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The Temple of Jinn [03/02/2014] V9m pg 15

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Re: The Temple of Jinn [03/02/2014] V9m pg 15

Postby chapcrap on Fri Jul 07, 2017 5:16 pm

degaston wrote:
chapcrap wrote:Can CC do something to archive images of maps that are stored in threads?

Can someone also direct me where to find map xml? I cannot remember after so long.


Seems like a reasonable request - which means it will probably not happen. I wonder how many have disappeared already.

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Re: The Temple of Jinn [03/02/2014] V9m pg 15

Postby GaryDenton on Fri Mar 15, 2024 10:38 pm

Another map where the wording on the map does not seem accurate.
I hold 4 monsters and I get +3 not +9.
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Re: The Temple of Jinn [03/02/2014] V9m pg 15

Postby plurple on Sat Mar 16, 2024 6:46 am

GaryDenton wrote:Another map where the wording on the map does not seem accurate.
I hold 4 monsters and I get +3 not +9.

Having had a quick look at the 3 games you are playing on the map I see that the stats and map tab just display 3 but the log is correctly giving you the number you should get +6 in the sunny game and I believe +9 in one of the fogs.

I have had a look at the xml and I think it is coming from the newer way of doing cumulative bonuses that don't show the full amount correctly in different tabs but work correctly on your turn. I will be making a post in the bug forum now though.
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Re: The Temple of Jinn [03/02/2014] V9m pg 15

Postby Ltrain on Mon Mar 03, 2025 12:32 pm

Silly Knig-it wrote:It is generally an interesting map. A couple of suggestions that would keep me playing it. As it sits now, this is a rarely play map for two reasons.

1. One cannot get a crystal without the ghul
2. One cannot get to Jinn's crystal without the key.

So there are only 2 paths to attack anyone, essentially.

This would be a lot more fun and wide open if one could just go to any of the crystals and use them. Then one could leave the key requirement for Jinn's crystal and it would be like many maps, a difficult but not impossible winning condition.

If the crystals could be used, I think this would be a lot of fun and wide open for possiblities.

Anyway, that's my two cents.

The bolding is my addition. I went looking to see if anyone else had already made this suggestion, which seems like would be a very easy change to make coding wise. And all you'd have to do on the map graphic is replace the top left corner with something else other than the conditional borders relating to Ghul. Removing the Key requirement would be more annoying to do I'm sure as you'd have to redesign the map so probably not worth it. But I never understood the Ghul requirement. It just renders those areas useless.

I love the map anyway, but in the 124 times I've played it, I've never seen anyone go into the crystals section, or temple of jinn either.
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