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Feudal War Assassin Survivor [Finals 32+]

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Re: Feudal War Assassin Survivor [24/27]

Postby SuperSian on Sun Sep 17, 2023 3:46 pm

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Re: Feudal War Assassin Survivor [25/27]

Postby idefix2 on Mon Sep 18, 2023 2:54 pm

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Re: Feudal War Assassin Survivor [26/27]

Postby Razorvich on Wed Sep 20, 2023 4:45 am

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Re: Feudal War Assassin Survivor [27/30]

Postby josko.ri on Wed Sep 20, 2023 6:39 am

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Re: Feudal War Assassin Survivor [28/30]

Postby plurple on Wed Sep 20, 2023 7:23 am

looking for just 2 more players to join up and we will start this ahead of schedule at the weekend :D
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Re: Feudal War Assassin Survivor [28/30]

Postby 300spartans on Wed Sep 20, 2023 7:12 pm

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Re: Feudal War Assassin Survivor [28/30]

Postby dollarsnosense on Wed Sep 20, 2023 11:57 pm

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Re: Feudal War Assassin Survivor [30/33]

Postby luxbock on Thu Sep 21, 2023 11:50 pm

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Re: Feudal War Assassin Survivor [FULL]

Postby snohbord4 on Fri Sep 22, 2023 1:38 pm

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Re: Feudal War Assassin Survivor [FULL]

Postby plurple on Sat Sep 23, 2023 9:23 am

ok with a phenomenal response to this tournament we have 32 signups in a week :O I am just waiting to see if Halrob64 resubs as they need to be premium in order to play.

with 31 or 32 players the tournament will be 5 rounds with the first losing 7 or 8 depending on start number and getting us to a multiple of 6. We will then lose 6 players a round until we get to the final 6 :)

I plan to get games sent out tonight Good Luck in the games and I hope you all enjoy the tournament :D
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Re: Feudal War Assassin Survivor [Round 1 - Set 1]

Postby plurple on Tue Oct 17, 2023 8:08 am

Round 1 Set 1 has finished. Sorry for the delay in the next round going out been ill with the flu :sick:

We have 3 players sitting at the top of the leader board that each managed a 50% win rate *Pixar*, hmsps and Razorvich.

11 players remain on full lives and so are looking to be in a good position to make it to round 2 and 6 have only 1 left and are in danger of being knocked out of the tournament including myself :/

We lost 2 players in the first set General bax and actorday with actorday having a chance to continue into round 2 if their 1 victory is enough.

The new set of games will be sent out shortly where you will recieve 6 out of 29 games. Good luck and try not to get assassinated :D
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Re: Feudal War Assassin Survivor [Round 1 - Set 2]

Postby plurple on Sat Nov 11, 2023 12:57 pm

Sorry for the delay but the last game was taking a little while to finish and I was busy during the week :D

Round 1 is over and we know who is making it into round 2 :D we lose 8 players who were only able to get 1 victory and lost 3 or 4 lives each :/ General Bax, SuperSian, K-Pax, plurple :cry: , b00060, snohbord4, idefix2 and actorday. Now I know that this map was a mistake :D JK

In slightly better news 3 players rise from the dead they managed to lose all of their lives and are being resurrected for round 2 :D YouOnKazoo who scrapped though in the last spot of round 2 with only 2 victories and was assassinated 4 times :O
MagePlunka69 doing a bit better getting 3 kills and only assassinated 3 times. Lastly Ertai who did even better getting 4 kills for their 3 deaths.

Sitting at the top of the leaderboard at least before the score reset are Heatz with 5 kills and only 1 death, Razorvich also on 5 kills but 2 deaths. In 3rd are Marie LaVeaux and 300Spartans who are both on 4 kills to 1 death apiece. In joint 5th we have hmsps and jim1086 both have 3 kills and are yet to lose a life.

