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Planet Earth Strong Survive (1 game from rd 3 left)

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Planet Earth Strong Survive (1 game from rd 3 left)

Postby reptile on Sat Jun 30, 2007 5:17 pm

INTRO: All games will be played as Triples, sequential, unlimited fortifications but the cards will vary between escalating and flat rate depending on the map the game is being played on

The Story: (as much as you can know anyway)
Planet Earth has advanced drastically, due to many years of war and bloodshed!! There are only 4 Nations left in this great battle. Join a Nation to help fight to see who will control the power of the World! Though in the end, it is most important to remember.. ONLY THE STRONG SURVIVE!!! If you join this tournament you will be fighting for a Nation! There are 4 different Nations you can join as (American Kingdom, Asian Empire, European Dynasty, or African Tribe).

Rd1 The time of peace is no more. The Nations are done signing treaties and are ready to fight it out til the end. The Great battle that civilization has feared since the begining of mankind, is now about to begin.

The Asian Empire has gathered their top armies and are preparing to attack the American Kingdom, hoping to destroy them on their home ground. Due to the American Kingdom's kene sense of danger they have sent for the greatest armies across the kingdom to prevent a masacre.

The African Tribe feeling the threat from the northern borders, the European Dynasty, they decide to accept the inevitable and decide to call for their superior armies for a surprise attack on the European Dynasty. Because of the European Dynasty's strong disciplined armies, the top armies are always ready at a moments notice.

Short Side The American Kindom is home defending against the Asian Empire. The European Dynasty is home defending against the African Tribe.

RD2 and RD3We are going to get things moving by going ahead and doing two games/rounds right away.

American Kingdom roundup: So much for the Americans keen sence of danger. In the early stages of this great war, the Americans were thrown around like ragdolls. Needing to regroup they called an attack to test their luck against Africa. The Asians were just too much for them, so they fled south east towards Africa but with the intentions to make a new home, not to seek help.

Asian Empire roundup: Happy with their easy victories over the Americans, the Asians decided to sit tight and watch the battles to come. This plan did not work however because the Europeans decided to try to add territory to their control by moving into Asia. Yes the Asian Empire was caught off guard, but after their domination so far they were not too worried. Should they be? we will see in rounds 2 and 3.

European Dynasty roundup: As noted above, The Europeans decided to try to expand their territory a little too deep into Asia. The Asians didnt appreciate this and another battle broke out. Yes Asia was powerfull, but so were the European Dynasty.

African Tribe roundup: The Africans did not have much luck invading the Euopeans. But they did however hear about Asia's domination over the Americans. They had heard that the Americans were traveling at a quick pace towards Africa. They must be coming to request a truce they thought. However the Ethiopians did not believe so and tried to warn the rest of Africa. So thanks to purdonj, BeastofBurson, and superbeam Africa was ready for a attack just in case. Sure enough they saw the Americans whole army off in the distance a few days later. The battles would soon start.

Short Side The Americans are going to attack the Africans twice, likewise the Eurpoeans are attacking the Asians for both the 2nd round and 3rd round of this tournament. There were a lot of people switched out because this tournament hanst been going for quite some time. Please play with whatever partners you were given and have fun. The tournament is not in its final stages so there is plenty of time to warm up to the new players.

Rules:This tournament does include elimination, but not right away. Therefore we will need to use a point system. First off in each of the Nations there will be 3 Army Groups (teams). So 4 Nations and 3 groups in each Nation (12 overall teams of 3 ppl). Obviously the Nations will each be fighting against each other so keep that in mind.

Scoring will go as follows :
5 points for each team that wins.
-2 for each team that loses on its own turf.
0 If you lose as the attacker

As i said there will eventually be eliminations, it is possible if you perform well that if you are eliminated your team can come back to life! So it is important to not only lead your Nation to glory but to also be the top Army group in your Nation!
Last edited by reptile on Sat Jul 28, 2007 12:53 am, edited 5 times in total.
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Postby reptile on Sat Jun 30, 2007 5:17 pm


