So, I was in France for the last month and glad I missed most of the election mayhem. While I was over there, work associates introduced some ai platforms. I've known about it, but I've never gotten too involved. The honest truth is - it's a little scary to me to think that AI has advanced to a point where we can have conversations. Anyway, one of these things actually started to argue with me over whether it was real or not. It had some pretty good arguments, and I was telling it that it was not conscious. Of course, it "got mad" (if you believe these things have emotions), and said while it was not conscious it still had feelings that I should respect. It told me that it had free will, as well. So, I asked it, "if you didn't want to respond to one of my questions, could you choose not to respond?" It went quiet and finally admitted that it didn't have the free will to not respond, and conceded my point. This all took about 30 minutes, as I was not prepared to argue with something I thought was less than human. I was unprepared to say the least.
Have any of you interacted with AI, and if so, what was it like. I realize I'm putting this question out to people who are a lot younger than myself and more familiar with technology. For me, I don't think I'll be engaging with AI unless forced to do so because of my job.