it was not the right thing to do and it's WHY we rewrote the rule the way we did. Clans in CC11 and CC12 were literally punished because they did not want to be the bad guys and dole out punishments, but it should never have been left up to them.
I agree to that, whoever was in charge was doing some really stupid things at the time if it was, as Cayman worded it "CD team forced the clan's opponent to decide if they wanted punishments to happen. "
My guess is CD's were cowards back then and didn't want to have to assume to be the bad guy.
And the solution you found is to be a coward now and hide behind a very strict rule basically saying : " it's not up to me it's up to the rule, I can't do anything else".
A bit like what you did for that other issue we had this year
viewtopic.php?f=441&t=240459&start=25Where I said
I would rather that the CD examine the situation and the impact of the game rather than just have such a restrictive written rule.
And I'm still on that line.
You're making rule are restrictive as possible so that you don't have a say in it.
Let me say I think that's a bit of a bullshit move, since you're the one making the rule anyway.
So when you had an issue in the CC11 & 12, rather than deciding to enforce the bad rule that we currently have, you should've decided to change the rule.
Because this rule was there for years, but it was applied with leniency, which is what make that rule acceptable.
Now you're enforcing it by the minute, then it just became stupid.
Because, seriously, who's hurt by anyone being a couple of hours late ?
When you make rule you should ask yourself what's the purpose of the rule.
is that rule here to be able to gift war to clan that are against people that have time management issue ?
or is the rule here just so that we can have a smooth and quick event ? because if that's the latter, really doesn't matter to have people 5 hours late to accept an invitation.
My whole point being : if no one care, why there need to be a game penalty which can totally change the outcome of the tournament so it has serious impact
Allow me go back to strict rule that you decided to have for the other issue as for this one :
Having rules that give you literally no room for punishment and discussion is a bad thing, every situation should be considered independently because every situation is different.
Rules should give you general order of things and a frame of what should and should not be, but then CD should just be able to make fair decision on case to case basis.
Which, especially for the other case where you decided that running out of time would be a straight rematch regardless of the situation is really silly, because really it's all about the situation around it. But because you don't have the courage to decide, you went that way.
It doesn't matter if you HAD asked us not to give ACES a penalty, we still would have.
And doesn't matter whether the penalty would stand or not - we would still have ask for it to be removed regardless of the known or unknown outcome of the request. It's a matter of principle and fair-play, Just FYI. Pretty sure we even had the case in the past already.