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Finding a Job

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Finding a Job

Postby garionoldwolf on Mon Jul 24, 2006 11:07 pm

Well if any of you know of any companies in your area looking for a Mechanical Drafter with an Associate's Degree. Please let me know. Here's my resume if anyone is interested in seeing it(I have a couple changes to make that I haven't done as of yet so I will list them here if you want to edit the file before giving it to anyone if you decide to actually give it to someone).

And since I don't see a spot to attach a file, if you want to see my resume to be able to send/give it to a company, please let me know and I will either e-mail or send it via IM to you.
check out xigames' forum
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Location: West Hazleton, PA, USA

Postby motts444 on Mon Jul 24, 2006 11:11 pm

I'll look for some places looking for guys like that.
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