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Ukraine Won!

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Re: Ukraine Won!

Postby Votanic on Fri Feb 09, 2024 12:21 am

mookiemcgee wrote:
pmac666 wrote:
mookiemcgee wrote:Suppression of Western interviews of Putin has been a thing for as long as I can remember, but Tucker Carlson has no credibility to me.

I LOVED 'The Putin Interviews' by Oliver Stone, it from like 8-10 years ago but is still extremely relevant. Totally worth a watch if anyone hasn't.

Idk if thats availaible somewhere but when you come across Armin Wolfs interview with Putin for austrian TV, i recommend that. Think that was the last big one Putin made before the war. And Wolf was very good.

I will check it out!

pmac666 wrote:Havent seen that but wasnt Stone heavily criticised for that being way too Putin sided?

Yes he was, and obviously it's a tricky balance but I think if Oprah Winfrey interviewed Putin the western media would claim it was too pro Putin. In my view he got access to someone we rarely hear from in the west, and actually asked deep meaningful questions and got answers that really got at the core of how Putin/Russia see the world.

The fact that an interview (or any other platform of public expression) is now assumed to be slanted propaganda just because ideas and viewpoints are expressed shows how deplorably blind and prejudiced human comrehension has become. The more one judges, condemns, or advocates, the less one truly perceives.
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Re: Ukraine Won!

Postby karel on Fri Feb 09, 2024 12:27 am

waste of money to send to them,they started it let them finish it,but we will waste millions of dollars more on them since they are hooked up with joe
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Re: Ukraine Won!

Postby mookiemcgee on Fri Feb 09, 2024 12:38 am

Votanic wrote:
mookiemcgee wrote:
pmac666 wrote:
mookiemcgee wrote:Suppression of Western interviews of Putin has been a thing for as long as I can remember, but Tucker Carlson has no credibility to me.

I LOVED 'The Putin Interviews' by Oliver Stone, it from like 8-10 years ago but is still extremely relevant. Totally worth a watch if anyone hasn't.

Idk if thats availaible somewhere but when you come across Armin Wolfs interview with Putin for austrian TV, i recommend that. Think that was the last big one Putin made before the war. And Wolf was very good.

I will check it out!

pmac666 wrote:Havent seen that but wasnt Stone heavily criticised for that being way too Putin sided?

Yes he was, and obviously it's a tricky balance but I think if Oprah Winfrey interviewed Putin the western media would claim it was too pro Putin. In my view he got access to someone we rarely hear from in the west, and actually asked deep meaningful questions and got answers that really got at the core of how Putin/Russia see the world.

The fact that an interview (or any other platform of public expression) is now assumed to be slanted propaganda just because ideas and viewpoints are expressed shows how deplorably blind and prejudiced human comprehension has become. The more one judges, condemns, or advocates, the less one truly perceives.

Yeah man. Censorship is the devil, not the right or the left. Putin is fucking brilliant, but he also wants the downfall of the society I live in so I take everything he says to a western reporter in that light and with a grain of salt... but hearing him is 100% better than just being entirely blocked from hearing a world leader speak. Still, can't say I'm particularly excited about Tucker interviewing him, especially given the timing. I'll still watch it though (is it out yet? I watched the promo thing he released a day or two ago)
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Re: Ukraine Won!

Postby saxitoxin on Fri Feb 09, 2024 12:49 am

mookiemcgee wrote:Yeah man. Censorship is the devil, not the right or the left. Putin is fucking brilliant, but he also wants the downfall of the society I live in so I take everything he says to a western reporter in that light and with a grain of salt... but hearing him is 100% better than just being entirely blocked from hearing a world leader speak. Still, can't say I'm particularly excited about Tucker interviewing him, especially given the timing. I'll still watch it though (is it out yet? I watched the promo thing he released a day or two ago)

It starts with a 30-minute lecture on the last 1,000 years of Russian history which he uses to ground his central thesis.

He rattles it off with dates, names, and everything. Which was weird then going from that to watching Biden speak for three minutes, stammer for two minutes of it - and in the one remaining minute get the place his son died wrong, say Mexico borders Israel, and then scream at the camera that he's not mentally ill. It's like I went from Earth into Alternate Earth. ... 6678925682

Putin's best line is when he describes a trip he took through Ukraine in the early 90s:

    "I asked, 'who are these people, are they entertainers?' And they told me, 'no, they're Hungarians.'"
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Re: Ukraine Won!

Postby mookiemcgee on Fri Feb 09, 2024 1:08 am

The dubbing is killing me, I just want to hear him talk Russian and read it in english.

