for personal clarification.

In order to get the bonus for Costal Starlight, would I need to hold all of the Seattle station? Or just the orange part?

Hi...i got served....thanks for the you wouldn't need to hold all of that SEA station, only the orange part.

And say if I'm holding the Cardinal line, and somebody went to break my bonus, would they need to go through the pink part of the Washington Station? Or can they attack straight to Cincinnati?

Thanks in advance.

if you held the CAR line and someone had the WAS SIL station, they could attack you directly.

Below is the xml for the CAR line for your interest. Hope this helps.

<!-- Cardinal -->

<name>NYP New York Penn CAR</name>
<border>NYP New York Penn LAK</border>
<border>NYP New York Penn CRE</border>
<border>NYP New York Penn SIL</border>
<border>WAS Washington SIL</border>
<border>WAS Washington CRE</border>
<border>WAS Washington CAR</border>
<border>ALB Albany LAK</border>

<name>WAS Washington CAR</name>
<border>NYP New York Penn SIL</border>
<border>NYP New York Penn LAK</border>
<border>NYP New York Penn CRE</border>
<border>NYP New York Penn CAR</border>
<border>WAS Washington CRE</border>
<border>WAS Washington SIL</border>
<border>CIN Cincinnati CAR</border>
<border>CHS Charleston SIL</border>
<border>CVS Charlottesville CRE</border>

<name>CIN Cincinnati CAR</name>
<border>WAS Washington CRE</border>
<border>WAS Washington SIL</border>
<border>WAS Washington CAR</border>
<border>CHI Chicago EMP</border>
<border>CHI Chicago PIO</border>
<border>CHI Chicago CAL</border>
<border>CHI Chicago SOU</border>
<border>CHI Chicago TEX</border>
<border>CHI Chicago CIT</border>
<border>CHI Chicago CAR</border>
<border>CHI Chicago LAK</border>

<name>CHI Chicago CAR</name>
<border>CHI Chicago EMP</border>
<border>CHI Chicago PIO</border>
<border>CHI Chicago CAL</border>
<border>CHI Chicago SOU</border>
<border>CHI Chicago TEX</border>
<border>CHI Chicago CIT</border>
<border>CHI Chicago LAK</border>
<border>MIL Milwaukee EMP</border>
<border>OMA Omaha</border>
<border>KYC Kansas City SOU</border>
<border>STL St Louis TEX</border>
<border>MEM Memphis CIT</border>
<border>TOL Toledo LAK</border>
<border>CIN Cincinnati CAR</border>
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Postby I GOT SERVED on Sat Aug 11, 2007 9:26 pm

Thanks a lot for the clarification.

So if I'm understanding the XML correctly, then Cincinnati borders all Washington stations, correct?

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Postby cairnswk on Sat Aug 11, 2007 9:59 pm

I GOT SERVED wrote:Thanks a lot for the clarification.

So if I'm understanding the XML correctly, then Cincinnati borders all Washington stations, correct?

Yup. U got it in one. :)
It's a little twist on previous gameplay.
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Postby MR. Nate on Sat Aug 11, 2007 11:59 pm

cairnswk wrote:
I GOT SERVED wrote:Thanks a lot for the clarification.

So if I'm understanding the XML correctly, then Cincinnati borders all Washington stations, correct?

Yup. U got it in one. :)
It's a little twist on previous gameplay.

That makes no sense to me. Cincinnati should only border the Cardinal line station, and here's why.

1. If your on a train from Cincinnati, pulling into Washington, you HAVE to pull into the Cardinal Station. You can't go through any other station, the tracks pull into one station. If you pulled into the Cardinal Station, you couldn't attack the Crescent Station without physically walking through the Cardinal Station, which, if it is owned by someone else, is not going to happen.

2. It increases the number of borders on nearly ever line.
The only territories on the board which are NOT borders are:
WGL, HAV, FAR & MSP on the Empire Builder
BUF, BOS on Lakeshore Limited
Meaning that of 14 possible bonuses, 2 have interior territories.

3. The bonuses would need to be reworked.
Empire Builder (4 Borders, 8 Territories) has the same bonus as Heartland Flyer & Texas Eagle (4 Borders, 4 Territories)

4. You could get from one place to another without using the Railroad that connects them (FTW, Heartland Flyer to SAS Sunset Limited w/o touching the Texas Eagle Line)

To me, this attacking is not in the least bit intuitive, meaning it would have to be explained in the legend somewhere, lest we be barraged by the unknowing masses, complaining their XML is broken.
AAFitz wrote:There will always be cheaters, abusive players, terrible players, and worse. But we have every right to crush them.
MeDeFe wrote:This is a forum on the internet, what do you expect?

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Postby cairnswk on Sun Aug 12, 2007 9:38 am

As i will be out of town for two days on conference, i will post replies to any concerns over the xml when i return.
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Postby jako on Mon Aug 13, 2007 11:26 am

MR. Nate wrote:
cairnswk wrote:
I GOT SERVED wrote:Thanks a lot for the clarification.

So if I'm understanding the XML correctly, then Cincinnati borders all Washington stations, correct?

Yup. U got it in one. :)
It's a little twist on previous gameplay.

That makes no sense to me. Cincinnati should only border the Cardinal line station, and here's why.

1. If your on a train from Cincinnati, pulling into Washington, you HAVE to pull into the Cardinal Station. You can't go through any other station, the tracks pull into one station. If you pulled into the Cardinal Station, you couldn't attack the Crescent Station without physically walking through the Cardinal Station, which, if it is owned by someone else, is not going to happen.

2. It increases the number of borders on nearly ever line.
The only territories on the board which are NOT borders are:
WGL, HAV, FAR & MSP on the Empire Builder
BUF, BOS on Lakeshore Limited
Meaning that of 14 possible bonuses, 2 have interior territories.

3. The bonuses would need to be reworked.
Empire Builder (4 Borders, 8 Territories) has the same bonus as Heartland Flyer & Texas Eagle (4 Borders, 4 Territories)

4. You could get from one place to another without using the Railroad that connects them (FTW, Heartland Flyer to SAS Sunset Limited w/o touching the Texas Eagle Line)

To me, this attacking is not in the least bit intuitive, meaning it would have to be explained in the legend somewhere, lest we be barraged by the unknowing masses, complaining their XML is broken.

id have to agree with nate on this, using the above mentioned example, the player with the WAS Sil line would need to hit the purple box at the WAS station thus breaking ur bonus, and no further need to advance against CIN station.

but i have another question about the gameplay relating to attack from stations with multiple lines,

take the WAS station and NYP station, if i held the Cresent line:

1. if i wanted to attack the red area at NYP station, can i attack it just from the other coloured boxes at the NYP station or since my line goes to that station, can i attack it from the aqua box at the WAS station?

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