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ConquerClub Superstars [Top 16 Matches Made] Jan 6

Tournaments that are no longer happening

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There is a Round 2 game taking forever...

Let's just wait tell January 5 to start the Top 16 games.
Split the remaining points evenly amongst them.
Something else...
No votes
Total votes : 13

ConquerClub Superstars [Top 16 Matches Made] Jan 6

Postby Coleman on Mon Aug 06, 2007 2:50 pm

Check the website for more information on who is participating and the current status of the tournament.

I borrowed the Poker Superstars structure and stayed as true to it as possible while making it fit for the site. I really like the idea of crossing these two genres because, like poker, CC is a highly luck as well as skill based game.

Qualifying Rounds (24 Players)
40 total matches (6 Player Sequential Standard Unlimited)
(Each person will play 10 matches, not all at once.)
((Everyone will play against every other player at least once, but often more then that.))
Points will be earned; top 16 move on. Points determine who you play and how many votes you get for the Final 16.

Each Match is Scored Thusly:
Winner: 10 points
Runner-Up: 7 points
3rd place: 5 points
4th place: 3 points
5th place: 1 point
6th place: 0 points

Top 16 (16 Players)
You will be split into 4 groups of 4 based on point totals. All these games will be sequential and standard but players will vote on the other settings. Players can split their votes between several settings if they want to for some reason, but only the winning settings will be used for the game.

Points are added here as well:
Winner: 10 points
Runner-Up: 7 points
3rd place: 4 points
4th place: 0 points

The winner of that game moves on to Round 3. The remaining 3 play a 3 FFA after using their point total from the previous match plus round 1 to vote again. The winner of that game also advances. No points that time.

Quarter-Finals (8 Players)
Exactly the same as last time except two four person groups instead of four.

Semi-Finals (4 Players)
Best 2 out of 3 1v1 matches between 2 groups of the final 4. The person with the highest point total chooses settings (must be sequential), then the other player chooses, and if there is a third game the person with the highest point total chooses again.

Final (2 Players)
The winners from the Semi-Finals play against each other for a best 3 out of 5. The person with the most points between the two of them gets first pick at settings, then they alternate until there is a winner. (again, must be sequential).

Q? This is confusing as all hell.
A. IĆÆĀæĀ½ll do the grunt work, all you have to know is that 24 ĆÆĀæĀ½famousĆÆĀæĀ½ players get to join and that winning is good. Oh, youĆÆĀæĀ½ll also need to know which map you like the most and if you prefer flat rate or escalating. But if you donĆÆĀæĀ½t I can just assume you donĆÆĀæĀ½t care and that you like classic.

Q? You abandon tournaments a lot! How will I know this will be different?
A. First off IĆÆĀæĀ½ve abandoned two. One(Slayer) because all interest had died; the other (lucky dice) because work and school stopped me from keeping up with it and most of the players had gone missing (although the remaining players harassed me a lot, understandably, but I thank them for their support and participation). IĆÆĀæĀ½m limiting myself to one at a time now, this wonĆÆĀæĀ½t be abandoned. If it is iceman can permaban me from hosting tournaments or something.

Q? Is this premium only?
A. Probably, but not necessarily. ItĆÆĀæĀ½s unlikely there are many famous/infamous people without premium. But if they want to play and they exist then they are welcome.

Q? I donĆÆĀæĀ½t fit anything!!! How is this fair!?
A. Just join up under Rank. IĆÆĀæĀ½m guessing most of the really high ranked players wonĆÆĀæĀ½t want to touch this because, frankly, every other division I listed is filled with people that have horrible ranks. So you have a chance, as far as fair goes, I only have a mild understanding of that word.

Q? When will this be starting? Updated!
A. Today! :D

Q? I'm on the list but my name isn't capitalized, why?
A. I type em hows I sees em. If you don't capitalize your name on account creation I'm never gonna do it.
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Postby Coleman on Mon Aug 06, 2007 2:50 pm

Q? Tiebreakers?
A. Holy crap, how could I forget that!? If there is the need for tiebreaker matches between the qualifiers and Top 16 they will be 1v1 best 2 of 3, classic escalating unlimited for speed. 1v1 games are usually very fast. Best 2 of 3 helps combat luck involved, which is present regardless of 1v1 settings.

Q? When you say players will be split at Top 16 based on point totals, what do you mean?
A. Based on rank it will go thusly.
1, 5, 12, 16 are a group
2, 6, 11, 15 are a group
3, 7, 10, 14 are a group
4, 8, 9, 13 are a group
So the top 8 players should have a good chance of moving on, but they still need to fight for it.

Q? How many points do I need to make it to Super 16?
A. I believe it is around 44, but it is probably less then that. I did 1040/24 to figure the average score at the end if points were distributed evenly would be 43.3333. So it was cheap math. I'll know better when we are closer to the end of the very long qualifiers round.

I've decided that since the vote is so close and the vote for what I should do about it is really close that...
I'm just going to tie in card choices with the map choices.

