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Postby Skittles! on Sun Jul 01, 2007 8:58 am

I'm kinda anticipating the death scene :D
KraphtOne wrote:when you sign up a new account one of the check boxes should be "do you want to foe colton24 (it is highly recommended) "
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Postby pancakemix on Sun Jul 01, 2007 8:58 am

Skittles! wrote:
pancakemix wrote:Voting for yourself is scummier than bandwagoning. That's the only reason I'm going to Unvote

Vote Skittles

Saying something that is scummy when I know I'm not actually scum, can mean your scum.

You could know it, or you could be lying through your teeth. Only one way to find out.
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aage wrote:Never trust CYOC or pancake.
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Postby Skittles! on Sun Jul 01, 2007 9:00 am

pancakemix wrote:
Skittles! wrote:
pancakemix wrote:Voting for yourself is scummier than bandwagoning. That's the only reason I'm going to Unvote

Vote Skittles

Saying something that is scummy when I know I'm not actually scum, can mean your scum.

You could know it, or you could be lying through your teeth. Only one way to find out.

Seeming I'm sure you got rid of both the cops, then yes, there is only one way of finding out.
KraphtOne wrote:when you sign up a new account one of the check boxes should be "do you want to foe colton24 (it is highly recommended) "
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Postby Koesen on Sun Jul 01, 2007 10:31 am

So is the consensus then that the hammer should be dropped? I'm not sure if Skittles is mafia, but I don't think we'll get anything else before the deadline.
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Postby n8freeman on Sun Jul 01, 2007 10:38 am

skittles seems pretty suspicious here

its skittles or no lynch
so i will have to...
vote skittles!2.0
luns101 wrote:I would like the power to understand women. But we all know that is it will have to remain a wish.

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Postby Koesen on Sun Jul 01, 2007 10:42 am

Well, that settles it, then :)
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Postby LSU Tiger Josh on Sun Jul 01, 2007 11:41 am

Care to tell us who and what you were while we wait for Talapus?
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Postby Talapus on Sun Jul 01, 2007 3:47 pm

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Postby pancakemix on Sun Jul 01, 2007 4:46 pm

Talapus wrote:Skittles!2.0 IS LYNCHED, DEATH SCENE COMING SOON!

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aage wrote:Never trust CYOC or pancake.
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Postby freezie on Sun Jul 01, 2007 4:57 pm

pancakemix wrote:
Talapus wrote:Skittles!2.0 IS LYNCHED, DEATH SCENE COMING SOON!


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Postby Serbia on Sun Jul 01, 2007 4:58 pm

[size=0]enough with the huge print already![/size]
saxitoxin wrote:Serbia is a RUDE DUDE
may not be a PRUDE, but he's gotta 'TUDE
might not be LEWD, but he's gonna get BOOED
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Postby Fircoal on Sun Jul 01, 2007 4:58 pm

freezie wrote:
pancakemix wrote:
Talapus wrote:Skittles!2.0 IS LYNCHED, DEATH SCENE COMING SOON!



Vote: Mandy
Eddie35: hi everyone
Serbia: YOU IDIOT! What is THAT supposed to be? Are you even TRYING to play this game?! Kill the idiot NOW please!
Skoffin wrote: So um.. er... I'll be honest, I don't know what the f*ck to do from here. Goddamnit chu.
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Postby Fircoal on Sun Jul 01, 2007 4:59 pm

Serbia wrote:[size=0]enough with the huge print already![/size]

Vote: Mandy
Eddie35: hi everyone
Serbia: YOU IDIOT! What is THAT supposed to be? Are you even TRYING to play this game?! Kill the idiot NOW please!
Skoffin wrote: So um.. er... I'll be honest, I don't know what the f*ck to do from here. Goddamnit chu.
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Postby Serbia on Sun Jul 01, 2007 5:00 pm

Fircoal wrote:
Serbia wrote:[size=0]enough with the huge print already![/size]


[size=0]quiet down![/size]
saxitoxin wrote:Serbia is a RUDE DUDE
may not be a PRUDE, but he's gotta 'TUDE
might not be LEWD, but he's gonna get BOOED
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Postby kwanton on Sun Jul 01, 2007 5:09 pm

Wow. Can't believe I missed that. Sry guys I was gone for most of today. When I saw the first couple votes on skittles I said ehhhh I'll be back in time for people to state all their points and I can vote too. Apparently not :cry: :cry: .......but I wanted to vote tooo....... :cry: :cry:
Click the Esoog!
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Postby pancakemix on Sun Jul 01, 2007 5:10 pm

kwanton wrote:Wow. Can't believe I missed that. Sry guys I was gone for most of today. When I saw the first couple votes on skittles I said ehhhh I'll be back in time for people to state all their points and I can vote too. Apparently not :cry: :cry: .......but I wanted to vote tooo....... :cry: :cry:

