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The Wild Beyond the Walls Mafia Spirits Wins!

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The Wild Beyond the Walls Mafia Spirits Wins!

Postby strike wolf on Sat Feb 10, 2024 1:47 am


The chosen few from the city gathered at the gates of the wall. Around them a larger crowd had gathered to see them off. Whispers spread through the crowd and more than a few in the chosen group swore they heard a few of them calling the mission a "death sentence". The murmer cut off quickly though as the great Northern gate of the city opened with a loud, creaking groan and a strong gust of wind blew through it. It whipped and seemed to even push some of them back. Discouraged but knowing that there was no way back, the group walked through the gateway into the miniature desert that surrounded the city.

The ground here was uneven, blown into small dunes by the wind and no trodden path interrupted its flow. They made there way slowly through the sand, slipping a few times along the way under a high noon sun until they reached the edge of the forest. Trees with trunks as large as a small apartment stretched up into eternity above them. Almost directly in front of them, two trees leaned together and formed an arched entrance into the forest. They walked towards it and stepped into the forest at once, the day going from the bright unending day to an eerie twilight. They could hear animals move around them through the canopies. Some scattering but as they looked up and around, they occasionally saw various small animals seeming to watch the strangers cautiously. One of the group eagerly pointed out one of the smaller animals as something called a 'fline Skirl', an animal believed to have gone extinct after the cataclysm. Pulling out a book, he pointed to its picture and then up to the animal who immediately scampered off and with a great leap, jumped from its perch and disappeared farther into the forest.

Each passing moment brought new discoveries and the group started feeling their dread wane a bit as they watched this strangely peaceful world around them. One moment brought a flock of birds with colorful plumage giving off shrill shrieks that forced them to cover their ears. Another, presented a tree smaller than the others with flowers blooming in the color of cooling blood. One of the small group even received a sharp stab as they drifted too close to a large vine with large thorns poking out from behind its leaves. Their light-hearted curiosity dampened to a cautious wariness as they ran into something odd and out of place. Sticking out of the ground in front of them was a metal object. The tallest among them found himself staring slightly up at it and it's flat surface was brimmed on one side by a sharp edge. It gleaned with an untarnished glow as if it had not only been forged but looked after since it was placed in its position, thrust lightly into the soil and anchored to the tree which had not yet swallowed it into its outer bark.

As they went further in these markers became more and more common. The sounds of the forest seemed to become the footsteps of unseen watchers and the panicked edge came back into their minds. After a while, they walked past a thicket of shrubs and stopped at a surprising sight. A small village had been hidden in the forest. It's members watched them closely but without alarm. For a moment both groups just watched each other until they finally decided to approach the strangers. Their eyes gazed everywhere. The village was nothing like Alabasia. Where Alabasia's buildings were deeply rooted into the ground, nothing about this forest village had any foundation and it was easy to imagine that the villagers could one day just pack it all up and move their encampment somewhere else.

A single man, tall and skinny with a slightly tanned appearance approached from the crowd of villagers. He spoke with a strange dialect,"We've been watching you approach. Do you come from the great city?" One in the group nodded after a moment figuring out what he said. The stranger nodded back. "My family came from within those walls, decades ago maybe longer but by then this little tribe had already formed. They welcomed us in as I shall welcome you."'

The wild man as they perceived him explained much. The village was not the only outside the city walls. Most of them like this one were designed to be easily abandoned or moved if time needed it. Most of them stayed close to the edge of the forest.

"Wer you the ones hu signaled us?"

"No. That was probably one of the other villages." He admitted.


The man breathed deeply, "This forest is strange and the deeper you go into, the more you'll run into. Here on the relative outskirts, we've been relatively safe but recently, spirits have been making their way into our village. In the form of those we know and attack us in our homes. Many believe that the 'Gods' of the Walled City would be able to help us. One of them probably contacted you. Whatever their reason, you are here now and The Forest never lets anyone who enters to leave."

A murmer spread through the group as if some confirmation of their worst fears were confirmed. In the end, the man offered the group some of his guides to help them through the forest so that hopefully they could find the source of the 'spirits' that were now attacking.

Day 1 will start when 10 people have confirmed their roles.