Thanks for the link
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Re: Ukraine Won!

Postby Votanic on Fri Feb 09, 2024 1:47 am

saxitoxin wrote:Putin's best line is when he describes an ACID trip he took through Ukraine in the early 90s:

    "I asked, 'who are these people, are they entertainers?' And they told me, 'no, they're Hungarians.'"
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Re: Ukraine Won!

Postby jusplay4fun on Fri Feb 09, 2024 1:59 am

I am reading a book on President Reagan. I am glad that Reagan was able to bring about the demise of the USSR. Thank GOD we no longer have the Evil Empire, at least not lead by avowed communists.

Putin wants to resurrect the old Soviet Empire and I am sure his words will show that. I have not seen or watched the interview; I think I already know the basic premise. However, getting the perspective of the head of the current Russian state would be helpful to give a more fair and better assessment of things.

And NO, Ukraine has NOT won; this war is merely a stalemate at this time. Thanks, Putin.
definition of stalemate:
a situation in which further action or progress by opposing or competing parties seems impossible.
"the war had again reached stalemate"

a position counting as a draw, in which a player is not in check but cannot move except into check.
"last time I played him it ended up in stalemate"

Putin is proving what many in the West already knew: he is a dictator with visions of glory on the battlefield. We now know that the Russian Army is incompetent against the military technology of the West and against the patriotism and determination of the Ukrainian people and leaders and military. So much for the glory of a quick
Russian Blitzkrieg victory (think about the IRONY here) in Ukraine. Putin now tries to save face by hitting more civilian targets and killing more Ukrainian women and children. Well Done, Mr. KGB. Fortunately, the number of deaths caused by Putin will not approach the MILLIONS and MILLIONS killed by Lenin, Stalin, and Mao.

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Re: Ukraine Won!

Postby bigtoughralf on Fri Feb 09, 2024 2:17 am

jusplay4fun wrote:Thank GOD we no longer have the Evil Empire, at least not lead by avowed communists.

Right, these days the evil empire is led by Congress.
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Re: Ukraine Won!

Postby ConfederateSS on Fri Feb 09, 2024 10:42 am

bigtoughralf wrote:
jusplay4fun wrote:Thank GOD we no longer have the Evil Empire, at least not lead by avowed communists.

Right, these days the evil empire is led by Congress.

-----U.S. Congress...But yes, =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> ...
-------No Jp4fun, Russia/is still the Soviet Union...The Ukraine along with them are still Commie Pinkos...
------- What do you mean, The Russians are poor against today's West???...
------- In 1939 A.D. Russia invaded The other half of Poland, 1 week after Germany, when Poland had already been crushed...
------- But it's Stalin's next move...Which led to Hitler's invading Russia...
------- The Mighty :roll: Red Army, like today invaded a smaller neighbor... Finland ... Who would stop The Red Army dead in their tracks... Stalin never conquered Finland...The Finns would be the 1st with the tactic, Hit the lead Russian tank/truck and the last... Stopping the Russian columns...The Finns would swoop out of nowhere on skis , disappear just as fast...Seeing this, Hitler decided, Now way can Russia stop a German Blizkrieg ...Hitler was right...The Russians couldn't...But Hitler forgot about The French Troops years before...The Russians wont stop you...But The Russian Winter/Mother Nature will...
------Today it is Little Ukraine, stuffing the Red Army...Who like always, are poorly equipped, led, with low moral... Don't worry...The U.S. tax payers will pay for it all...If you speak out in Congress against paying for Russia, Ukraine, Israel, Palestine,Hamas,Iran...You hate America... :roll: ...
... O:) ConfederateSS.out!(The Blue and Silver Rebellion)... O:)
Last edited by ConfederateSS on Fri Feb 09, 2024 11:10 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Ukraine Won!

Postby HitRed on Fri Feb 09, 2024 10:50 am

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Re: Ukraine Won!

Postby Dukasaur on Fri Feb 09, 2024 3:53 pm

Votanic wrote:This has all just been soup and hors d'oeuvres so far...

The main course is going to be some prime cuts of Thermonuclear Armageddon, served with all the trimmings.

Have you ever seen someone die?

I think not, or you wouldn't be so cavalier about looking forward to the deaths of millions.
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Re: Ukraine Won!

Postby bigtoughralf on Fri Feb 09, 2024 4:09 pm

I heard there's a Hamas supporter in Kiev City Hospital tbf.
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Re: Ukraine Won!

