Ok, I might shorten the name, but you get the idea. Right now, I need a total of 12 people who would like to play in this tournament. 8 participants, and 4 reserves. Stipulations are as follows:
1. You must be a Flame Wars regular. I have only been here a short while, but I know who frequents that disgusting pit over there.
2. I don't believe you will need a Premium membership, as there will only be 8 participants. I suppose it would help though. Just make sure you have spots for games.
3. Rank does not matter. There will be round robin play to establish bracket rankings, then bracket-style play for the championship.
4. All games will be standard, sequential, flat rate, unlimited forts on the Classic map. This is my first tourney, so, until I get the hang of it, I want to keep it simple. If there are problems with it, then... well, you know what to do to yourself. It starts with G, end in Y, and has an F in the middle.
5. One last thing. If there is interest by more than 12 people, then I can expand it to 16 participants and 4 reserves. That would make two brackets.
So, who wants to be named the Conquer Club Flame Wars champ?!?!? Let yourself be heard here. Don't send PM's, please. What the hell am I saying please for. You guys don't respond to that. After all, you're FLAMERS!!!

1. Dmunster (1-2)
2. Norse (2-2)
3. FiveThreeEight (1-3)[wrestler1ump banned as a multi]
4. john1099 (3-1)
5. hulmey (2-1)
6. Anarkistsdream (1-3)
7. Ronaldinho (3-1)
8. Skittles! (2-2)
(winners in red/bold)
Game #775295
Dmunster vs. Norse
Game #775301
wrestler1ump vs. john1099
Game #775304
hulmey vs. Anarkistsdream
Game #775307
Ronaldinho vs. Skittles!
Round 2:
Game #796814
Norse vs. wrestler1ump
Game #796819
Dmunster vs. john1099
Game #796821
hulmey vs. Ronaldinho
Game #796822
Anarkistsdream vs. Skittles!
Round 3
Game #837727
Dmunster vs. FiveThreeEight
Game #837728
Norse vs. john1099
Game #837730
hulmey vs. Skittles!
Game #837731
Ronaldinho vs. Anarkistsdream
Round 4
Game #940781
Dmunster vs. hulmey
Game #940782
Norse vs. Anarkistsdream
Game #940784
FiveThreeEight vs. Ronaldinho
Game #940785
john1099 vs. Skittles!