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ConquerClub Superstars [Top 16 Matches Made] Jan 6

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There is a Round 2 game taking forever...

Let's just wait tell January 5 to start the Top 16 games.
Split the remaining points evenly amongst them.
Something else...
No votes
Total votes : 13

Postby Optimus Prime on Thu Aug 09, 2007 9:48 pm

tabsnake wrote:I would like in only if you have room...there are far more important people on this site that deserves 1 of the last 4 slots. So, I completely understand if I don't qualify. map of choice would be of course Age of Merchants (just for Optimus Prime :twisted: ). Thanks

DON'T LET HIM IN!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby happy2seeyou on Thu Aug 09, 2007 9:50 pm

Coleman wrote:
happy2seeyou wrote:
Coleman wrote:
happy2seeyou wrote:Coleman, you are doing a good job juggling this site tourney and your new website you made. It looks nice so far.

I've also mowed the lawn today with a broken knee and am still working 40 hours a week while on pain medication. I'm supernatural. :lol:

Edit: Thanks for the praise everyone, the Coleman likes praise.

I just looked out the window and my lawn was NOT mowed today! Ughhh

Is there a special someone for you to beat up for that? :lol:

Yeah he is busy rubbing my back at the moment.
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Postby Coleman on Thu Aug 09, 2007 9:51 pm

Optimus Prime wrote:
tabsnake wrote:I would like in only if you have room...there are far more important people on this site that deserves 1 of the last 4 slots. So, I completely understand if I don't qualify. map of choice would be of course Age of Merchants (just for Optimus Prime :twisted: ). Thanks

DON'T LET HIM IN!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

He's been beating me up in one of the tourneys I'm in... but mostly I'm denying him right now because he didn't vote on which card type.
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Postby spidey on Thu Aug 09, 2007 10:17 pm

I know that 3 people that are currently in your tourney are in my nhl one, I don't have a fancy website, although I'm sure if I gave my wife a few back rubs she could build one for me. I know why optimus doesn't want tabsnake in, cause tabsnake is kicking everyone's ass in my tourney, except me, I schooled him on his own map, granted I only get to play him the one time, but none the less, I whooped his butt. And to comment on the avatar problem, I have one that I wanted to use but the file size is to big and my wife is the computer guru at our house and until I get her to change that, I don't have a avatar. And one last thing, escalating cards are ok for multiperson games, but not for 2 player ones. keep it flat. If you don't let me in that is no problem, I just figured that a couple of my teammates are in this tourney so I should try to get in on it too.
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Postby Night Strike on Thu Aug 09, 2007 11:02 pm

Skittles! wrote:
spidey wrote:Iwould like to join up and I would fit into the other catagory and i think I fit in there with my NHL league that is getting close to the all-star game, and I fit because of my name, who here doesn't know spidey. I'm popular not only on here but world wide. I would like to play with the australia map, flat rate.

I have no idea who you are, and i'm a spammer.

Spidey's my doubles partner in 4 doubles tournaments: FA Premiership Doubles, Ultimate Doubles Tournament, Gasoline Wars, and Primera Doubles. And skittles, you haven't seen him much because he stays in the tournament forum all the time.
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Postby michiganfan22 on Thu Aug 09, 2007 11:11 pm

how u guys doin in that ultimate dubs tourny? compared to my team that is, lol.
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Postby spidey on Fri Aug 10, 2007 12:17 am

we were doing fine until the Semp's clobbered us. even when we had a good drop they beat us, but then they have been clobbering everyone. I figure we should be tied with you right after we play against you. lol
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Postby michiganfan22 on Fri Aug 10, 2007 12:23 am

very funny. they didnt clobber us, all 3 games were real close but they pulled it out 2-1
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Postby Night Strike on Fri Aug 10, 2007 12:53 am

Why are you two hijacking Coleman's topic about our doubles tourney???

Anywho, I'm liking the player bio's Coleman. Very nice idea. And that is true that I have played almost every map and every setting (except freestyle which I quickly learned was supported by the devil). Also, I'm back over 1600: a nice rt victory.
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Postby TheKidsTrumpet on Fri Aug 10, 2007 2:09 am

I've been monitoring this tourney just cause it sounds so interesting, but I'm so not famous, just an up and comer. Good luck to you all, Wish ya the best.
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Postby tabsnake on Fri Aug 10, 2007 8:34 am

Coleman wrote:
Optimus Prime wrote:
tabsnake wrote:I would like in only if you have room...there are far more important people on this site that deserves 1 of the last 4 slots. So, I completely understand if I don't qualify. map of choice would be of course Age of Merchants (just for Optimus Prime :twisted: ). Thanks

DON'T LET HIM IN!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

He's been beating me up in one of the tourneys I'm in... but mostly I'm denying him right now because he didn't vote on which card type.

OOPS :oops: ...I missed that part, thought it was the poll. Anyways...Flat Rate for me.
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Postby spidey on Fri Aug 10, 2007 10:06 am

how is that coleman? is that better? If not I've got a few more that I can put up.
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Postby Coleman on Fri Aug 10, 2007 10:15 am

I'll be adding more people soon that applied. Registration ends Saturday (or Sunday depending on where you live) and then I'll pick the 24 most famous people that applied and probably start matches Monday (won't be any rush to join if you aren't available at all that day).