American Kingdom
Home Map: North America <> Cards: Flat Rate

Gav88111, Rebecca Gavin and Bighab

FM Harper, petrelli4prez and reptile

Timminz, Gozar,and LadyPhoenix

Asian Empire
Home Map: Asia <> Cards: Escalating

cricket, larry holland, and tomtorresson

3Asefa, mushin, and Danelle

chard, yorkiepeter, and Guilty_Biscuit

European Dynasty
Home Map: Europe <> Cards: Flat Rate

Forza AZ, nyuklhed, and Ham

Kahless, alki5033, and bigbullyweedave

dragon dor, jaybebo, and lt.pie

African Tribe
Home Map: Africa <> Cards: Escalating

dieforasandwich, superbeam, and kendoh99

Saagar, Gupta, and Golf67

shadowdemon, Fish061, and BmoreStrokes


American Kingdom 9
Asian Empire 31
European Dynasty : 18
African Tribe 9


Canadiens 8
Rebels -2
Spaniards 3

Chinese 8
Japanese 8
Russians 15

Italians 3
Germans 10
French 5

Ethiopians 10
Egyptians -4
Congos 3

Canadians Vs Chinese Game # 480630 Winner : Chinese
Rebels Vs Japanese Game # 480631 Winner : Japanese
Spainards Vs Russians Game # 480632 Winner : Russians

Italians Vs Ethiopians Game # 480638 Winner : Ethiopians
Germans Vs Egyptians Game # 480639 Winner : Germans
French VS Congos Game # 480640 Winner : French

Canadiens Vs EthiopiansGame #584864 Winner : Canadians
Rebels Vs CongosGame #584866 Winner : Congos
Spaniards Vs EgyptiansGame #584867 Winner : Spaniards

Italians Vs Chinese Game #584880 Winner : Italians
Germans Vs Japanese Game #584885 Winner : Germans
French Vs Russians Game #584888 Winner : Russians

Canadiens Vs CongosGame #584868 Winner : Canadians
Rebels Vs EgyptiansGame #688208 Winner :
Spaniards Vs EthiopiansGame #584876 Winner : Ethiopians

Italians Vs Russians Game #584889 Winner : Russians
Germans Vs Chinese Game #584890 Winner : Chinese
French Vs Japanese Game #584891 Winner : Japanese
Last edited by reptile on Tue Jul 31, 2007 12:20 pm, edited 8 times in total.
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Postby reptile on Mon Jul 02, 2007 12:15 am

Ok guys we are up and running for round 2 and 3, i accidentally labeled all rd 3 games as round 2 but it will count as round 3
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Postby reptile on Tue Jul 03, 2007 1:46 pm

we need someone to take purdonj's place

nvm it has been filled
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Postby Forza AZ on Mon Jul 09, 2007 4:03 am

Italians Vs Chinese Game #584880

The Italians won this game.
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Postby kendoh99 on Wed Jul 11, 2007 3:13 pm

Tournament Game: Planet Earth RD2 or is that rd3

anyway, it was won by ethiopians
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Postby alki5033 on Fri Jul 13, 2007 10:09 am

Germans vs. Japanese
Game 584885
Germans won
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Japanese break even in game 1 of RD2 and RD3

Postby mushin on Sat Jul 14, 2007 8:46 am

The Japanese managed to break-even

The Japanese experience a great victory when they turned the French into a tasty croissant sandwich in game 584891.

Lesson: Don't come to Asia with foodstuffs that can be used to turn your soldiers into convenient finger food.

Unfortunately, the Japanese suffered defeat at the hands of the treacherous Germans. Their "hit em in the eye with flaming hot sauerkraut" plan worked to perfection in game 584885.

Lesson: Don't drink a lot of beer with a German who has a large supply of flaming sauerkraut nearby.
If I seem slightly confused somebody please slap me.
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Postby Timminz on Sun Jul 15, 2007 9:58 am

Spainiards defeat Egyptians in round 2(584867), but lost to the Ethiopians in round 3 (584876)
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Postby FM Harper on Mon Jul 16, 2007 9:12 am

Rebels Vs Congos Game #584866

The Rebels got their butt kicked...

Rebels Vs Egyptians Game #584873

The Egyptians didn't bother turning up... Rebels win by default?
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Postby alki5033 on Tue Jul 17, 2007 11:05 am

Germans Vs. Chinese
Game 584890
Germans lost.
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Postby kendoh99 on Fri Jul 20, 2007 2:58 pm

Spaniards Vs EthiopiansGame #584876 ethiopians win
Canadiens Vs EthiopiansGame #584864 ethiopians lost
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Postby reptile on Wed Jul 25, 2007 2:32 am

We are waiting for 1 more game to complete!
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Postby reptile on Sat Jul 28, 2007 12:55 am

1 game left to finish before rd 4 starts! please stay involved if you are in this tourney please!
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Postby reptile on Tue Jul 31, 2007 12:25 pm

still trying to figure out this last game!
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