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His Blood Is On Your Hands!!!

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His Blood Is On Your Hands!!!

Postby ConfederateSS on Fri Mar 29, 2024 7:43 pm

-------As Donald Trump , who was invited to the Funeral of Slain NYC Police Officer Johnathan Diller...And he spoke...
-------- N.Y. Governor Hochul , when asked to waited till after the casket was closed,
family time...She just busted in ...She was kicked out of the funeral home....D.A. Bragg was also kicked out... Before he was asked to leave , Mayor Adams(former NYPD), didn't say anything, left on his own...
-------- Diller's wife told them... HIS BLOOD IS ON YOUR HANDS...their crime, and light treatment of criminals...
-------- Trump was asked to speak...By the family...
-------- Gov. Hochul and Attorney General James invited themselves to speak...The family was having none of that...
-------- The Democrats Have The BLOOD OF MANY IN N.Y.C. and N.Y. STATE ON THEIR HANDS... People are done with them...
... O:) ConfederateSS.out!(The Blue and Silver Rebellion)... O:)
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Re: His Blood Is On Your Hands!!!

Postby GaryDenton on Sat Mar 30, 2024 8:19 am

Some people have gone off their meds.

Late Capitol Police Officer's Family Slams Trump Attending NYPD Wake

The family of a police officer who died following the January 6 Capitol riots has blasted former President Donald Trump for attending another officer's wake in New York this week.

In an interview with the New York Daily News, Brian's father Charles Sicknick said: "He makes sure he gets his face out there. The guy's a criminal. He's the reason my son is dead— because of the riot at the Capitol. He's a publicity hound. Trump does whatever will get him votes and helps Donald Trump. There's nothing good about this man."
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Re: His Blood Is On Your Hands!!!

Postby GaryDenton on Sat Mar 30, 2024 8:22 am

Prominent conservative judges are warning that Trump is posing a threat that’s like “nothing in American history.”

In a CNN interview Thursday evening, Republican-appointed federal District Judge Reggie B. Walton felt compelled to announce that Trump’s continued attacks could result in “tyranny.” Just hours later, former Appeals Court Judge J. Michael Luttig, also a conservative, issued his own warning cry, declaring that Trump is responsible for the “dismantling” of the nation’s “system of justice.”
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Re: His Blood Is On Your Hands!!!

Postby Pack Rat on Sat Mar 30, 2024 10:34 am

What is so asinine is not so much that Trump uses a murdered cop as political hay and disregarding what happened On January 6th....but how his cult followers are dumb enough to follow a scum bag loser like Trump.
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Re: His Blood Is On Your Hands!!!

Postby ConfederateSS on Sat Mar 30, 2024 1:37 pm

-------The Feds. Started that riot at the Capitol...Trump was exercising his 1st amendment right as every American...He said March to the Capitol, peacefully....The Democrats/Left had actors of their own in the crowd...How many Police Officers died in the Riots of the Summer of 2020 A.D. across the country....VP Harris bailed them out , when they were arrested....She was only VP/hopeful then...

-------- Diller's family asked Trump to come...So post your crap... Diller's grandmother asked Trump, if she could hug him... He gave her a great big hug...The Funeral Home erupted in Cheers...By the Police that love , the only person actually looking out for them...A Law Enforcement President... =D> =D> =D>
... O:) ConfederateSS.out!(The Blue and Silver Rebellion)... O:) ... Mayor Adams , will speak at the burial...Being a NYPD in the past...He is welcome to...As All the Officers will stand on a blue line spanning the sidewalk...Along the route from the Church to the Cemetery....
-------It is the Laws, Governor of N.Y. for the crimes of the city and state...Gov. Hochul could remove D.A. Bragg for letting criminals walk ...But she won't, she is LEFT, she like all Democrat radicals , are on the side of criminals...Not on the side of Law Abiding Americans.... Governor Desantis of Florida, removed a woke D.A....That is why the people of Florida love him...Why people are leaving N.Y. for Florida......
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Re: His Blood Is On Your Hands!!!