More then 24 have applied already, I've just kind of ignored some of them, I'll change that in a bit.
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Postby Optimus Prime on Fri Aug 10, 2007 10:27 am

spidey wrote:how is that coleman? is that better? If not I've got a few more that I can put up.

Why, that looks almost fancy....
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Postby Gilligan on Fri Aug 10, 2007 10:28 am

It looks like Spider-Man has a extremely fat head with small eyes...
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Postby spidey on Fri Aug 10, 2007 12:34 pm

I think it is the logo they used on some of the packaging for some of the toys a year or 2 back, but I could be mistaken and probably am.
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Postby Optimus Prime on Sat Aug 11, 2007 10:18 am

Sooooo.....who is going to fill the last 4 slots available? It's a pretty good cast on the list so far.
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Postby Coleman on Sat Aug 11, 2007 11:03 am

Optimus Prime wrote:Sooooo.....who is going to fill the last 4 slots available? It's a pretty good cast on the list so far.

Not sure, again, not going to be able to start this for a couple days. I think my website will be mostly done and functional sometime tomorrow after registration closes. I'm working on it right now.

So many games at once from other tournaments though.


Current Tally
12 Flat Rate vs 11 Escalating

Joined So Far:
1. Coleman - Cartographer - Great Lakes - Escalating
2. edbeard - Cartographer - Battle for Australia - Flat Rate Locked In
3. Night Strike - Rank (1688) - Europe - Flat Rate
4. Optimus Prime - Other (Tournament Organizer) - USA - Flat Rate Locked In
5. MarVal - Cartographer - BeNeLux - Flat Rate Locked In
6. Steelhorse - Moderator - Classic - Escalating Locked In
7. moz976 - Moderator - North America - Escalating Locked In
8. empiros - Rank - (1865) - World 2.1 - Flat Rate
9. dragon dor - Rank (2065) - Middle Earth - Flat Rate
10. Gilligan - Other (Tournament Organizer) - Caribbean Islands - Escalating
11. michiganfan22 - Rank (1596) - Classic - Escalating Locked In for interesting rivalry with guy below.
12. LSU Tiger Josh - Other (Mafia Man) - Classic - Flat Rate Locked In for interesting rivalry with guy above.
13. happy2seeyou - Rank (2218) - Middle East - Escalating
14. Syzygy - Rank (2063) - Africa - Flat Rate
15. wolfmaster - Rank (1954) - Arctic - Flat Rate
16. reptile - Rank (2386) - Europe - Escalating
17. Bad Speler - Cartographer - Great Lakes - Escalating Locked In
18. The1exile - Flamer - Cairns Coral Coast - Escalating Locked In
19. Skittles! - Spammer - Middle East - Flat Rate Locked In
20. nagerous - Other (Mafia Man) - Valley of the Kings - Escalating Locked In because he won my other tournament
21. Hitmanblood - Rank (1789) - Classic - Abstain
22. dominationnation - Other (Mafia Man) - Classic - Escalating
23. Timminz - Rank (1542) - Classic - Abstain
24. tabsnake - Rank (1880) - Age of Merchants - Flat Rate

Didn't take Spidey because the other players wanting to join had a higher rank and I don't have anything else to put him under and the current players under other felt valid enough to keep. Didn't take DAZ because I wasn't sure if he was trying to join or not.

Vote is 12 Flat Rate vs 11 Escalating, which is too close for me to feel comfortable saying Flat Rate won. So I may make games 11/23 escalating and 12/23 flat rate (tie the votes into the corresponding map choice). :)

REGISTRATION IS NOT CLOSED If you want to play and are more famous or have a higher rank then 1542 or feel you are more famous then one of the current 'other' players that isn't locked in you can still apply and replace them.

I can't start games until Monday probably, and I'll still be needing to get tournament rights although Steelhorse could probably hook me up with that. (While he is at it my Bracket Tournament rights should be gone).
Last edited by Coleman on Sat Aug 11, 2007 12:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Coleman on Sat Aug 11, 2007 12:08 pm

For those that applied and aren't among the 24. If any of the 24 players become less responsive then I would like. (With the exception of moz, he's too cool not to keep involved and I understand his business.) I'll go ahead and place you in their spot and give you their points.

If say, 6 more people (don't hold me too that) legitimately apply I may drop myself out and restrict myself to hosting.
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Postby Coleman on Sat Aug 11, 2007 1:26 pm

Web page updated and almost tournament ready. If things don't look right refresh, if they still look bad let me know via PM.
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Postby Optimus Prime on Sat Aug 11, 2007 2:49 pm

Looks great.
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Postby Syzygy on Sat Aug 11, 2007 3:29 pm

Optimus Prime wrote:Looks great.

Seconded, I really hope no one knocks my place off the list. :D
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Postby Skittles! on Sun Aug 12, 2007 1:45 am

Being the only spammer here makes me feel alone
KraphtOne wrote:when you sign up a new account one of the check boxes should be "do you want to foe colton24 (it is highly recommended) "
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Postby Coleman on Sun Aug 12, 2007 1:08 pm

Skittles! wrote:Being the only spammer here makes me feel alone

Should have invited others. :P
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Postby The1exile on Sun Aug 12, 2007 1:16 pm

Skittles! wrote:Being the only spammer here makes me feel alone

I'm the only flamer, but like hell am I dragging those other bastards over here :lol:
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