Aww, there there... *hugs kwanton*
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aage wrote:Never trust CYOC or pancake.
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Postby Fircoal on Sun Jul 01, 2007 5:31 pm

pancakemix wrote:
kwanton wrote:Wow. Can't believe I missed that. Sry guys I was gone for most of today. When I saw the first couple votes on skittles I said ehhhh I'll be back in time for people to state all their points and I can vote too. Apparently not :cry: :cry: .......but I wanted to vote tooo....... :cry: :cry:

Aww, there there... *hugs kwanton*

Vote: Mandy
Eddie35: hi everyone
Serbia: YOU IDIOT! What is THAT supposed to be? Are you even TRYING to play this game?! Kill the idiot NOW please!
Skoffin wrote: So um.. er... I'll be honest, I don't know what the f*ck to do from here. Goddamnit chu.
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Postby kwanton on Sun Jul 01, 2007 5:33 pm

Fircoal wrote:
pancakemix wrote:
kwanton wrote:Wow. Can't believe I missed that. Sry guys I was gone for most of today. When I saw the first couple votes on skittles I said ehhhh I'll be back in time for people to state all their points and I can vote too. Apparently not :cry: :cry: .......but I wanted to vote tooo....... :cry: :cry:

Aww, there there... *hugs kwanton*



Uhhhhhhhh.......I mean CRUCIFY HIM!!!! :evil:
Click the Esoog!
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Postby Talapus on Sun Jul 01, 2007 5:35 pm

Patrol Log
By: Renee Montoya

I’ve never really seen anything like this before. The entire asylum resembles a war zone and there are bodies everywhere. The smarter inmates have tried barricading themselves back into their cells while other ones roam free killing anyone they see. Earlier this morning, the power throughout Arkham died, so nothing really works. I just hope that help from the outside gets in here fast before the batteries on all the cameras die. Once that happens, we’ll loose our last way to fully document what’s going on up here.

It must be well past noon now, I can see sunlight blazing through some of the smaller windows. Without power though, it’s not enough to find your way around. But it hardly matters, because the sun will set in a few hours and darkness will once again consume the asylum.

So far on my patrol through Arkham, I’ve counted 57 bodies. Some I knew from the police force, but most of the press and inmates I haven’t been able to recognize. I’m afraid to even enter the basement so far, I heard from one of the investigators that it’s a whole lot worse down there. I still can’t believe how bad this is, or the fact that as far as we can tell, no ones been able to leave Arkham yet, or get in. All I can do is pray this nightmare will soon be over.

I checked in with the others making rounds a few minutes ago. We have a home base set up with a few employees and a Dr. Jennings that overtook one of the security stations. It’s not much, but it’s something for now. It’s just nice to be able to feel somewhat safe and talk with normal people. I’m already not sure how much longer I can do this.

One of the orderlies reported to me that earlier they had heard horrible screams coming from down by one of the execution chambers. I said I’d check it out, but now I think that may have been a bad idea. Already it’s getting darker inside, I think the sun must be setting. I really don’t relish the idea of patrolling the halls by myself at night, but once again there just aren’t enough of us up here alive.

I kept listening closely as I approached the end of the corridor, but I couldn’t hear any screams like the orderly had earlier reported. And then I saw it, a light shining brightly from inside a room just around the corner.


As I snuck up closer, I could here some laughing and what sounded like quite a few people having a conversation. I couldn’t make out what was being said, but by the sounds of the laughing, it wasn’t good. Also, there was a horrible smell in the air. It reeked of overcooked meat and was getting worse as I approached the door frame.

Suddenly, I heard something that sounded like a switch being thrown followed by a lot more laughter. But it wasn’t as is they were laughing at something funny or humorous. No, this had a sick and sadistic quality to it.

“There…” I heard one of the inmates say. “I think that about does it.”

“It’s about damn time, this stiff reeks to high hell. I’m not sure I could take being around this smell much longer.”

“Shut up! Both of you just shut up. Somebody has got to check him for ID or something. Otherwise we’ll never know who it was.”