Code: Select all
Player            Total   Rank R1  R2  R3  R4  R5  R6  R7  R8  R9  R10 TG
Night Strike      61      1    5   3   10  7   1   1   7   7   10  1   10
edbeard           58      2    10      3   5   10  0   10  3   10  7   9
reptile           58      2    10      5   10  5   3   3   5   7   10  9
LSU Tiger Josh    54      4    5   7   10  7   1   7   7   7   0   3   10
dragon dor        53      5    7   1   10  10  3   7   5   7   3       9
Coleman           51      6    0   5   7   5   10  10  1   1   7   5   10
empiros           51      6    10  0   1   5   10  1   10  7   7   0   10
Timminz           51      6    1   5   10  0   10  5   10  3   7   0   10
wolfmaster        50      9    7   10  3   10  7   5   7   1   0   0   10
MarVal            47      10   3   10  3   0   5   7   1   10  5   3   10
michiganfan22     47      11   1   10  5   10  5   1   3   10  1   1   10
Optimus Prime     44      12   7   7   5   3   7   7   0   5   3       9
Bad Speler        41      13   3   1   0   3   3   3   5   10  10  3   10
Steelhorse        40      14   1   1   7   3   3   0   10  5   0   10  10
dominationnation  38      15   10  5   7   0   0   3   7   0   5   1   10
nagerous          35      16   5       3   0   7   10  0   0   3   7   9
moz976            32      17   0   3   7   7   1   3   1   5   5       9
Gilligan          31      18   3   1   1   3   7   5   0   10  1   0   10
Skittles!         30      19   7   7   0   5   1   0   5   3   1   1   10
Hitmanblood       29      20   0   3   5   7   5   1   3   0   0   5   10
The1exile         29      20   5   0   1   1   3   1   3   3   5   7   10
DiM               26      22   0   0   1   1   0   10  1   0   10  3   10
Syzygy            24      23   1       0   1   0   5   5   1   1   10  9
tabsnake          13      24   3   0   0   1   0   0   0   1   3   5   10

1. Coleman - Cartographer - Great Lakes - Escalating
2. edbeard - Cartographer - Battle for Australia - Flat Rate
3. Night Strike - High Rank - Europe - Flat Rate
4. Optimus Prime - Tournament Organizer - USA - Flat Rate
5. MarVal - Cartographer - BeNeLux - Flat Rate
6. Steelhorse - Moderator - Classic - Escalating
7. moz976 - Moderator - North America - Escalating
8. empiros - High Rank - World 2.1 - Flat Rate
9. dragon dor - High Rank - Middle Earth - Flat Rate
10. Gilligan - Tournament Organizer - Caribbean Islands - Escalating
11. michiganfan22 - High Rank - Classic - Escalating
12. LSU Tiger Josh - Mafia Man - Classic - Flat Rate
13. happy2seeyou - High Rank - Middle East - Escalating
14. Syzygy - High Rank - Africa - Flat Rate
15. wolfmaster - High Rank - Arctic - Flat Rate
16. reptile - High Rank - Europe - Escalating
17. Bad Speler - Cartographer - Great Lakes - Escalating
18. The1exile - Flamer - Cairns Coral Coast - Escalating
19. Skittles! - Spammer - Middle East - Flat Rate
20. nagerous - Mafia Man - Valley of the Kings - Escalating
21. Hitmanblood - High Rank - Classic - Abstain
22. dominationnation - Mafia Man - Classic - Escalating
23. Timminz - High Rank - Classic - Abstain
24. tabsnake - High Rank - Age of Merchants - Flat Rate
Last edited by Coleman on Mon Dec 17, 2007 10:20 pm, edited 59 times in total.
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Postby edbeard on Mon Aug 06, 2007 4:21 pm

Ok so my first thought was Great Lakes Flat Rate but I guess that's kind of dumb for both of us to do that.

Battle for Australia
Flat Rate
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Postby Night Strike on Mon Aug 06, 2007 4:37 pm

6-player games are slow enough for me to join.

Rank-Sergeant First Class (1688)
Pretty active in the important forums (Flame Wars and Clubhouse don't count) and am running my first tournament (with promises of more to come)
Europe Map
Flat Rate
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Postby DAZMCFC on Mon Aug 06, 2007 6:01 pm

1600 and odd post, 500 and odd games 181 wins (singles everyone) and only a 36% win rate. :roll:
high score:2765
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Postby Optimus Prime on Mon Aug 06, 2007 8:06 pm

Well, Coleman, I don't know if I fit any of the categories except for "Other" but if you are willing you can put me in as somewhat famous in regards to organizing tournaments.

Tournament Organizer "Other"
Flat Rate Cards

If I don't quite count, I'd be willing to serve as a reserve if need be.

Let me know.

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Postby misterman10 on Mon Aug 06, 2007 8:51 pm

Ask yourself Coleman, who doesn't know misterman10?

