------- EPIC FAIL ...
-------The other day , 2 , I would say stupid products of The American Public School System....Just sad, they are so pathetic... Anyway 2 American young Protesters ...Went into The Museum of National Archives... Attacked The U.S.Consituttion ...They covered the glass protecting the Constitution, and themselves with, I guess , strawberry KOOL AID ...American want a be protesters are sad, European Protesting Young , have much better style...
-------- It gets better...The Worst part of the Attack on The U.S. Constitution...Was the EPIC FAIL of The Security at the Museum...Here is every, Military, Law Enforcement, Public Officials', Dream...They all take what...An , Oath, pledge, swear to Defend and Protect The U.S. Constitution...Here were these Security Officers...The BIG MOMENT...To Actually Defend The U.S. Constitution, Literally...They FAILED... ...A bunch of them just standing around, watching the 2 idiots attack the U.S. Constitution...They had a chance to smack the crap out of trouble makers...Yet if if was anyone else, don't touch, don't take pictures, no singing or being loud in the Museum...
-------Oh Sh*t, I'm seeing a promotion for these Security Officers, Fort Knox...Now A Days...When people fail, they get huge promotions...How are they going to face the other Security Officers at the Donut Shop...After this... ... ConfederateSS.out!(The Blue and Silver Rebellion)...
------- Security Officers/Maybe like Capital Police...You can see how January 6th happened... Can't even stop, kids with Kool Aid...sad ......