I poked my head around the corner and saw what looked to be like a group of at least 8 inmates standing around a large chair. Scattered amongst them was what appeared to be some of the medical equipment from here at the asylum. It looked as though it had all been rigged and connected to the chair where the remains of an inmate were. No doubt this was the poor soul the orderly had heard screaming frantically earlier today. It appears as though some inmates are still trying to regain order and held a trial of their own.

“You don’t need to check the body, I know who it was.”


“That’s the dude responsible for killing the Batman, remember? We know now he didn’t succeed, but that’s why he’s here. What does it matter anyway, he’s dead now!”

More laughter emanated from inside the small room echoing off all the walls.


Skittles! 2.0 - Sid The Squid - Pro-Gotham/Arkham Inmate(Hider): Electrocuted by fellow inmates.

I started running as fast as I could, I had to get away from that smell and those inmates that were obviously experiencing some kind of mental break down. I just kept running as fast as I could, trying to find some clean air and a place to lay low for awhile.

As I ran around another corner, my foot hit something and I hit the ground hard. I grabbed my flashlight and shined it behind me, but didn’t see anything. I got up and started looking around for what I tripped over, and then I spotted it down the hall away. I must have kicked it as I fell.

Once I approached, I instantly recognized it as ScarFace, the creepy little doll that was pictured in so many newspaper articles.


I started looking around for his keeper. Everyone in Gotham remembers that doll and the strange little man that claims to this day that the doll is responsible for all the horrible crimes they committed. Although never proven if he worked alone or not, people like him were why places like Arkham existed. There truly are some sick people in our city.

As I entered the janitor closet across the hall, I discovered the bloated and pale body of Arnold Wesker. Apparently, he’d been here for at least a day or so because the smell of decomp was already in the air. It appears someone had had enough of Mr. Wesker because they had tied him to a chair and there was a funnel still stuck in his mouth. On the ground next to him, was an empty bottle of industrial cleaner.


Arnold Wesker & ScarFace – Anti Gotham/Mafia Godfather – Poisoned by inmates.

I can’t take this any longer, I have to head back. I’ve seen my share of death for one day. I’m heading back to report my findings and try to get some sleep. No longer is this place a secure facility, but rather a house of horrors with no escape. I hope that the night patrols have better luck corralling the rest of the inmates into cells then I did. Otherwise, tomorrow will look just like today.

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Postby Fircoal on Sun Jul 01, 2007 5:38 pm

kwanton wrote:
Fircoal wrote:
pancakemix wrote:
kwanton wrote:Wow. Can't believe I missed that. Sry guys I was gone for most of today. When I saw the first couple votes on skittles I said ehhhh I'll be back in time for people to state all their points and I can vote too. Apparently not :cry: :cry: .......but I wanted to vote tooo....... :cry: :cry:

Aww, there there... *hugs kwanton*



Uhhhhhhhh.......I mean CRUCIFY HIM!!!! :evil:

Vote: Mandy
Eddie35: hi everyone
Serbia: YOU IDIOT! What is THAT supposed to be? Are you even TRYING to play this game?! Kill the idiot NOW please!
Skoffin wrote: So um.. er... I'll be honest, I don't know what the f*ck to do from here. Goddamnit chu.
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Postby Neutrino on Sun Jul 01, 2007 7:34 pm

How many freaking hiders does this game have!?!?

Now i'll be quiet :-#
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Postby derfderf34 on Mon Jul 02, 2007 8:16 pm

what player was scarface?
(= . =)
(")_(") bringing back that bunny pride
why did they get rid of gridiron gang
eh' woman
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Postby Talapus on Wed Jul 04, 2007 6:38 am

Arkam Asylum Night Log
Employee: Dr. Jennings – Night Time Psychiatrist

The smell of death is in the air throughout the asylum tonight. With still no power or any contact to the outside world, there is still little we can do to stop the killings in here. I’ve had the few guards and security personnel still in close contact with me try to move all the corpses to a few cells in the southern wing. However with so many dead and so many others unaccounted for, it makes it hard to do this while trying to identify the bodies we’ve moved. We’ve lost any way to access our records here at the asylum and because it may still be a few days before Gotham comes to our rescue, it’s important we keep records of who we’ve found. Now, on to more depressing matters:

Event 1 – A security camera outside an inmates cell captured a few photos of interest throughout the night.

Image Image Image

Although it’s obvious that Catwoman was one of the strange individuals spotted outside of derfderf34’s cell last night, I’m still uncertain as to who the other two masked individuals are. I hope for all our sakes though that they mean what few employees are left up here no harm. I’m not sure we could handle any more serial killers loose on the property.