Pleasant Chaps still suck cock.

Yakuza power.
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Postby michiganfan22 on Mon Aug 06, 2007 8:53 pm

i dont really wanna join but optimus prime deserves the right to be in this. he is a great tournament director and that should count.
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Postby 0ojakeo0 on Mon Aug 06, 2007 8:57 pm

i think optimus deserves in
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Postby Coleman on Tue Aug 07, 2007 6:12 am

Not sure if DAZ was joining with that post or not. I'll put everyone else in though.
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Postby Steelhorse on Tue Aug 07, 2007 6:57 am

Hmmm...An interesting and creative theme. Sign me up.

Tourney Director
Classic Map, escalating
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Postby Bijo on Tue Aug 07, 2007 7:02 am

hahahahhahhahahahhahhahah, what a funny tournament, one of the most stupid ideas i have ever seen :idea: :idea: :idea: :idea: :idea: :idea: :idea: :idea: :idea: :idea: :idea: :idea: :idea: :idea: :idea: :idea: :idea: :idea: :idea:

It's much more important how you deal with loses than with wins, because everyone can deal with wins, but only the greatest can deal with loses!
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Postby Coleman on Tue Aug 07, 2007 7:09 am

Bijo wrote:one of the most stupid ideas i have ever seen

I'd be concerned, if you hadn't just joined about 2 weeks ago and if your post count was higher. I'm guessing you haven't seen much. Sorry you don't qualify for anything.
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Postby Coleman on Tue Aug 07, 2007 7:10 am

Steelhorse wrote:Hmmm...An interesting and creative theme. Sign me up.

Tourney Director
Classic Map, escalating

You are a Mod sir. In my book.
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Postby Bijo on Tue Aug 07, 2007 7:11 am

psych, even i if have been best here i would never join this, and i dont think that everyone who is a little bit normal would
It's much more important how you deal with loses than with wins, because everyone can deal with wins, but only the greatest can deal with loses!
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Postby Coleman on Tue Aug 07, 2007 7:14 am

Bijo wrote:i would never join this, and i dont think that everyone who is a little bit normal would

:shock: You think people here are normal!? :-s
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Postby Bijo on Tue Aug 07, 2007 7:16 am

whatever, i think you must not reply to all my replies, if you are 8) then you wouldn't care what i write, but whatever, i hope your tournament will survive some days, good luck!
It's much more important how you deal with loses than with wins, because everyone can deal with wins, but only the greatest can deal with loses!
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Postby Coleman on Tue Aug 07, 2007 7:18 am

Bijo wrote:whatever, i think you must not reply to all my replies, if you are 8) then you wouldn't care what i write, but whatever, i hope your tournament will survive some days, good luck!

I care what you write, you're still a person and a member of the CC community. Plus I'm bored. Thanks for the comments.
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Postby Bijo on Tue Aug 07, 2007 7:26 am

Respect, good answer
It's much more important how you deal with loses than with wins, because everyone can deal with wins, but only the greatest can deal with loses!
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Postby Coleman on Tue Aug 07, 2007 7:34 am

I think I should probably start inviting people. They feel special when that happens. Plus Poker Superstars is invite only. Although it's only the first day (roughly) and I already have 6, so maybe not... Hmmm... :-k

EDIT: Instead of invites, I'll just make a list.

Some Spammers I'd like to see play:

Some Flamers I'd like to see play:
b.k. barunt

Oh, and Dancing Mustard, but I have no clue if he is more of a Flamer or Spammer.

Some Moderators I'd like to see play:

Some Cartographers I'd like to see play:
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Postby moz976 on Tue Aug 07, 2007 8:03 am

I'll play Coleman I don't think I have ever joined a tournament and I will most likely lose but it sounds fun.

North America
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They get so excited, nothing gets in their way
My road it may be lonely just because it's not paved.
It's good for drifting, drifting away."
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Postby Wild_Tiger on Tue Aug 07, 2007 8:21 am

im not into standard non escalating, tends to take a long time =/ otherwise I would have been in.
I got beaten by 2 privates and all I got was this lousy feedback!
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Postby Coleman on Tue Aug 07, 2007 8:22 am

Wild_Tiger wrote:im not into standard non escalating, tends to take a long time =/ otherwise I would have been in.

I thought about that, but so many people prefer flat rate, so I made it a vote. If you joined in it would be 4 flat rate vs 4 escalating votes. Also, after the qualifiers if you ended up in Top 16 (which you probably would) you could vote for escalating there as well. Thanks for posting though.

Edit: People who already voted can change their vote to escalating if they found his argument persuasive.
Last edited by Coleman on Tue Aug 07, 2007 9:09 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Postby Optimus Prime on Tue Aug 07, 2007 8:30 am

Thanks for including me Coleman, I look forward to the start of the tournament, looks to be quite a bit of fun.
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Postby empiros on Tue Aug 07, 2007 8:48 am

Rank Lieutenant (1865)
World 2.1
Flat rate
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