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How often does Saxi rub his nips?

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Daily nip rubbing?

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Saxi has no nips
This is dumb and you're dumb for making this thread
Total votes : 11

Postby 2dimes on Thu Nov 14, 2024 9:11 am

Ugh, I can't believe I'm being forced into a position to nark for the frigging mods. I'm supposed to be a conquerclub villian.

SoN!c you're forcing me off script. :evil:
SoN!c wrote:
2dimes wrote:Duke was more than fair with Votanic, plus he was not the one to ban him, but believe whatever you want, it's fun.

I believe gamefinder that says Thorthoth and Votanic have zero games played together.. now how can that be cheating????

and were is the cheat report?

Thorthoth and Votanic have zero games played way this is a multi. They cannot cheat in any game when there are 0 games played together.. Just my two cents but believe what you will.

You got Dukasaur in your sights now.

I'm too lazy to look up too many details or dates for you, but... The Thorthoth account was banned possibly two years ago after a fairly epic melt down including a personal attack on someone's wife. It's last recorded post was in this topic viewtopic.php?f=8&t=226958&p=5019943#p5019943

The alleged replacement account, possibly two accounts at one time... One being Votanic, are more recent and therefore were created a while after the Thorthoth account was banned.

So yes, the accounts never played together, that's a fact.

Excellent sleuthing. Tell the class how often you were rubbing your nips while posting, "Butt, Dey never played a game together!"

Unless you don't have any...
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Re: How often does Saxi rub his nips?

Postby Dukasaur on Thu Nov 14, 2024 10:04 am

SoN!c wrote:
mookiemcgee wrote:Yeah, your right. It's probably George Soros and the deep state trying to suppress his opinions. I heard Big Wham is a top Kamala donor, maybe the house can start an ethics investigation into this.

I don't lead anything on CC (except the olympic leaderboard) so maybe you need to reach out to someone who does for more concrete answers.

No its pretty simple - Vot and Duk are not best friends... so one not best friend used his power to have his not best friend looking like a multi

We don't normally comment on people's bans, but since you're calling my character into question, I think I'll rise on a point of personal privilege and respond to this one.

A little shocking, actually, that you would say something like this about me. I guess you haven't been around very long.

Were Votanic and I friends? No, definitely not. Would that be a reason to ban him? No, definitely not.

I'll tell you this: Nobody, but NOBODY, has ever been banned here for disagreeing with me, and nobody ever will be. It would be completely anathema to me. I take it as a fundamental truth that you don't learn anything by talking into an echo chamber. We learn things by talking to all people, whether they agree or not, whether they are friend or foe. Sure, it's nice when someone agrees with you. But what's absolutely essential to our growth as individuals, and as a society, is to talk to people who disagree with you.

Absolutely under no conditions do I want to silence people who disagree with me. The only bans I've EVER given out were for clear violations of the rules. In most case, for people insulting others. While we do encourage vigorous debate, it is still against the rules to let it get personal (although even in that department, we are extremely lenient in this forum.)

Yeah, Votanic annoyed me at times. I did have to give him a warning a couple times when he was stepping over the line. Only once I did actually have to give him a 3-day ban when he was in clear violation of the rules (advocating violence against someone, a very clear rule breach) and no, I wasn't involved in the conversation where he committed that offense. If I had been involved, I wouldn't have issued the ban myself. I would have posted in the mod forum and asked for other people to look over the situation, to prevent a conflict of interest.

But while he did sometimes make irritating comments in this forum, he also made some valid ones, and overall I'd say he was good to have around. Unfortunately, his past caught up to him. Evading a ban by creating a new account is pretty much guaranteed to elevate the original offense. That really had nothing to do with me.

SoN!c wrote:Thats all it is - pretty low but hey do believe Vot was banned without a official cheat report because he was!

The multi-hunters operate behind the scenes. They make no public announcements. And no, I don't get to see their deliberations, either. I only see the final result.
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Re: How often does Saxi rub his nips?

Postby SoN!c on Thu Nov 14, 2024 12:41 pm

Votanic annoyed me too. Sometimes real hard but his ban did not make any sense to me. There are 3 extremely trolling accounts here that seem way more multi then Vot. Using VPN i believe. Because i cannot imagine anybody signing up on CC chooses "pee rat" or "pack rat" as first username and then gang up with each other. And vot at least is funny to read.

With apologies to Duk. And Thank you 2dimes for explaining.
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Re: How often does Saxi rub his nips?

Postby DirtyDishSoap on Thu Nov 14, 2024 12:50 pm

He just explained it...
Dukasaur wrote:
saxitoxin wrote:taking medical advice from this creature; a morbidly obese man who is 100% convinced he willed himself into becoming a woman.

Your obsession with mrswdk is really sad.

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Re: How often does Saxi rub his nips?

Postby SoN!c on Thu Nov 14, 2024 12:54 pm

DirtyDishSoap wrote:He just explained it...

Yes and i said thank you. Still im gonna miss Votanic and his funnny comments.