Postby mookiemcgee on Sat Mar 30, 2024 4:35 pm

ConfederateSS wrote:-------How many Police Officers died in the Riots of the Summer of 2020 A.D. across the country

I know you get off bigly on making up arguments out of thin air and then making them vague enough that no one can verify (or even understand) what you are talking about... but this one is pretty easy. No cops died as a result of policing during protests/riots during the summer of 2020.

In 2020, 453 Line of Duty Deaths occurred in the USA. Here is a breakdown of their cause of death, I'm happy to look up more details or provide names for any you can't be bothered to look up yourself due to mental illness/deficiency. You may also notice no cops died of the flu

9/11 related illness - 44
Aircraft accident - 1
Assault - 1 (happened in a prison)
Automobile crash - 19
COVID19 - 284
Drowned - 4
Duty related illness - 8
Exposure to toxins - 1
Gunfire - 47
Gunfire (Inadvertent) - 5
Heart attack - 11
Heatstroke - 1
Motorcycle crash - 4
Struck by vehicle - 8
Vehicle pursuit - 2
Vehicular assault - 13
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Re: His Blood Is On Your Hands!!!

Postby GaryDenton on Sat Mar 30, 2024 6:20 pm

Gullible and always listens to liars.

In this case.

“We always ask: ‘Would the families like us there?’ If the families say, ‘No, this is the time for our personal family grieving, we don’t want a politician there,’ we don’t go,” Hochul said. “In this case, we asked. We were told the family is welcoming. We always check, and they said to come, and I went. And no one told me to leave.”

But on her way out, she was accosted by a man identified by the New York Post to be a Diller family member. A video showed the man in a tense conversation with the governor as she made her way to her vehicle following her visit.
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Re: His Blood Is On Your Hands!!!

Postby lokisgal on Sat Mar 30, 2024 9:53 pm

ConfederateSS wrote:-------The Feds. Started that riot at the Capitol...Trump was exercising his 1st amendment right as every American...He said March to the Capitol, peacefully....The Democrats/Left had actors of their own in the crowd...How many Police Officers died in the Riots of the Summer of 2020 A.D. across the country....VP Harris bailed them out , when they were arrested....She was only VP/hopeful then...

-------- Diller's family asked Trump to come...So post your crap... Diller's grandmother asked Trump, if she could hug him... He gave her a great big hug...The Funeral Home erupted in Cheers...By the Police that love , the only person actually looking out for them...A Law Enforcement President... =D> =D> =D>
... O:) ConfederateSS.out!(The Blue and Silver Rebellion)... O:) ... Mayor Adams , will speak at the burial...Being a NYPD in the past...He is welcome to...As All the Officers will stand on a blue line spanning the sidewalk...Along the route from the Church to the Cemetery....
-------It is the Laws, Governor of N.Y. for the crimes of the city and state...Gov. Hochul could remove D.A. Bragg for letting criminals walk ...But she won't, she is LEFT, she like all Democrat radicals , are on the side of criminals...Not on the side of Law Abiding Americans.... Governor Desantis of Florida, removed a woke D.A....That is why the people of Florida love him...Why people are leaving N.Y. for Florida......

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: His Blood Is On Your Hands!!!

Postby jusplay4fun on Sun Mar 31, 2024 12:03 am

This thread is LOTS of hyperbole on BOTH sides of this political divide. It is not as bad as either side claims.

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Re: His Blood Is On Your Hands!!!

Postby ConfederateSS on Sun Mar 31, 2024 12:14 am

jusplay4fun wrote:This thread is LOTS of hyperbole on BOTH sides of this political divide. It is not as bad as either side claims.

----- Really, not as bad, because of Democrat policies....
------- The crime is horrible in N.Y.C...
------ Someone with 21 arreasts, gets out. Shoots a cop... People being pushed in front of Subway trains...Women being punched in the face as they walk down the street...Plus all the pick pocketing Illegal Alien rings, the usual N.Y.C. crime...You want to say that again JP...Where Democrat run cities/States...Kiss the criminal's ass, and spit in the face of Law and Order...
... O:) ConfederateSS.out!(The Blue and Silver Rebellion)... O:) ...
-------It has nothing to do with politics...When all New Yorkers just want to feel and be safe...But the city is a nightmare...Both Democrats and Republicans, everyone, are victims of LEFT LIBERAL CRIME POLICIES :!: ...
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Re: His Blood Is On Your Hands!!!

