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EW's Semi-Open Matrix Madness

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Re: EW's Semi-Open Matrix Madness

Postby pmchugh on Mon Jul 29, 2024 6:02 am

Sonic went from shitposter to GOAT. Unbelievable performance, subbing in turned the game.

All hail king sonic =D>
2009-08-12 03:35:31 - Squirrels Hat: MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!
2009-08-12 03:44:25 - Mr. Squirrel: Do you think my hat will attack me?
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Re: EW's Semi-Open Matrix Madness

Postby fusibaseball on Mon Jul 29, 2024 6:07 am

Well played Town =D>
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Re: EW's Semi-Open Matrix Madness

Postby Loose Canon on Mon Jul 29, 2024 6:44 am

Thanks for the game Extreme.
Really enjoyed it.

Well played endgame fellow townies.
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Re: EW's Semi-Open Matrix Madness

Postby Charle on Mon Jul 29, 2024 8:11 am

Well done Sonic!! I really thought after you voted me off that was it, but your end game was absolutely brilliant.

I must also say that Scum had a brilliant game, Fusi, Strike and Ragian was a very good combination and you guys really fooled me completely.

Well done all of you!
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Re: EW's Semi-Open Matrix Madness

Postby Charle on Mon Jul 29, 2024 8:25 am

EW, thanks very much, this was a hard one but fun as well.

So who will host next? I have an idea, but probably need somebody with more experience to help.
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Re: EW's Semi-Open Matrix Madness

Postby Extreme Ways on Mon Jul 29, 2024 8:33 am

Charle wrote:EW, thanks very much, this was a hard one but fun as well.

So who will host next? I have an idea, but probably need somebody with more experience to help.

I'm happy to help, but if Vot returns I'll gladly pass the torch on to him. I'm thinking we will get extremely townsided setups with Vot.
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Re: EW's Semi-Open Matrix Madness

Postby Charle on Mon Jul 29, 2024 9:20 am

Yes, let's see if Vot returns, where can we found out?
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Re: EW's Semi-Open Matrix Madness

Postby Devante on Mon Jul 29, 2024 10:48 am

What a redemption story. Kudos to Sonic who led this to a town win at the end. Well played. And hopefully moving forward everyone just trusts me when I say i'm town lol
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Re: EW's Semi-Open Matrix Madness

Postby Charle on Mon Jul 29, 2024 10:50 am

Devante wrote:What a redemption story. Kudos to Sonic who led this to a town win at the end. Well played. And hopefully moving forward everyone just trusts me when I say i'm town lol

:lol: :lol: Exactly, me too!!
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Re: EW's Semi-Open Matrix Madness

Postby SoN!c on Mon Jul 29, 2024 12:51 pm

Positive energy always wins over negative energy in the end! This was a great scum game and everybody contributed in his own way. Like Max saying "i have a few things to say" but then never did. Who comes up with this shit?? This stuff is better then the best Netflix show on earth jajajaaa!! And again thx to EW and bloody brilliant scum with also lots of thanks to every townie that contributed / providing the intel needed for a town win (even at the cost of his own lynch) ! =D> =D> =D> also big thanks to king, kong and dev for believing and playing the perfect town endgame together !!=D> =D>
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Re: EW's Semi-Open Matrix Madness

Postby strike wolf on Mon Jul 29, 2024 11:48 pm

Congrats Town and well-played Son!c.

For the record, I asked in mafia chat for Fusi and Ragian *not* to defend me and instead they should be ready to vote me out if it looked inevitable that I was going to be lynched....and they both came to my defense anyways. Honestly, just got a bit complacent because it looked like we were going to cruise to an easy win.

I do think that it is very funny that the two people Vot lambasted were key in towns win. Son!c not only clued into me but all 3 mafia and managed to convince town to vote with him while spouting off random things about parseltongue and a nonsensical "trap". It was probably a mistake not to attack Son!c's town cred more D4. Meanwhile, accidentally or intentionally Loose convinced me he was a power role and if he hadn't we would have probably killed either PMC or Vot night 2 which could have really swung the game.

I also found it kind of funny that Son!c and Kong pinned me for being the master manipulator behind the lynches when from my perspective real life issues kept me from being nearly as active or influential as I wanted in this game.
Maxleod wrote:Not strike, he's the only one with a functioning brain.
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Re: EW's Semi-Open Matrix Madness

Postby strike wolf on Mon Jul 29, 2024 11:50 pm

SoN!c wrote:
"I think one of fusi/rag/strike had to bus in final 7 to gain some town credit. You can then kill the confirmed townie, decide if you need to bus again, and take kong to f3 if needed. By allowing kong to be the second vote all the townies got a large amount of trust in him and - for reasons unclear to me - there was never a moment of paranoia about whether mafia would vote mafia."

