This says it all, on the Big Pharma debate here, so far:
postby ConfederateSS on Mon Apr 01, 2024 3:27 am
-------- No facts on Big Pharma...
ConfedSS tries for
1) hyperbole (no facts, just some mostly crazy theories), and
2) simple explanations (A causes B).
3) theories based on little to NO evidence.
and I have to differ with this, too:
Kids took on Bullying.
Bullying was NOT always effectively dealt with "back in the day", but I am not sure there is a real answer here. I am not sure it was dealt with most of the time in the past. Current attempts trying to make students more AWARE of bullying and its adverse effects, I think, helps SOME, but does not eliminate the problem.
Use of drugs, mostly to control ADD or ADHD, is NOT the cause of excessive violence in and at school (i.e., School Shootings).
I think bullying and social media are more to blame for school violence, but I think we will learn excessive use of meds on children does not help. And I think there are bad kids in schools. Dealing with them become more difficult each and everyday. Two points here:
1) lack of parental support ("My son CANNOT possibly be at fault, he is an angel." [or, a "good kid" as a minimum] Rather than support teachers and school administrators, parents attack them to instead support their lovely "angels." An oft heard phrase was "Don't put your hands on my child." If your child is fighting and beating up other children, physical intervention was needed. There was a NEED TO put hands on your "lovely child."
2) some liberal notions have not helped. Bad kids perceive that liberal attempts to be "nice" and understanding are viewed by the bad kids as a) weakness and b) a reason to continue to do evil. Bad kids need to be disciplined and punished FIRST before we treat them "nicely."
Having taught in public education for a long time, I have seen the effects of these "be nice" policies. What was the result? Numerous fights and even incidents of attacks of gangs on 1-2 students badly outnumbered. There was even one incident where the Principal who intiated these "be nice policies" was pushed while trying to break up a fight. This went on for MONTHS, got worse, over two school years, until the Principal finally realized that the bad kids need to be disciplined and PUNISHED FIRST. All that fighting and violence was a BAD start to the school year.
This was one of the main reasons I decided to retire from public education. Crime might be down in the country, but it was not safe in my public school.