Event 2 – A security camera in the cell of kwanton earlier this evening showed that the Batman paid him a visit last night.


Jonathon Crane had been a personal patient of mine and although he suffered from mass paranoia, I don’t believe he was beyond the point of saving. Upon noticing the camera still depicting Batman in the cell with Mr. Crane, I sent a guard to investigate. Jonathon, also known as ‘The Scarecrow”, absolutely despised Batman and I wanted someone there to calm him down in the event he started to get upset.

However, the guard I sent down to investigate didn’t make it in time for whatever reason. After the 5 minute time lapse had once again passed, this photo was snapped from inside Mr. Crane’s cell:


It showed Mr. Crane was obviously terrified of something and I’m almost sure now that the Batman was in there questioning him and trying to scare him out of his mind. The minute I saw the photo, I sent two more guards down to investigate, but they were too late. By the time they had arrived, the Batman was gone and the recently murdered body of Jonathon Crane was lying on the floor. After a closer examination by one of the guards, he said it appeared as though the scarecrow died of fright. There was also a strange white powder on the ground all around the Scarecrow’s face. It appeared as though he may have inhaled some of this substance

kwanton - Jonathan Crane A.K.A. “Scarecrow” – Anti-Gotham/Deranged Lunatic(Had the power to scare two people out of voting each day): Was scared to death by Batman.

I never saw or heard back from the first guard I sent to investigate. I can only hope he’s hiding out in an abandoned cell for now.

Event 3 – There was something big happening inside our inmate intake area earlier this morning. We still aren’t sure how exactly it happened, but through the photos we have, we know Batgirl, Batman, and Robin were patrolling the asylum hallways. Numerous cameras caught a photo of one or all three of them walking around. But outside the intake area, one of the cameras snapped a photo of this character here known and “The Mad Hatter”:


It appeared as though he was focusing on Batman, but was afraid to make a move with the two sidekicks right there. This is the only snapshot captured of him tonight. We know he left the area, we just don’t know where he went.

Regardless, the three masked crusaders were coming around the front of the intake area when they must have bumped into the Joker. Batman instantly approached the costumed maniac and confronted him:


The one witness to all of this, a female security guard hiding in a closet across the hallway, reported that Batman and the Joker yelled at one another for several minutes. When suddenly, the Joker threw some type of grenade at Robin and Batgirl. Robin was too quick for it though and grabbed Batgirl and dove into one of the utility storerooms in the hallway.

The concussion from the grenade knocked Batman off his feet and severely damaged the door in which Robin and Batgirl were hiding behind. Quickly, the Joker took the few seconds the explosion bought him and dashed inside the inmate intake area. Batman however was close behind and leaped onto the clown faced individual just a few feet inside the door. Both of the individuals fell to the ground and then began to fight with each other. They rolled around on the ground for a minute or two when the Joker finally was able to land a good solid kick straight to Batman’s head.

A little dazed and somewhat confused, Batman rolled away and tried to stand up. But the Joker was already on his feet and running back towards the door in which they both entered. Before he left though, he threw some type of explosive device at Batman’s feet. Then, he exited the room and bolted the door shut. 5 seconds hadn’t even passed when a brilliant bright light lanced through the windows of the intake room and illuminated the entire hallway. Three cameras captured these images of the chaos from inside the room:


Before she was noticed, the security guard slipped back into the closet while the Joker laughed hysterically at the explosion. After waiting for another half hour, the guard left the closet and went to check on Batman. Although the fire had completely burned out and destroyed the entire room, there was no doubt that Batman did not survive the inferno.

MountainLion – Bruce Wayne A.K.A. Batman – Unknown: Died in a fiery explosion.

Event 4 – After all the things that have happened tonight and the loss of Batman, I’m not sure how it could get any worse. But, A camera in the east wing snapped this photo of a unknown individual:


We believe this is the same person who was outside of derderf34’s cell earlier, but we still can’t verify it.

As for right now, I have no more events left to report. I am still unsure if the loss of Batman will help or hurt us at this point in time. One thing is for certain though, no one is safe! I pray I will get through just one more day…

Last edited by Talapus on Wed Jul 04, 2007 8:06 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Postby Koesen on Wed Jul 04, 2007 6:54 am

So Batman is dead, but then captured on camera? Interesting. Makes you wonder if he somehow got resurrected.
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Postby Talapus on Wed Jul 04, 2007 6:55 am

Koesen wrote:So Batman is dead, but then captured on camera? Interesting. Makes you wonder if he somehow got resurrected.

No such loading error :wink:

Fixed it though through a different link...
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