To the people saying "yes on the +1", did you actually try it out on multiplayer ?
300spartans and I are saying the same thing -> the +1 isn't enough to change anything in 1vs1. If you've experienced otherwise, please share.
So increasing the deploy without changing anything else in this map would mean it would go from helping an early-knocked-out player get back into the game to giving them a huge benefit;
here getting wiped from the main field is the only way you can access those troops (unless it's parachute mode), so it would mainly just serve to draw out the inevitable and make eliminating a player a long and tedious process.
I don't understand how it can be at the same time "a huge benefit" and on the other hand, "only draw out the inevitable".
But I do think that's indeed, a +1 auto-deploy as we have now, would only draw out the inevitable.
And not only because those troops cannot be accessed unless you get cleared out of the map.
But also because there are HUGE deploy bonus available on the map, and a +1 auto cannot counter that.
To compare it with feudal epic as you did, on feudal epic you get a +5 auto, and the bonus you get from your area is just a +3/4, therefore the auto deploy is meaningful.
Here it's a +1 deploy, but often just take one region get you a +2, and after taking 3/4 regions you often have a +6 deploy.
And because the map is small, and all the extra connection path you get with special feature, you quickly will encounter your opponent (1vs1 situation), therefore you'll wipe out of the board, and have so much deploy that it doesn't matter that he was able to get autodeploy for 3/4 turns it's over.
And imo, same goes for multiplayer, let's say you hide and stack for like 10 turns, then with the auto +1 and your +3 deploy you get a "massive" 40 troops, which imo won't be able to do anything you to help you, unless people on the board really have been going hard at it without anyone dominating.
Side note: I'd be willing to try some multiplayer games on the beta site. I'll open some