This isn't really a Flame, so shouldn't this just be in your "Idiot UserGroup Forum"? Ya know..., Your "Little Kiddie PlayGround"?
This crap is getting tough to stomach.
And why would THEY be here, JoeTwat? Just to wreck the forums? You and your buddies are a bunch of freakin' idiots......
You learn the game by playing, you Fat, ignorent f*ck. Just how stupid can you guys be? Please amuse me more...... Well, now that I think about it..., why don't you just all crawl back into the hole you came from.
In the case of the Stash/Douchers, I think Abortian would have been a great alternative to preclude the abberation they are.
I'd vote to castrate you guys...., but in the natural selection of things, it seems that you have taken care of that aspect yourselves.
And, don't pretend to not have come here intentionally to be a disruptive influence. One of your morons had numerous posts locked.
Hope you all choke on jism.
My last post on this thread, so no need for you miscreants to attempt to DRAG me into more here.
Freakin' Losers.....They shoot horses, don't they?
This group of losers is just out for notoriety, and they can't seem to justify their existance in game play.
I would like something done about this. Thank you.