Postby jusplay4fun on Sun Mar 31, 2024 12:52 am

ConfederateSS wrote:
jusplay4fun wrote:This thread is LOTS of hyperbole on BOTH sides of this political divide. It is not as bad as either side claims.

-----Really, not as bad, because of Democrat policies....
------- The crime is horrible in N.Y.C...
------ Someone with 21 arreasts, gets out. Shoots a cop... People being pushed in front of Subway trains...Women being punched in the face as they walk down the street...Plus all the pick pocketing Illegal Alien rings, the usual N.Y.C. crime...You want to say that again JP...Where Democrat run cities/States...Kiss the criminal's ass, and spit in the face of Law and Order...[/size]... O:) ConfederateSS.out!(The Blue and Silver Rebellion)... O:) ...
-------It has nothing to do with politics...When all New Yorkers just want to feel and be safe...But the city is a nightmare...Both Democrats and Republicans, everyone, are victims of LEFT LIBERAL CRIME POLICIES :!: [/size]...

You, ConfedSS, tend to make LOTS of hyperbolic statements and allegations. You rarely, if ever, offer support for your allegations. Some of them are based on events in the News, but you often go far beyond the facts and offer LOTS of opinions and imply lots beyond what the facts support. In this thread, GaryD posted lots of hyperbole, too. p-rat offered something that I am glad I largely ignored; it is more of his usual drivel.

I will say that, based on the news I hear, that NYC, and the state of New York, is run by liberals who largely ignore actual crime by actual criminals for reasons that I think are due to sense a false senses of Justice and/or feeling sorry for the criminal. These liberals think that being nice to criminals will win them over (and will result in criminals acting "nicer"). I think the criminals see that liberals being nice is actually an excuse for them to do more crimes and even worse crimes. The criminals and bad people see liberal "niceness" as merely weakness.

Crime studies of NYC show that being soft on crime merely encourages more crime, a lesson these liberals, like D.A. Bragg, ignore or never learned in the first place. The crime that ConfedSS cites, such as random punching of women (who seem mostly white) in NYC by criminals (I only saw one photo of the 3 suspects, so hard to generalize there) AND the killing of a NYC cop are good evidence of Crime Run AMOK in NYC.

I am sure that Trump and other Republicans will use these incidents to their political advantage; that's politics.

Second arrest after multiple women share stories of random punching attacks in NYC on TikTok

Friday, March 29, 2024 11:25PM

Arrests made in connection to women saying they were punched in the face in New York City

At least three men have been arrested in connection to a disturbing trend that came to light as women shared stories on social media of allegedly being randomly punched while walking on New York City streets. NBC News’ Priscilla Thompson reports.
March 30, 2024

Social media videos in which women describe being punched by a stranger in seemingly random attacks in Manhattan have sparked concerns about women’s safety this week. The alleged victims, women in their 20s and 30s, detailed broadly similar attacks in posts on TikTok and Instagram.

and regarding the killed police officer:
MASSAPEQUA PARK, N.Y. (AP) — Donald Trump attended Thursday’s wake of a New York City police officer gunned down in the line of duty, as the presumptive Republican presidential nominee has made crime a focus of his third White House campaign and accused President Joe Biden of lacking toughness.

The visitation for Officer Jonathan Diller, who was fatally shot during a traffic stop on Monday, was being held in suburban Massapequa. Police said the 31-year-old Diller was shot below his bulletproof vest while approaching an illegally parked car in Queens.

Diller, who was married and had a 1-year-old son, was rushed to a hospital, where he died.

Trump’s visit comes as Biden was also in New York for a previously scheduled fundraiser with Democratic ex-presidents Bill Clinton and Barack Obama. Trump’s campaign made social media posts contrasting his visit with Biden’s fundraiser.

Trump campaign spokesperson Steven Cheung, in a post on X, formerly known as Twitter, noted Trump’s visit and said, “Meanwhile, the Three Stooges — Biden, Obama, and Clinton — will be at a glitzy fundraiser in the city with their elitist, out-of-touch celebrity benefactors.”