I will be setting up round 2 shortly so we will look at who will be topping the leader board now or those who are yet to lose a life :) there are 3 of them hmsps and jim1086 and lastly Josko.ri who only claimed 1 kill but is turning out to be impossible to kill themselves thus far :D

look out for the next set of 6 games hitting your invites soon. Good luck in the games and may you not get assassinated ;)
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Re: Feudal War Assassin Survivor [Round 2 - Set 1]

Postby plurple on Fri Dec 01, 2023 11:42 am

ok all of the games are done and we know who has made it through to the next set of games :D

Only 1 player has lost all of there lives in a cruel twist of fate Mageplunka69 gets assassinated in the last game by accident of TODRICH giving the win to anonymus which propels them to 2nd :D

At the top of the leader board is hmsps who is the only player who has yet to lose a life as well having gotten 3 kills in this round. In 2nd is anonymus with 4 lives and 3 kills, 3rd is Ewebasher also on 4 lives but only 2 kills. in joint 4th we have 3 players on the record of 5 lives and 1 kill apiece are TODRICH, luxbock and dollarsnosense.

On the other side of things Darin44 and Marie LaVeaux have only 1 life left with 1 and 2 kills respectively. YouOnKazoo only has 2 lives left and no kills. So these players are in danger of being knocked out of the tournament.

Players with lives will be receiving another 6 games in short order :D Good luck out there and try not to accidently take out players not your target :D
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Re: Feudal War Assassin Survivor [Round 2 - Set 2]

Postby plurple on Sat Dec 30, 2023 9:02 am

All games for round 2 set 2 are done and dusted we know who is doing well and who have flamed out.

Now that I am back at home from visiting family for the festive holidays I have the time to update my tourneys again :D

Sitting pretty at the top is hmsps with 4 kills and all 6 of their lives remaining. So you'll need to pull out all the stops if they end up being your target :D In 2nd we have the legendary Josko.ri who has 3 kills and 5 lives left so behind in both categories. In 3rd we have TeeGee also with 3 kills but only 4 lives left. Lastly at the top we have Anonymus with 4 kills but in danger with only 2 lives remaining.

At the other side of the tournament we have 3 players who lost the last of their lives and are in danger of not making it to round 3 :( YouOnKazoo who has 0 kills and -2 lives and so is definitely not going to be making it. Next is Darin44 who does have a kill but is also on -1 lives. Last to have lost all of their lives and will need to wait and see if they make the cut is Marie LaVeaux though they are in the best shape having 2 kills and not going into the negatives in lives :D

We are still waiting for 2 1 player (I seem to have made a mistake and only 5 players are being eliminated this round) to lose all of their lives which means that this is likely to be the last set in round 2. Those in danger are TheTrueNorth the only player on 1 life but has 2 kills so in an ok position to maybe scrape through. On 2 lives each are tmrtsmith with 1 kill, D3A7H with 2 kills, Ewebasher with 3 kills and finally Anonymus with 4 kills.

19 players are currently alive and so will receive 6 more games shortly good luck in the games and hopefully you all have fun :D
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Re: Feudal War Assassin Survivor [Round 2 - Set 3]

Postby plurple on Sun Jan 28, 2024 1:14 pm

A month has passed and the round is over :D 6 players have lost all of their lives and so we move onto round 3 :D

We will start with a look at those eliminated :( tmrtsmith who is the only player who is eliminated with a life left :) but with only the 1 kill not enough to make it through to round 3. TheTrueNorth, mageplunka69, Darin44, YouOnKazoo

Being revived into round 3 are Marie LaVeaux who scrapped through with their 2 kills and Ewebasher who was doing better with 4 kills to their name :D

At the other end of the survivability scale we have 2 players who have just lost the 1 life a piece :O and only the one kill each in round 2: Jim1086 and traffic133 so they are looking to be hard targets to kill. They will start at the top of the scoreboard in round 3 till kills start to come in :)

