WidowMakers wrote:
2) I made the text in the legend feel more like a LCD panel and LCD.
a very nice touch. but it's LED not LCD

Moderator: Cartographers
WidowMakers wrote:
2) I made the text in the legend feel more like a LCD panel and LCD.
DiM wrote:WidowMakers wrote:
2) I made the text in the legend feel more like a LCD panel and LCD.
a very nice touch. but it's LED not LCD
WidowMakers wrote:VERSION 14
Here are the updates.
1) I changed the order of the names in the legend to correspond to the layout of the map (thanks onbekende)
2) I made the text in the legend feel more like a LCD panel and LCD.
3) The underlined 3 letters of the service line was hard to make look good on the new legend so I edited the text to say "First three letters" Instead of "3 underlined letters"
4) Fixed CairnsWK sig so the butterfly has a head
NOTE: I know there are some stray blue glows behind the map. I will fix this next time.
I actually would rather have the Chicago bonus in the legend with LCD text rather than how it is now.Keredrex wrote:you should put the Chicago Bonus Icon on the bottom .. Right under Crescent On top of the legend but slightly hanging off of it
WidowMakers wrote:I actually would rather have the Chicago bonus in the legend with LCD text rather than how it is now.Keredrex wrote:you should put the Chicago Bonus Icon on the bottom .. Right under Crescent On top of the legend but slightly hanging off of it
AAFitz wrote:There will always be cheaters, abusive players, terrible players, and worse. But we have every right to crush them.
MeDeFe wrote:This is a forum on the internet, what do you expect?
I have gone in between B and C. I hope everyone is happy. I too liked B more than C but this version is OK too. I just think C was too dark.edbeard wrote:B by far (the contrast is perfect)
C feels WAY too dark
(I could be convinced an inbetween would be good, but C I don't like)
Based on this issue, I moved the text around in the station area. It now reads the station letters then the service letters. CairnsWK will need to talk about this (he has all of the XML done, he just needs coordinates). He might have figured out a better way to express them.edbeard wrote:question: How will the stations like PDX, SAC, SLC and OMA show up in the XML?
they are unique in that they share two service lines but only have 1 station
I guess breaking the mold and calling it PDX might make sense. just wondering if it will be something like PDX COA/PIO . that looks weird how I did it but just curious
natty_dread wrote:I was wrong
Those just happen to be in the background. I can remove them if it is found to be an issue.gimil wrote:just under the ELP station there is a bit of the background which looks like part of the outer glow and there is a light spot under the sas station can htese be taken out as there making the area look a little untidy.
edbeard wrote:B by far (the contrast is perfect)
C feels WAY too dark
(I could be convinced an inbetween would be good, but C I don't like)
question: How will the stations like PDX, SAC, SLC and OMA show up in the XML?
they are unique in that they share two service lines but only have 1 station
I guess breaking the mold and calling it PDX might make sense. just wondering if it will be something like PDX COA/PIO . that looks weird how I did it but just curious
cairnswk wrote:Have at look at this XML below for NOL....you'll see that New Orleans is identified by
1. NOL New Orleans CIT (CIT is the yellow service)
2. NOL New Orleans SUN (SUN is the tan service)
3. NOL New Orleans CRE (CRE is the light blue service)
<name>NOL New Orleans CIT</name>
<border>SAS San Antonio SUN</border>
<border>SAS San Antonio TEX</border>
<border>MEM Memphis CIT</border>
<border>ATL Atlanta CRE</border>
<border>ORL Orlando SUN</border>
<border>ORL Orlando SIL</border>
<border>NOL New Orleans SUN</border>
<border>NOL New Orleans CRE</border>
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