White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said Thursday that the president has spoken with New York City’s mayor, but she said she didn’t have any “private communications to share” when asked if Biden had spoken to the family of the officer who was killed. Jean-Pierre said the administration’s hearts go out to the officer’s family.

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Re: His Blood Is On Your Hands!!!

Postby jusplay4fun on Sun Mar 31, 2024 1:54 am

Here is more evidence to support SOME of what ConfedSS posted earlier:

NYC subway rider is fatally pushed onto tracks, reviving discussion about mental illness in system
Updated: 4:56 AM EDT Mar 28, 2024

A man accused of fatally shoving another person into the path of an oncoming New York City subway train was described Tuesday by his mother and officials as having psychological issues, reviving discussion about how the city should respond to people experiencing mental health crises within the transit system.

The shoving victim, who has not been identified by authorities, was pushed onto the tracks inside an East Harlem subway station shortly before 7 p.m. Monday, police said. The operator of an oncoming train was unable to stop and the person was killed, police said.


Adams said that although acts of violence like the fatal shove fuel the perception of lawlessness, subway crime is down nearly 6% since he took office in 2022.

“We hear this over and over again: The city’s out of control. It’s just not true,” Adams, a former transit police officer, said at the news conference.

Monday's fatal push happened on the same day that New York City officials announced a plan to send 800 more police officers into the subway system to crack down on fare evasion and an hour after a city police officer was fatally shot during a traffic stop, the first member of the department to be killed in the line of duty in two years.,within%20the%20transit%20system.The ... system.The

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Re: His Blood Is On Your Hands!!!

Postby ConfederateSS on Sun Mar 31, 2024 8:37 am

--------It was the dead cop's wife that let the leaders of N.Y. have it...Who said to them...His Blood Is On Your Hands...not me...She has every right to...
--------- While Trump ,who was invited to the funeral...Went...Biden(who after the wife's remarks,glad he didn't go), was down the road, having rich and famous people, shove 26 million dollars up his ass...
--------- The Biden White House, were quick to attack the 2nd amd./ preach gun control...
--------- As I have said in other is not the gun...That is the problem...The subway train pushers(there have been 10 so far), they say are crazy....It is not the gun, it is Big Pharma, the Medical Profession...they have been pumping people with drugs, when they are born, every singal day of their lives...They work with the public school system, pump, pump , pump them up with drugs...Result, mass school shootings...Crazy drugged, pumped up people, pushing people in front of subway trains...
--------- It is Big Pharma that needs to be dealt with, to stop all this violence....It is more violent out there then any time in history...Thanks to Big Pharma...
... O:) ConfederateSS.out!(The Blue and Silver Rebellion)... O:)
--------- In the past, crazy left bleeding heart liberals, had weird ideas, but their heart was in the right place...But now , it is Commie Pinko Left Liberals who are trying to tear America down, with their crime polices....It is working ...Just how they want......
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Re: His Blood Is On Your Hands!!!

Postby 2dimes on Sun Mar 31, 2024 8:58 am

Biden, was down the road, having rich and famous people, shove 26 million dollars up his ass...

I'm pretty certain that's not physically possible. Come on man.
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Re: His Blood Is On Your Hands!!!

Postby lokisgal on Sun Mar 31, 2024 11:25 am

ConfederateSS wrote:--------It was the dead cop's wife that let the leaders of N.Y. have it...Who said to them...His Blood Is On Your Hands...not me...She has every right to...
--------- While Trump ,who was invited to the funeral...Went...Biden(who after the wife's remarks,glad he didn't go), was down the road, having rich and famous people, shove 26 million dollars up his ass...
--------- The Biden White House, were quick to attack the 2nd amd./ preach gun control...
--------- As I have said in other is not the gun...That is the problem...The subway train pushers(there have been 10 so far), they say are crazy....It is not the gun, it is Big Pharma, the Medical Profession...they have been pumping people with drugs, when they are born, every singal day of their lives...They work with the public school system, pump, pump , pump them up with drugs...Result, mass school shootings...Crazy drugged, pumped up people, pushing people in front of subway trains...
--------- It is Big Pharma that needs to be dealt with, to stop all this violence....It is more violent out there then any time in history...Thanks to Big Pharma...
... O:) ConfederateSS.out!(The Blue and Silver Rebellion)... O:)
--------- In the past, crazy left bleeding heart liberals, had weird ideas, but their heart was in the right place...But now , it is Commie Pinko Left Liberals who are trying to tear America down, with their crime polices....It is working ...Just how they want......

come on- try thinking for yourself instead of just posting whack job non factual q anon news max crap. You are their target and if you dont think they are laughing so hard at you and all those like you youre living in a fairy tale
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Re: His Blood Is On Your Hands!!!

