Rules for thread:
1 If you post in this thread you agree to allow others to compliment you during this month, in this thread only.
2 Do not compliment anyone who has not posted in this thread THIS MONTH. I mean it.
3 Stay within cc rules and guidelines at all times
4 Be creative and imaginative. No-one wants to read the same tired nonsense - this is NOT that ridiculous April fool's forum.
5 Keep the smushiness down - it's not big and it's not clever.
6 The winner will be announced at the end of each month. I will choose the winner arbitrarily and unfairly. Suck it up cupcake.
7 The winner will receive a choice compliment from me or a guest complimenter.
8 Keep your salt ready in case you need to take a pinch.
For the purpose of this month and coz I can't be arsed to wait til Weds, July starts today.
So, by the rules, there's only one person at present who can be complimented.... well, what are you waiting for?