1. Have fun
2. I am the mod. I am also human and if you feel I have made a mistake or have a disagreement with something in the thread, I will make an effort to look into it and consider your points. Ultimately however, my decisions are final. If you have a question for me please type it in Green so that it'll be easier to notice.
3. Each day will last 1 week. This may be extended by request if activity remains high.
4. Each Night will last between 48-72 hours depending on how quickly you get your actions (if any) in and how quickly I can piece out the order of events.
5. Votes for lynch should be bold and red as to stand out.
6. Any player who receives a majority of the votes will be lynched and their lynch shall end the day. Day may also end with a majority voting No Lynch.
7. If no majority is reached then the day will end without a lynch.
8. Do not quote your role PM or any message you receive in private from the mod or another player unless cleared by me as okay.
9. There shall be no talking at night.
10. Once you are dead, you are dead. Do not talk afterwards. A grieving post after your lynch or night kill is fine but do not give out any game related info and do not continue to engage in the game.
11. Do not discuss game related material outside of the game unless cleared to do so.
12. Do not edit/delete any post you make in the thread.
13. If you have any question related to your role, please PM me.
14. Once again. have fun.


1. Votanic-Survivalist Dav Mallin-1 Shot Bulletproof Bodyguard lynched D2
2. Trafalgarlaw01-Hunter Sam Wells-Town Trapper Killed N2
3. Charle
4. Dirtydishsoap the SK-Patric Baits-Vanilla Townie Killed N3
5. *Pixar*-Kim Williams-Vanilla Townie Lynched D3
6. Son!c-Malevolent Spirit-Mafia Goon killed N2
7. Swang-Medicine Worker Pamela Reynolds-Poison Doctor Lynched D4
8. Pmchugh
9. Devante
10. Loose Cannon-Serial Killer Pal Corno-Investigation Proof Poisoner killed N1
11. Ewebasher
12. Kingm-Village Hunter Robert England-Town Tracker Killed Night 5
13. Fusibaseball


1. Extreme Ways
2. Ragian
Last edited by strike wolf on Mon Apr 01, 2024 3:01 pm, edited 19 times in total.
Maxleod wrote:Not strike, he's the only one with a functioning brain.
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Re: The Wild Beyond the Walls Mafia (D1) 13/13 Confirmation

Postby Charle on Sat Feb 10, 2024 2:10 am

Confirmed and understood.

Let's get that scum in the woods!!
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Re: The Wild Beyond the Walls Mafia (D1) 13/13 Confirmation

Postby strike wolf on Sat Feb 10, 2024 2:39 am

Alright. That should be all roles sent out. If by chance I missed you, please send me a PM and I'll rectify it.
Maxleod wrote:Not strike, he's the only one with a functioning brain.
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Re: The Wild Beyond the Walls Mafia (D1) 13/13 Confirmation

Postby DirtyDishSoap on Sat Feb 10, 2024 3:30 am

Dukasaur wrote:
saxitoxin wrote:taking medical advice from this creature; a morbidly obese man who is 100% convinced he willed himself into becoming a woman.

Your obsession with mrswdk is really sad.

ConfederateSS wrote:Just because people are idiots... Doesn't make them wrong.
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Re: The Wild Beyond the Walls Mafia (D1) 13/13 Confirmation

Postby Votanic on Sat Feb 10, 2024 4:00 am

Role received and understood. Looking forward to the game.
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Re: The Wild Beyond the Walls Mafia (D1) 13/13 Confirmation

Postby Ewebasher on Sat Feb 10, 2024 4:34 am

Role received and understood
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Re: The Wild Beyond the Walls Mafia (D1) 13/13 Confirmation

Postby *Pixar* on Sat Feb 10, 2024 7:18 am

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Re: The Wild Beyond the Walls Mafia (D1) 13/13 Confirmation

Postby SoN!c on Sat Feb 10, 2024 7:34 am

Confirmed, let's goo!
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Re: The Wild Beyond the Walls Mafia (D1) 13/13 Confirmation

Postby pmchugh on Sat Feb 10, 2024 7:44 am

2009-08-12 03:35:31 - Squirrels Hat: MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!
2009-08-12 03:44:25 - Mr. Squirrel: Do you think my hat will attack me?
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Re: The Wild Beyond the Walls Mafia (D1) 13/13 Confirmation