Postby Dukasaur on Sun Mar 31, 2024 11:50 am

jusplay4fun wrote:I will say that, based on the news I hear, that NYC, and the state of New York, is run by liberals who largely ignore actual crime by actual criminals for reasons that I think are due to sense a false senses of Justice and/or feeling sorry for the criminal. These liberals think that being nice to criminals will win them over (and will result in criminals acting "nicer"). I think the criminals see that liberals being nice is actually an excuse for them to do more crimes and even worse crimes. The criminals and bad people see liberal "niceness" as merely weakness.

Crime studies of NYC show that being soft on crime merely encourages more crime, a lesson these liberals, like D.A. Bragg, ignore or never learned in the first place. The crime that ConfedSS cites, such as random punching of women (who seem mostly white) in NYC by criminals (I only saw one photo of the 3 suspects, so hard to generalize there) AND the killing of a NYC cop are good evidence of Crime Run AMOK in NYC.

"Crime Run AMOK" is the story the right-wing media wants you to believe. In actual fact, crime has declined dramatically in the US (and other industrialized countries) for decades:

Lest you think that the murder rate is different then other crimes, or that New York is different from other cities, here's a graph on a similar timescale, showing specifically murders in New York City:

In fact, New York's crime rate doesn't even put it in the Top 25 dangerous cities in America:

Even if you eliminate all the small cities and go by very large american cities only, it's still not exceptionally high:
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Re: His Blood Is On Your Hands!!!

Postby jusplay4fun on Mon Apr 01, 2024 1:09 am

As I have said before, it is often not the facts, but the perceptions of the facts that motivate people to act or say things. (This can be specifically applied to voters.) I think I quoted Mayor Adams saying crime is down in the subways, but the perception for many of those who actually use and travel on/in the subways is that they are becoming more dangerous. I said something similar about the US Economy: it is not the facts (necessarily) but the perceptions of the voter regarding how the Economy and inflation affects THEM. I meant to say the PERCEPTION of crime run AMOK, but failed to put that in my last post. Good stats and evidence, Duk.

It is not the overall crime rates and stats that put the fear in people, but often one or a few especially heinous crimes that drive perceptions. Let us presume that stats show rape, robbery, and murder are down in NYC. Does the fact that overall crime in NYC is down allow women to think it is SAFE for THEM in NYC when there are a few criminals running around PUNCHING women in the FACE?

I also said that Republicans are likely to use certain crimes for political advantage, and said it is politics.

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Re: His Blood Is On Your Hands!!!

Postby jusplay4fun on Mon Apr 01, 2024 1:26 am

ConfederateSS wrote:--------It was the dead cop's wife that let the leaders of N.Y. have it...Who said to them...His Blood Is On Your Hands...not me...She has every right to...
--------- While Trump ,who was invited to the funeral...Went...Biden(who after the wife's remarks,glad he didn't go), was down the road, having rich and famous people, shove 26 million dollars up his ass...
--------- The Biden White House, were quick to attack the 2nd amd./ preach gun control...
--------- As I have said in other is not the gun...That is the problem...The subway train pushers(there have been 10 so far), they say are crazy....It is not the gun, it is Big Pharma, the Medical Profession...they have been pumping people with drugs, when they are born, every singal day of their lives...They work with the public school system, pump, pump , pump them up with drugs...Result, mass school shootings...Crazy drugged, pumped up people, pushing people in front of subway trains...
--------- It is Big Pharma that needs to be dealt with, to stop all this violence....It is more violent out there then any time in history...Thanks to Big Pharma...[/size]... O:) ConfederateSS.out!(The Blue and Silver Rebellion)... O:)
--------- In the past, crazy left bleeding heart liberals, had weird ideas, but their heart was in the right place...But now , it is Commie Pinko Left Liberals who are trying to tear America down, with their crime polices....It is working ...Just how they want...[/size]...