Postby Votanic on Fri Feb 09, 2024 4:53 pm

Dukasaur wrote:
Votanic wrote:This has all just been soup and hors d'oeuvres so far...

The main course is going to be some prime cuts of Thermonuclear Armageddon, served with all the trimmings.

Have you ever seen someone die?

I think not, or you wouldn't be so cavalier about looking forward to the deaths of millions.

Billions, with a 'B', if done properly...
Don't worry it will be so quick you won't see, or feel, anything... unless you do smething stupid like try to survive in an underground bunker... or "out in the country".

Actually. it is birth and reproduction that causes human suffering. Death mercifully ends it.
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Re: Ukraine Won!

Postby ConfederateSS on Fri Feb 09, 2024 5:35 pm

Dukasaur wrote:
Votanic wrote:This has all just been soup and hors d'oeuvres so far...

The main course is going to be some prime cuts of Thermonuclear Armageddon, served with all the trimmings.

Have you ever seen someone die?

I think not, or you wouldn't be so cavalier about looking forward to the deaths of millions.

------Isn't the Radical LEFT Liberal Agenda...Less people on the planet...THE NEW GREEN DEAL???
------ Trying to stop the normal way people have lived for centuries...
------ Their favorite...ABORTION :!: :!: :!:
------ They don't have or like children...Trying to have others...Not have kids...
------ The LEFT continues to attack children...Brainwashing them , there are many genders...You can be what ever you want :roll: :roll: :roll: ...Working with The medical profession, school teacher's unions...Chop T*Ts and D*cks off children...They can't reverse these choices forced on them...They end up committing suicide...As They exploit children making millions,billions ...
------ Or the drugs being forced on Americans, buy Open Borders...Or The Medical Profession...Killing Americans in the 100,000s each year...
------ So, you were saying something about promoting the Death of MILLIONS...Kids just want to play...THE LEFT continues their attacks on them...
------ Are you talking about watching your Parents fade away in a hospital...
------ Or strangers...I seen a lot of people shot up in Southwest Detroit...After a while...Just another day ...One time, a Dealer was gunned down in the street, by other gang members...None of us on the block called the police, did anything, you don't want to get involved with their business, if they see you do something, look out...But 2 Hobos rolled(took his shit,gold chains ,money)him,hours later the cops came, the gang members wont mess with hobos, but if you who live there...Watch out...All though on the other hand, if you leave them alone,they leave you alone... You know how I feel...I would love to go out like Custer...For GLORY...Then fade away in a hospital...Maybe if you believed in something...You would not fear Death...Know...WE WILL LIVE FOREVER IN HIS KINGDOM...WE NEVER DIE :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :!:
... O:) ConfederateSS.out!(The Blue and Silver Rebellion)... O:)
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Re: Ukraine Won!

Postby Pack Rat on Fri Feb 09, 2024 6:06 pm

ConfederateSS wrote:
Dukasaur wrote:
Votanic wrote:This has all just been soup and hors d'oeuvres so far...

The main course is going to be some prime cuts of Thermonuclear Armageddon, served with all the trimmings.

Have you ever seen someone die?

I think not, or you wouldn't be so cavalier about looking forward to the deaths of millions.

------Isn't the Radical LEFT Liberal Agenda...Less people on the planet...THE NEW GREEN DEAL???
------ Trying to stop the normal way people have lived for centuries...
------ Their favorite...ABORTION :!: :!: :!:
------ They don't have or like children...Trying to have others...Not have kids...
------ The LEFT continues to attack children...Brainwashing them , there are many genders...You can be what ever you want :roll: :roll: :roll: ...Working with The medical profession, school teacher's unions...Chop T*Ts and D*cks off children...They can't reverse these choices forced on them...They end up committing suicide...As They exploit children making millions,billions ...
------ Or the drugs being forced on Americans, buy Open Borders...Or The Medical Profession...Killing Americans in the 100,000s each year...
------ So, you were saying something about promoting the Death of MILLIONS...Kids just want to play...THE LEFT continues their attacks on them...
------ Are you talking about watching your Parents fade away in a hospital...
------ Or strangers...I seen a lot of people shot up in Southwest Detroit...After a while...Just another day ...One time, a Dealer was gunned down in the street, by other gang members...None of us on the block called the police, did anything, you don't want to get involved with their business, if they see you do something, look out...But 2 Hobos rolled(took his shit,gold chains ,money)him,hours later the cops came, the gang members wont mess with hobos, but if you who live there...Watch out...All though on the other hand, if you leave them alone,they leave you alone... You know how I feel...I would love to go out like Custer...For GLORY...Then fade away in a hospital...Maybe if you believed in something...You would not fear Death...Know...WE WILL LIVE FOREVER IN HIS KINGDOM...WE NEVER DIE :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :!:
... O:) ConfederateSS.out!(The Blue and Silver Rebellion)... O:)

Wow, if you really believed in what you just are worse than the hobos and gang bangers in your shit stained neighborhood.
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Re: Ukraine Won!