Also i just read Torthoth posts. different style. Not funny

A random quote from Vot (first post by him i opened):

As if I'd ever give p-rat his first point. He sits at -1.
No way he's ever going to be kissing the World Champion's Gilded Caquelon du Next-Fondue for the cameras.

Too funny!
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Re: How often does Saxi rub his nips?

Postby Pack Rat on Thu Nov 14, 2024 1:08 pm

Can we get back to the subject of Saxi touches, caresses, pinches, licks and all sorts of stuff to his titties, please.

I was getting aroused, until Votanic was mentioned...


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Postby mookiemcgee on Thu Nov 14, 2024 2:13 pm

2dimes wrote: after a fairly epic melt down including a personal attack on someone's wife.

Wait is this against the rules? I may owe Jim an apology.
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Re: Re:

Postby DirtyDishSoap on Thu Nov 14, 2024 2:40 pm

mookiemcgee wrote:
2dimes wrote: after a fairly epic melt down including a personal attack on someone's wife.

Wait is this against the rules? I may owe Jim an apology.

Nah. That's fair game.
Dukasaur wrote:
saxitoxin wrote:taking medical advice from this creature; a morbidly obese man who is 100% convinced he willed himself into becoming a woman.

Your obsession with mrswdk is really sad.

ConfederateSS wrote:Just because people are idiots... Doesn't make them wrong.
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Re: How often does Saxi rub his nips?

Postby riskllama on Thu Nov 14, 2024 2:58 pm

llama 2 - Tt 0

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Postby 2dimes on Fri Nov 15, 2024 12:03 am

DirtyDishSoap wrote:
mookiemcgee wrote:
2dimes wrote: after a fairly epic melt down including a personal attack on someone's wife.

Wait is this against the rules? I may owe Jim an apology.

Nah. That's fair game.

I didn't even see what Thorthoth wrote, luckily I missed it, but remember plenty of other members wrote about how foul it was.

I read quite a few of your accusations about Mrs Boston. I don't remember if anyone was angry or upset about any of them.
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Re: How often does Saxi rub his nips?

Postby 2dimes on Fri Nov 15, 2024 12:06 am

SoN!c wrote: Thank you 2dimes for explaining.

You're welcome, sorry I was grouchy.
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Re: How often does Saxi rub his nips?

Postby KoolBak on Fri Nov 15, 2024 9:03 am

Hoser grouchy = not saying thank you twice :lol:
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Re: How often does Saxi rub his nips?

Postby bigtoughralf on Fri Nov 15, 2024 6:48 pm

2dimes wrote:I suspect Saxi is like Ken and Barbie. No nips and smooth bumps in lieu of genitalia.

This is 100% accurate. saxitoxin's religious/cult parents had his nipples removed shortly after birth.
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Re: How often does Saxi rub his nips?

Postby DirtyDishSoap on Sat Nov 16, 2024 9:48 am

Sounds like a horror movie
Dukasaur wrote:
saxitoxin wrote:taking medical advice from this creature; a morbidly obese man who is 100% convinced he willed himself into becoming a woman.

Your obsession with mrswdk is really sad.

ConfederateSS wrote:Just because people are idiots... Doesn't make them wrong.
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Re: How often does Saxi rub his nips?

Postby 2dimes on Sat Nov 16, 2024 9:52 am

Yeah, they were attempting to help him out by letting that experimental medical team remove all the things they deemed unnecessary.

He only has eight toes too.

Unfortunately it didn't work out to make him the hypothetical gold medal Olympic long distance runner they hoped for.
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Re: How often does Saxi rub his nips?

Postby riskllama on Mon Nov 18, 2024 1:46 pm

relax, SoN!c…vegetable lasagne will be back. guys like him always come back… :lol:
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Re: How often does Saxi rub his nips?

Postby SoN!c on Mon Nov 18, 2024 2:13 pm

riskllama wrote:relax, SoN!c…vegetable lasagne will be back. guys like him always come back… :lol:

Im a bolo lasagne then, in short: a bola
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Re: How often does Saxi rub his nips?

Postby SoN!c on Mon Nov 18, 2024 2:15 pm

2dimes wrote:
SoN!c wrote: Thank you 2dimes for explaining.

You're welcome, sorry I was grouchy.

We are all entitled to be a bit grouchy time to time. No problem whatsoever.

And you always need two to tango. ;-)

Again thx for explaining. That always helps!
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Re: How often does Saxi rub his nips?

Postby riskllama on Mon Nov 18, 2024 7:07 pm

SoN!c wrote:
riskllama wrote:relax, SoN!c…vegetable lasagne will be back. guys like him always come back… :lol:

Im a bolo lasagne then, in short: a bola

if you want a comprehensive, if not somewhat biased history of his time here, pm me... ;)
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Re: How often does Saxi rub his nips?

Postby Maxleod on Tue Nov 19, 2024 3:35 am

riskllama wrote:
SoN!c wrote:
riskllama wrote:relax, SoN!c…vegetable lasagne will be back. guys like him always come back… :lol:

Im a bolo lasagne then, in short: a bola

if you want a comprehensive, if not somewhat biased history of his time here, pm me... ;)

And if you want a brief history of time, pm JP4.
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