Postby Kingm on Sat Feb 10, 2024 9:12 am

Role received and understood. Looking forward to the game.
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Re: The Wild Beyond the Walls Mafia (D1) 13/13 Confirmation

Postby TrafalgarLaw01 on Sat Feb 10, 2024 10:00 am

Confirmed Role
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Re: The Wild Beyond the Walls Mafia (D1) 13/13 Confirmation

Postby swang918 on Sat Feb 10, 2024 11:34 am

Here we go
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Re: The Wild Beyond the Walls Mafia (D1) 13/13 Confirmation

Postby Votanic on Sat Feb 10, 2024 3:59 pm

Okay, it looks like 10 players are confirmed... I'll start the ball rolling.

Well hello fellow players... Everybody read that introductory blurb? Ain't that something?!

@ strike: Is that sword something I can take or does it belong to the villagers? Or is it stuck in the ground, King Arthur-style?
I'll take it if it's an 'item' to have....

I know, I know... I'm probably barking up the wrong tree here... but right now, this game feels more like "adventure-role-play" than anything else.
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Re: The Wild Beyond the Walls Mafia (D1) 13/13 Confirmation

Postby DirtyDishSoap on Sat Feb 10, 2024 4:13 pm

Vote Traf for being a big silly willy.

If that is an item that we can pull out, then choose me. He-Man! Master of the Universe!
Dukasaur wrote:
saxitoxin wrote:taking medical advice from this creature; a morbidly obese man who is 100% convinced he willed himself into becoming a woman.

Your obsession with mrswdk is really sad.

ConfederateSS wrote:Just because people are idiots... Doesn't make them wrong.
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Re: The Wild Beyond the Walls Mafia (D1) 13/13 Confirmation

Postby Votanic on Sat Feb 10, 2024 4:22 pm

DirtyDishSoap wrote:Vote Traf for being a big silly willy.

If that is an item that we can pull out, then choose me. He-Man! Master of the Universe!

No way! I totally have dibs.
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Re: The Wild Beyond the Walls Mafia (D1) 13/13 Confirmation

Postby fusibaseball on Sat Feb 10, 2024 5:00 pm

Vote Vot for wanting dibs on the town sword which is a communal asset
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Re: The Wild Beyond the Walls Mafia (D1) 13/13 Confirmation

Postby pmchugh on Sat Feb 10, 2024 5:34 pm

Votanic wrote:Okay, it looks like 10 players are confirmed... I'll start the ball rolling.

Well hello fellow players... Everybody read that introductory blurb? Ain't that something?!

@ strike: Is that sword something I can take or does it belong to the villagers? Or is it stuck in the ground, King Arthur-style?
I'll take it if it's an 'item' to have....

I know, I know... I'm probably barking up the wrong tree here... but right now, this game feels more like "adventure-role-play" than anything else.

Vote votanic

Did you just imply are not a villager but instead a wolf?
2009-08-12 03:35:31 - Squirrels Hat: MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!
2009-08-12 03:44:25 - Mr. Squirrel: Do you think my hat will attack me?
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Re: The Wild Beyond the Walls Mafia (D1) 13/13 Confirmation

Postby Votanic on Sat Feb 10, 2024 6:00 pm

pmchugh wrote:
Votanic wrote:Okay, it looks like 10 players are confirmed... I'll start the ball rolling.

Well hello fellow players... Everybody read that introductory blurb? Ain't that something?!

@ strike: Is that sword something I can take or does it belong to the villagers? Or is it stuck in the ground, King Arthur-style?
I'll take it if it's an 'item' to have....

I know, I know... I'm probably barking up the wrong tree here... but right now, this game feels more like "adventure-role-play" than anything else.

Vote votanic
Did you just imply are not a villager but instead a wolf?

@pmchugh: Wait, are you implying that you are a forest-dwelling villager? Or maybe a wolf?
The intro doesn't say anything about wolves, but maybe you know something that town doesn't.
Seriously, did it even occur to you I might be from the big, walled city-town of Alabasia, instead of being a tent-dwelling villager hick?

