by 63ruby on Sat Jan 26, 2008 5:57 pm
When I first joined CC I rarely used auto-attack because I didn't always want to just battle down to 3 armies regardless of what the defender had. Recently I've tried using it many times (this was prompted by a survey on whether auto-attack helped, hindered, or didn't matter when attacking, so I was curious). I figured that it was just a randomized dice roll, so I was expecting it not to have any effects different from regular attacking. However, much to my surprise, and disappointment, not once have my attacks been successful with it when the defender had more than one army -- NOT A SINGLE TIME. I once tried it on my final turn when I had 60+ armies vs. 1, and even then I lost 4 or 5 before the attack was successful. I always attack with an overwhelming majority of armies, so the odds are always in my favor. I understand that the fewer the armies, the higher the probability of a long string of unsuccessful attacks, however anamolous such a run might be. And to be fair, I have never tried it with more than about 25 attacking armies -- but I would think that even at that level the true odds would start to bear out after a while.
I guess what I'm trying to say is, wtf? Perhaps the randomizer is not truly random (I know nothing about the technical aspects of this). Just letting you know my history with auto-attack. And that I will not be using it unless it is fixed.