Two examples of your hyperbole:
1) Big Pharma and drugs and how they impact children;
2) Crime

Duk dealt was the crime issue already. (aside: one thing that bothers me about NYC crime is that the killer of the NYC policeman was released, despite his extensive record of crimes. I have not looked into his criminal record.) I think that many liberal DAs do release arrested suspects and ALSO fail to prosecute actual crimes. I have not gone into the crime data to differentiate that as facts vs. perceptions.

The knifing deaths in Illinois does not help perceptions of crime running AMOK.

I won't even look for evidence for your crazy ideas on Drugs. I put no credence in your crazy theories here.

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Re: His Blood Is On Your Hands!!!

Postby ConfederateSS on Mon Apr 01, 2024 2:27 am

--------The National Crime Survey...Crime Stats by Federal Agencies are not correct...A few years ago...The system was changed...But cities don't use the new way, So Like the F.B.I. uses the New System...But say, Detroit doesn't use the New Proper forms...So the crime stats are off...This is the case Across America...
-------- Now go outside, in a Major U.S. City... Let's see if those Federal Crime Stats,
protect you...Make you feel safe...As you are being stabbed/Shot , and robbed...But the Stats say , It is O.K. to go for a walk...
-------- No facts on Big Pharma...
-------- Say 100 or 50 years ago...Guns were everywhere...
-------- But there were not as many crazy crimes everywhere...
-------- Bleeding Heart Liberals...Began taking power every where...
-------- Big Pharma, became more of a Place, everywhere...
-------- 100 or 50 years ago... Schools were not in a Triangle with Big Pharma and The Medical Professionals...
-------- Kids grew up...Life lessons...Kids took on Bullying...Kids took on Learning without having drugs pushed on them....
--------- Then the LEFT LIBERALS poured in...The Colleges became more LEFT... So new teachers, Pushed LEFT ideas...We will help little Billy...With Drugs...Now we will help Billy, become Sally...With Drugs, you need to see a Medical Professional...
-------- You can go back to the Old West...Kids would come to school with a rifle, lean it against the back wall....After school walk 10 miles home...
-------- What is the difference.... America always have had guns....But Big Pharma has changed things the past 3 or 4 decades... It is Super Violent out there , in America...
------- Who will be brave and go after Big Pharma???...That is what people should be running on... Senators, Reps...Etc...Not Gun Control...
... O:) ConfederateSS.out!(The Blue and Silver Rebellion)... O:)
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Re: His Blood Is On Your Hands!!!

Postby jusplay4fun on Mon Apr 01, 2024 3:22 am

This says it all, on the Big Pharma debate here, so far:

postby ConfederateSS on Mon Apr 01, 2024 3:27 am

-------- No facts on Big Pharma...

ConfedSS tries for
1) hyperbole (no facts, just some mostly crazy theories), and
2) simple explanations (A causes B).
3) theories based on little to NO evidence.

and I have to differ with this, too:
Kids took on Bullying.

Bullying was NOT always effectively dealt with "back in the day", but I am not sure there is a real answer here. I am not sure it was dealt with most of the time in the past. Current attempts trying to make students more AWARE of bullying and its adverse effects, I think, helps SOME, but does not eliminate the problem.

Use of drugs, mostly to control ADD or ADHD, is NOT the cause of excessive violence in and at school (i.e., School Shootings).

I think bullying and social media are more to blame for school violence, but I think we will learn excessive use of meds on children does not help. And I think there are bad kids in schools. Dealing with them become more difficult each and everyday. Two points here:

1) lack of parental support ("My son CANNOT possibly be at fault, he is an angel." [or, a "good kid" as a minimum] Rather than support teachers and school administrators, parents attack them to instead support their lovely "angels." An oft heard phrase was "Don't put your hands on my child." If your child is fighting and beating up other children, physical intervention was needed. There was a NEED TO put hands on your "lovely child."

2) some liberal notions have not helped. Bad kids perceive that liberal attempts to be "nice" and understanding are viewed by the bad kids as a) weakness and b) a reason to continue to do evil. Bad kids need to be disciplined and punished FIRST before we treat them "nicely."