Now for a look at who is topping the scores at the end of round 2 in 1st we have Josko.ri getting 5 kills and having 4 lives left. Next leading on kills in round 2 getting 6 :O but only having the 1 life left so I'm sure they are liking the influx of 3 new lives :D in 3rd we have 2 players both on 2 lives and 5 kills in round 2 heatz and *pixar*

Every player will be getting 6 new games shortly. Good luck in the games we will be playing at least 2 sets of games in order for 6 players to lose all of their lives. but will probably 3 or 4 sets :D Have fun finding your targets.
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Re: Feudal War Assassin Survivor [Round 3 - Set 1]

Postby plurple on Wed Feb 21, 2024 8:33 am

ok so set 1 of the tournament is mostly over and the 2 games still going can't eliminate anyone so I am going to go ahead and send out the next set of games :D

We still need at least 16 lives to be lost to move onto round 4 :D So in theory we could be moving onto round 4 after this set of games but unlikely :D so probably 2 or 3 more sets in round 3.

At the top of the scores currently is D3A7H with 5 lives and 3 kills in round 3 and a 25% win rate over the tournament, next we have josko.ri with 6 lives and 2 kills and a 22.22% win rate, in 3rd we have traffic133 who is the player who is best at surviving having 8/9 of there lives remaining but only a 2.78% win rate having claimed 0 kills in round 3 so they make it to the finals but are unlikely to pull off the win if they can't claim more kills in the future.

In danger of elimination are Marie LeVeaux who has just 1 life left but has only claimed a single kill. Silly Knig-it also claiming a kill and having more lives on a more healthy 2 :D on 3 lives each are: heatz, 300Spartans and ewebasher

I will send out the next set of games shortly so keep a look out for 6 new games and good luck in them.
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Re: Feudal War Assassin Survivor [Round 3 - Set 2]

Postby plurple on Tue Mar 19, 2024 8:38 am

Round 3 set 2 is mostly over just the 1 game is still active. 3 players have been eliminated from losing all of their lives/missing lots of turns. Marie LaVeaux, Ewebasher and traffic133 with 3 more players needing to lose all of their lives for a minimum of 5 lives lost this looks to be the last set of games in round 3 before we move onto the penultimate round :D

At the top of the score board in round 3 is Anonymus with 7 kills and 2 lives :D, in joint 2nd are TeeGee and Jim1086 with 6 lives and 2 kills each :D

In danger of being eliminated are 300Spartans with just 1 life and 1 kill, Silly Knig-it also on 1 kill but with 2 lives left, heatz with 2 lives and 2 kills.

There are also 2 players on 0 kills and 4 lives that may not make the cut ertai and Razorvich so best find their targets to guarantee moving on :D

The next set of games have already been invited so good luck in the new games and have fun :D
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Re: Feudal War Assassin Survivor [Round 3 - Set 3]

Postby plurple on Tue Apr 16, 2024 6:54 am

Round 3 is over and round 4 games have been sent out 6 players have been fully eliminated 2 of which still had lives left Silly Knig-it and Ertai who did not get enough kills to make it to the penultimate round 1 step away from the finals. In the opposite boat heatz had lost all of their lives and so is resurrected to compete for a spot in the finals.

Scores have been reset and everyone has 3 more lives so those doing well in round 3 Anonymus and TeeGee will need to see if they can do it again and make the final 6 :) A lot of lives will need to be lost as the average lives is >6. All players have 6 new games waiting for them good luck in the games :D
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Re: Feudal War Assassin Survivor [Round 4 - Set 1]

Postby TeeGee on Tue Apr 16, 2024 6:42 pm

Round 4 games are NOT assassin ;)
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Re: Feudal War Assassin Survivor [Round 4 - Set 1]

Postby plurple on Sun May 19, 2024 8:13 am

We are waiting for 1 or both of the last 2 games to finish as heatz is in danger of being eliminated having only 2 lives left and in both games, so we wait for 1 of the games to end without them being killed or both if killed in the first to end :D Unfortunatly these games are going long :D

But as soon as I know if heatz survives the games I will send out batch 2 of round 4. still need 6 players to lose all of their lives before the final can get under way :D Heatz and D3A7H both sitting on 2 lives everyone else has many more left :D