@fusi: It doesn't matter who has the sword (...that is if anyone can have it) as long as it's a confirmed townie.
...and since I don't consider either DDS or you confirmed townees, why don't I just hang onto it for now. :D

On a slightly more serious note
, I'm going to vote: No Lynch because getting two genuine red votes during the joke phase is almost more than a joke... FOS at both fusi and pmchugh for trying to pull a super scummy fake-lynch right out of the gate.
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Re: The Wild Beyond the Walls Mafia (D1) 13/13 Confirmation

Postby swang918 on Sat Feb 10, 2024 6:18 pm

What sword are we even talking about? Are we talking about these metal markers? I don't think those are swords guys.
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Re: The Wild Beyond the Walls Mafia (D1) 13/13 Confirmation

Postby Votanic on Sat Feb 10, 2024 6:32 pm

swang918 wrote:What sword are we even talking about? Are we talking about these metal markers? I don't think those are swords guys.

Point taken.
Obsolete: 'Sword'
Replace with: 'Metal object with flat surface and sharp edge'

Btw, do we even know what 'scum' is in this game? I guess it must be those 'spirits' mentioned. The ones that can take the form of known acquaintances. Hmm, does that imply shape-shifting dopplegangers or evilly possessed humans?
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Re: The Wild Beyond the Walls Mafia (D1) 13/13 Confirmation

Postby swang918 on Sat Feb 10, 2024 6:42 pm

But those are taller than the tallest of us. Probably too heavy to carry for one or even a couple people anyway.
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Re: The Wild Beyond the Walls Mafia (D1) 13/13 Confirmation

Postby Votanic on Sat Feb 10, 2024 6:47 pm

swang918 wrote:But those are taller than the tallest of us. Probably too heavy to carry for one or even a couple people anyway.

Hmm, okay, maybe they are meant to be some kind of invisible fence or something.
Maybe thay are part of the reason nobody can leave the forest (besides the need for a closed-off gameplay area ;) )

Still, with that sharp edge, they might make an effective pole-arm, if movable.
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Re: The Wild Beyond the Walls Mafia (D1) 13/13 Confirmation

Postby strike wolf on Sat Feb 10, 2024 7:11 pm

Votanic wrote:Okay, it looks like 10 players are confirmed... I'll start the ball rolling.

Well hello fellow players... Everybody read that introductory blurb? Ain't that something?!

@ strike: Is that sword something I can take or does it belong to the villagers? Or is it stuck in the ground, King Arthur-style?
I'll take it if it's an 'item' to have....

I know, I know... I'm probably barking up the wrong tree here... but right now, this game feels more like "adventure-role-play" than anything else.

Votanic has picked up the Blade of True Color. He now has the ability to not look out of place if his character was to start wearing medieval armor.

I forgot to post earlier but yes. Day 1 has officially started. Any post from this one on are considered part of the official game day.
Maxleod wrote:Not strike, he's the only one with a functioning brain.
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Re: The Wild Beyond the Walls Mafia (D1) 13/13 Confirmation

Postby strike wolf on Sat Feb 10, 2024 7:39 pm

Vote Count

Trafalgar (1)-DDS
Votanic (2)-Fusi, PMC
No Lynch (1)-Votanic

Day 1 will end next Saturday around 11:30 PM est

Note: Ill count it now but please put vote before the votes for clarity.
Maxleod wrote:Not strike, he's the only one with a functioning brain.
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Re: The Wild Beyond the Walls Mafia (D1) 13/13 Confirmation

Postby Votanic on Sat Feb 10, 2024 7:57 pm

My thoughts so far....
• Pretty sure my new 'sword' is a gag gift...
• Pretty sure that the players consist of both city people and forest village guides.
• We don't seem to have been told who is city and who is village, I don't know why that would be... unless the Villagers are all Scum!?.
(So yeah, Obviously I'm a City boy...)
• Actually very unclear on the nature of Scum in this game, but I think, if we ignore all the flavor, this is still basically standard Mafia.
• Pretty sure I've stuck my neck out too much today ...with two totally bogus lynch votes to show for my troubles!

Okay, now I'll be quiet for awhile and hopefully somebody else will do something interesting.
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