Postby pmac666 on Sat Feb 10, 2024 7:38 am

mookiemcgee wrote:
pmac666 wrote:
mookiemcgee wrote:Suppression of Western interviews of Putin has been a thing for as long as I can remember, but Tucker Carlson has no credibility to me.

I LOVED 'The Putin Interviews' by Oliver Stone, it from like 8-10 years ago but is still extremely relevant. Totally worth a watch if anyone hasn't.

Idk if thats availaible somewhere but when you come across Armin Wolfs interview with Putin for austrian TV, i recommend that. Think that was the last big one Putin made before the war. And Wolf was very good.

I will check it out!

pmac666 wrote:Havent seen that but wasnt Stone heavily criticised for that being way too Putin sided?

Yes he was, and obviously it's a tricky balance but I think if Oprah Winfrey interviewed Putin the western media would claim it was too pro Putin. In my view he got access to someone we rarely hear from in the west, and actually asked deep meaningful questions and got answers that really got at the core of how Putin/Russia see the world.

Found it with english subs.
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Re: Ukraine Won!

Postby ConfederateSS on Sat Feb 10, 2024 9:47 pm

--------Now Zelenskyy locked his Political rival up...Yes, Russia/The Soviet Union wants The Ukraine...Wants the war...Not just Putin...It wasn't Putin , but The Kremlin, who...took the only Russian President Candidate in This March Election off the ballot...Boris Nadezhdin...Even the other candidates, along with Putin...Yes, the Commie Pinko Kremlin, because if the Kremlin didn't want Putin, even he wouldn't be the country's leader...
---------- Trump made fun in 2016 A.D. Election, lock her (Hillary) up...Did he , when he was President???...NO :!: ... Because he was joking...In America we don't lock up our political rivals, well unless you are scared shitless Democrats, The Swamp...Trump is taken away their golden egg, exploiting the American People...Trump exposed them...
---------- Now look at the Protectors of Democracy :roll: :roll: :roll: ....The Democrats...As they try everything, to hold onto power...Name scare people...Trump is Hitler(Even though , Japan started WW2, took 3 times the territory, than Germany and Italy took...Stalin/The Soviet Union killed more Jews than Germany/Hitler and Japan killed 20 million Chinese, that sounds a lot more than Germany , Russia/Soviet Union combined...)...Oh!No! :roll: :roll: :roll:
--------- They try and have Biden's Challenger Trump...Jailed...Like Commie Pinkos...They try and have Trump taken off the ballot, like Commie Pinkos...Why give Americans a choice to vote for who they want...The Democracy Protectors...The Democratic Party/Commie Pinkos ....:lol: :lol: :lol: ...
... O:) ConfederateSS.out!(The Blue and Silver Rebellion)... O:)
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Re: Ukraine Won!

Postby pmac666 on Sun Feb 11, 2024 5:12 pm

67 - 27 in the senate for the forreign aid bill despite the Donald telling them to vote against it.
His power is dwindeling.
Poor Saxi. :lol:
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Re: Ukraine Won!

Postby Pack Rat on Sun Feb 11, 2024 6:49 pm

pmac666 wrote:67 - 27 in the senate for the forreign aid bill despite the Donald telling them to vote against it.
His power is dwindeling.
Poor Saxi. :lol:

But, we have that the Speaker of the House Moses who won't bring that bill up for a vote. Moses and the 2nd coming of Jesus need the chaos at the border...since they have no other platform to improve the conditions of the working class.
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Re: Ukraine Won!

Postby pmac666 on Sun Feb 11, 2024 8:26 pm

Pack Rat wrote:
pmac666 wrote:67 - 27 in the senate for the forreign aid bill despite the Donald telling them to vote against it.
His power is dwindeling.
Poor Saxi. :lol:

But, we have that the Speaker of the House Moses who won't bring that bill up for a vote. Moses and the 2nd coming of Jesus need the chaos at the border...since they have no other platform to improve the conditions of the working class.

We will see. But if he allows it, it will pass i think. Only needs a simple majority.
Trump inviting Putin to do whatever he wants might have changed some minds.....
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