Sitting at the top of the kills is anonymus with 3 and dollarsnosense on 2. Good luck in the future games that come along :)
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Re: Feudal War Assassin Survivor [Round 4 - Set 2]

Postby plurple on Sun Jun 23, 2024 9:41 am

Okie dokie another batch of games is over and we are still not at the finals :| but we are much closer :D I think it was definitly the correct call to do a double batch with the length of the games :D We are going to go with another double batch this time round and hopefully it will result in the finals :)

We did have 3 players lose all of there lives and so only 9 players are left fighting for kills to improve their standing and make the finals. The 3 who died are heatz who has scored 4 kills in round 4 and so has a chance to make the finals if others lose enough lives :D Less likely to make it being D3A7H on 2 kills and hmsps on only 1 kill.

Sitting comfortably at the top is TeeGee with 6 lives and 8 kills :o also on 6 lives is dollarsnosense but only 6 kills. In danger are anonymus with just 1 life left and 4 kills. Then we have 2 players both sitting on 3 lives *pixar* and luxbock but with 18 games in batch 3 more than these 3 may lose all of their lives :(

Good luck in the upcoming games that will be with you all shortly :D
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Re: Feudal War Assassin Survivor [Round 4 - Set 2]

Postby plurple on Tue Jul 16, 2024 10:07 am

It has been a long tournament but we are 2 games away from the finals and 5 of the 6 participants have been chosen dollarsnosense, *Pixar*, TeeGee,
TODRICH and josko.ri unless my maths is off none of these can be eliminated :D

Fighting it out for the 6th spot and in both active games are jim1086 who is currently making the cut and anonymus who has made it to all 2 of the other 3 tournaments in this series and is 1 win away from claiming New World. Though unlikely it is still possible for heatz to claim the 6th spot in the finals but would require the other 2 to each be assassinated in 1 of the 2 remaining games :D

Hopefully these games will end in the next day or so. Then I will send out the finals where it will be a race to 12 points to claim victory in this tournament :D
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Re: Feudal War Assassin Survivor [Round 4 - Set 2]

Postby josko.ri on Tue Jul 16, 2024 10:45 am

plurple wrote:It has been a long tournament but we are 2 games away from the finals and 5 of the 6 participants have been chosen dollarsnosense, *Pixar*, TeeGee,
TODRICH and josko.ri unless my maths is off none of these can be eliminated :D

Fighting it out for the 6th spot and in both active games are jim1086 who is currently making the cut and anonymus who has made it to all 2 of the other 3 tournaments in this series and is 1 win away from claiming New World. Though unlikely it is still possible for heatz to claim the 6th spot in the finals but would require the other 2 to each be assassinated in 1 of the 2 remaining games :D

Hopefully these games will end in the next day or so. Then I will send out the finals where it will be a race to 12 points to claim victory in this tournament :D

all games completed happy to be in final6
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Re: Feudal War Assassin Survivor [Round 4 - Set 2]

Postby plurple on Mon Jul 22, 2024 10:05 am

ok the last game is over and the final 6 have been decided :D Jim1086 is the last of the 6.

I will be sending out 12 games to start the finals and then will continue sending games as they end. Will be playing until the first player gets to 12 points :D

Each player has received points to start based on there lives into the finals. I will continue to track the lives but they no longer have a baring on the tournament result :D

Good Luck in the games ahead :)
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Re: Feudal War Assassin Survivor [Finals 1-12]

Postby plurple on Thu Aug 15, 2024 12:19 pm

well the first batch of 12 games have finished and 2 players are at the top with 6 points each TeeGee and dollarsnosense so both are half way to the winning the tournament and could be a short tournament if TG continues to dominate the kills as they got 5/12 wins in the first 12.

I will take a risk and send out 12 new games and hope TG and dollars don't each get 6 kills :D Good luck in the games and hope you enjoy the coming games.
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