There was!! I was thinking on Dev being mafia for just that reason! I got paranoid there.. In the end i think Ragian coördinated the scum activity and he got caught off guard by the fast vote on Strike (coming in totaly unexpected at that point). That was the play anyway so could be im wrong but that is sure how it looked to me. That was also the way out of the scum swamp - because it sure looked like a scum sweep at a certain point =D> =D> =D> =D>

I had actually suggested that me and Ragian should bus each other hard and I 100% was setting up to bus Ragian on that last day but then the quick vote from you and Kong kind of threw that out the windows
Maxleod wrote:Not strike, he's the only one with a functioning brain.
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Re: EW's Semi-Open Matrix Madness

Postby DirtyDishSoap on Tue Jul 30, 2024 12:30 am

Dukasaur wrote:
saxitoxin wrote:taking medical advice from this creature; a morbidly obese man who is 100% convinced he willed himself into becoming a woman.

Your obsession with mrswdk is really sad.

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Re: EW's Semi-Open Matrix Madness

Postby Ragian on Tue Jul 30, 2024 1:54 am

Yeah, day chat and coordination was difficult during summer when away. I would've voted Strike, but came in too late. I feel thattiming could've changed the tide.

Cheers for hosting, Extreme. It's a shame that so many players were so otherwise occupied (myself too).

Well played, Sonic, but it isn't Danish. It looked Norwegian. In Danish, it's spelled "sindssygt". Just for the record ;)

I'm back from holidays August 5 and will gladly join a game then.
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Re: EW's Semi-Open Matrix Madness

Postby pmchugh on Tue Jul 30, 2024 2:17 am

strike wolf wrote:Congrats Town and well-played Son!c.

For the record, I asked in mafia chat for Fusi and Ragian *not* to defend me and instead they should be ready to vote me out if it looked inevitable that I was going to be lynched....and they both came to my defense anyways. Honestly, just got a bit complacent because it looked like we were going to cruise to an easy win.

I do think that it is very funny that the two people Vot lambasted were key in towns win. Son!c not only clued into me but all 3 mafia and managed to convince town to vote with him while spouting off random things about parseltongue and a nonsensical "trap". It was probably a mistake not to attack Son!c's town cred more D4. Meanwhile, accidentally or intentionally Loose convinced me he was a power role and if he hadn't we would have probably killed either PMC or Vot night 2 which could have really swung the game.

I also found it kind of funny that Son!c and Kong pinned me for being the master manipulator behind the lynches when from my perspective real life issues kept me from being nearly as active or influential as I wanted in this game.

I should have realised you had killed loose from the fact that no one else was getting that vibe on him. Was hard to find town this game as town. I was surprised you never just killed sonic although I guess it was a bit late.
2009-08-12 03:35:31 - Squirrels Hat: MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!
2009-08-12 03:44:25 - Mr. Squirrel: Do you think my hat will attack me?
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Re: EW's Semi-Open Matrix Madness

Postby kongming3 on Tue Jul 30, 2024 9:38 am

Cheers everyone, was fun. The game seemed lost for town, but we just needed to vote together at the end so I'm glad we managed to draw out every scum. Only one I wasn't sure about for a bit was Ragian/Devante, but that became apparent by the end and scum didn't want to see me around by that point anyway haha.
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Re: EW's Semi-Open Matrix Madness

Postby strike wolf on Tue Jul 30, 2024 12:29 pm

pmchugh wrote:
strike wolf wrote:Congrats Town and well-played Son!c.

For the record, I asked in mafia chat for Fusi and Ragian *not* to defend me and instead they should be ready to vote me out if it looked inevitable that I was going to be lynched....and they both came to my defense anyways. Honestly, just got a bit complacent because it looked like we were going to cruise to an easy win.

I do think that it is very funny that the two people Vot lambasted were key in towns win. Son!c not only clued into me but all 3 mafia and managed to convince town to vote with him while spouting off random things about parseltongue and a nonsensical "trap". It was probably a mistake not to attack Son!c's town cred more D4. Meanwhile, accidentally or intentionally Loose convinced me he was a power role and if he hadn't we would have probably killed either PMC or Vot night 2 which could have really swung the game.

I also found it kind of funny that Son!c and Kong pinned me for being the master manipulator behind the lynches when from my perspective real life issues kept me from being nearly as active or influential as I wanted in this game.

I should have realised you had killed loose from the fact that no one else was getting that vibe on him. Was hard to find town this game as town. I was surprised you never just killed sonic although I guess it was a bit late.

I 100% thought that someone would make the connection which is why I tried to get ahead of it by pointing it out myself.
Maxleod wrote:Not strike, he's the only one with a functioning brain.
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Re: EW's Semi-Open Matrix Madness

Postby SoN!c on Tue Jul 30, 2024 12:54 pm

kongming3 wrote:Cheers everyone, was fun. The game seemed lost for town, but we just needed to vote together at the end so I'm glad we managed to draw out every scum. Only one I wasn't sure about for a bit was Ragian/Devante, but that became apparent by the end and scum didn't want to see me around by that point anyway haha.

Great game Kong, if not for the fos on you (by strike) from the beginning your game could have went so different. But remember, in mafia - the scum players that wanna silence townies early on is mostly for a good reason! Looking forward to your next game.
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Re: EW's Semi-Open Matrix Madness

Postby TrafalgarLaw01 on Wed Jul 31, 2024 3:07 pm

I lost track of this one. Well done sonic and well done town =D> =D>
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