Having taught in public education for a long time, I have seen the effects of these "be nice" policies. What was the result? Numerous fights and even incidents of attacks of gangs on 1-2 students badly outnumbered. There was even one incident where the Principal who intiated these "be nice policies" was pushed while trying to break up a fight. This went on for MONTHS, got worse, over two school years, until the Principal finally realized that the bad kids need to be disciplined and PUNISHED FIRST. All that fighting and violence was a BAD start to the school year.

This was one of the main reasons I decided to retire from public education. Crime might be down in the country, but it was not safe in my public school.

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Re: His Blood Is On Your Hands!!!

Postby jusplay4fun on Wed Apr 03, 2024 7:53 am

Another Out of touch Liberal Democrat:

Carl Heastie removed any doubt he’s a political imbecile – and a driving force for all of NYC’s plight

Now he’s done it.

Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie, normally a man of few words, has made the grave mistake of opening his mouth and revealing what’s behind the blank façade.

It’s not a pretty sight.

In doing so, Heastie proved the wisdom of the warning that “It is better to remain silent at the risk of being thought a fool, than to talk and remove all doubt of it.”

While the suspicions about him have been confirmed, calling Heastie a fool doesn’t capture the significance of what he said and the policy impacts on the life of every New Yorker.

His declaration that “I just don’t believe raising penalties is ever a deterrent on crime” amounts to a Holy Grail of political imbecility.

Everything bad about New York — the mayhem, the criminal coddling, the cold shoulder for taxpayers — is at least partially a ­result of his strange thinking.
Heastie and his fellow travelers in Albany and City Hall don’t have a clue about human nature and therefore the necessity of certain punishment that fits the crime.

His confession lays bare the fact that he is so out of touch with ­reality that he ought to have the decency to slink out of office and into oblivion.

He’s ostensibly from The Bronx, but might as well be living on the moon.

Otherwise, how can he fail to grasp the obvious fact that people who are locked up are deterred during their time behind bars from committing more crimes?

And has he never considered the possibility they will be so chastened by their experience in prison that they will go straight when they are eventually ­released?

That, too, is deterrence.

Lefty talking point
Tragically, Heastie’s willful ignorance is standard fare on the left, where a whole generation of the best and the brightest are proving themselves to be lacking even a shred of common sense.

Society to them is nothing more than a game of racial bean counting.

Yet Heastie is not just another rank-and-file radical bloviating about a Marxist revolution and power to the people.

Because he has a life-or-death grip on every piece of legislation that moves or doesn’t move in Albany, his admission illustrates why lawmakers have allowed and even encouraged the waves of crime and public disorder that are destroying New York.

The lenient bail laws, the handcuffs on judges, the raising of the age from 16 to 18 for young offenders to be treated as adults — they all play a role in the coddling of criminals and the victimization of the innocent.

The murder of Police Officer ­Jonathan Diller by a career criminal who along with his partner had racked up at least 35 combined arrests underscores the devastating impact Heastie and his Democrat collaborators are having.

The demonization of police, the ruinous squeeze on taxpayers, the dumbing down of schools, the obsession with promoting transgenderism are the bitter fruits of the progressive agenda in Washington, Albany and City Hall.
Heastie made his startling remarks in reaction to a push from Gov. Hochul to crack down on the explosion of retail thefts, which is leading many stores to close and costing employees their jobs.

Despite the context, there is no reason to believe the speaker’s warped thinking is limited to one category of crime.

His record proves he has applied the same illogic to all kinds of crimes, even violent ones.

Does he really care?
“We care very deeply about that,” he said of the epidemic of shoplifting in stores ranging from pharmacies to high-end clothing and jewelry stores, many of which have involved assaults on workers.

Yet the more he talked, the more it was clear he doesn’t actually care that much about victims.
It sounds as if Heastie does not believe that the threat of serious consequences is a fundamental part of prevention.

If that’s his position, I’d like to hear him name a single society that survived for long when there was crime without punishment.

There aren’t any, and to believe in some kumbaya on earth is to be stupefyingly ignorant about ­human nature.

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